Golding Nascar Driving School Advanced Daytona with ABS=10 !!!

First of all: yes, I know that there are already a few threads regarding the topic Nascar Driving School Advanced and that it's not possible to turn off ABS anymore after the update and that it's hard/impossible to gold but I wanted to share this sensational news with you, so I started a new thread :) !

Now as we know, everybody (including me !!!) was complaining that Nascar Driving School became nearly impossible or at least very hard to gold after ABS can't be turned off after the update (but to 1). It was also :censored:ing me off because the Advanced races were one of the few races/events I still needed to gold.

To make it short: The Indy one was quite easy and at the first Daytona one (with the pit stop) I was lucky by using the "bump" trick. The second Daytona race (the last one in Advanced) was the last one I had to gold and I was able to silver twice (actually I was first but the :censored:ing AI overtook me 5 meters before the finish line by drafting :ouch::mad::banghead:).

I tried 1000 times again but I just wasn't able to gold it using ABS=1. So a few hours ago I just tried again just for fun with ABS=10, assuming that it will be even worse and therefore expecting nothing. But I immediately noticed that I was faster (I guess at the corners) ! So after 2-3 tries, I managed to overtake the AI in the first position quite early which really surprised me ! But I was afraid that they will draft and overtake me again before the finish line, just like before ! But somehow I was surprisingly so fast with ABS=10 that they couldn't even get near me ! So I finally golded my last Nascar race and don't have to play it ever again :) !

So guys, don't get desperate that's it's impossible or hard to gold it with ABS=1 but it's even possible to do it with ABS=10 :D !

A few tips about my settings: I was playing with DS3, Active Steering: Strong, Controller Sensitivity: 7 (you have to check which setting for Active Steering and Controller Sensitivity suits you better) and Brakes: 0/0 (VERY IMPORTANT !!!). Other than that my last tip to you is: DRAFT, DRAFT, DRAFT (ABS=10 doesn't mean that you automatically and easily win) !!!

Good luck :) !

P.S.: Now only Sebastian Vettel Challenge :ouch:, Grand Tour Eiger Nordwand :ouch::ouch: and AMG Driving School are left for me to gold ...

Awesome guide, completed it after 3 tries on ABS 10. I'm guessing this might help me with my Daytona issue on the Nascar A-Spec Series.

I golded the challenge before the update, but anyways:
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Awesome guide, completed it after 3 tries on ABS 10. I'm guessing this might help me with my Daytona issue on the Nascar A-Spec Series.


Glad I could help :) ! Now if you or anyone else can help me with Grand Tour Eiger Nordwand, I would be very grateful :) ...
How mad is that?

Have been swearing at this for days and then bam, first try on your settings and it's a big fat gold and another trophy for the collection!

Top stuff!
I started using ABS about 2 days ago. What it tell you is that it will help you with traction when cornering. It allows you to maintain better grip in the corners. Should it? Do real racers use ABS? Don't know. Don't think so but not sure.
I started using ABS about 2 days ago. What it tell you is that it will help you with traction when cornering. It allows you to maintain better grip in the corners. Should it? Do real racers use ABS? Don't know. Don't think so but not sure.

Well ABS prevents your brakes from locking up by limiting the amount of pressure that is applied to the brakes. While this may make your car feel more stable under braking, it increases the braking distance.
Indy and the pit stop one weren't that bad, but Daytona was hell. After endless retries, I was able to win by 0.001 seconds :D. At the end it was literally me turning into the car drafting behind me and him pushing me across the line :lol:.
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I'm a believer. I just golded all the NASCAR that I hadn't golded in about 30 minutes total (1 intermediate and all advanced). I used ABS 10, traction 0, and steering at 7. I use the HKS.
I got all of them Gold after patch 1.07. With ABS at 1. It took about an hour of grinding them, saved the replays and nailing the gold was a "YESSSSSS!!!!!" moment.

I never tried ABS at 10, sounds good if it works out for yah. I just wanted to say it can be done with ABS at 0. It's really all about the Draft.

Midnight Snacks
Indy and the pit stop one weren't that bad, but Daytona was hell. After endless retries, I was able to win by 0.001 seconds :D. At the end it was literally me turning into the car drafting behind me and him pushing me across the line :lol:.

lol me 2. I got the replay, it was a 3 way race with me loosing and I was gonna get dogged by the draftees making the pass, so I dug to the inside hard, hit #2 & #3 and got pushed across the line sideways. Booyah!
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Just posting to say thanks.
Got the pitstop one first go after applying these settings:

ABS: 10
Controller Sens: 7 (Dual Shock 3)
Active Steering: Mild

Make sure the orange car bumps you and bumps you hard!

First of all: yes, I know that there are already a few threads regarding the topic Nascar Driving School Advanced and that it's not possible to turn off ABS anymore after the update and that it's hard/impossible to gold but I wanted to share this sensational news with you, so I started a new thread :) !

Now as we know, everybody (including me !!!) was complaining that Nascar Driving School became nearly impossible or at least very hard to gold after ABS can't be turned off after the update (but to 1). It was also :censored:ing me off because the Advanced races were one of the few races/events I still needed to gold.

To make it short: The Indy one was quite easy and at the first Daytona one (with the pit stop) I was lucky by using the "bump" trick. The second Daytona race (the last one in Advanced) was the last one I had to gold and I was able to silver twice (actually I was first but the :censored:ing AI overtook me 5 meters before the finish line by drafting :ouch::mad::banghead:).

I tried 1000 times again but I just wasn't able to gold it using ABS=1. So a few hours ago I just tried again just for fun with ABS=10, assuming that it will be even worse and therefore expecting nothing. But I immediately noticed that I was faster (I guess at the corners) ! So after 2-3 tries, I managed to overtake the AI in the first position quite early which really surprised me ! But I was afraid that they will draft and overtake me again before the finish line, just like before ! But somehow I was surprisingly so fast with ABS=10 that they couldn't even get near me ! So I finally golded my last Nascar race and don't have to play it ever again :) !

So guys, don't get desperate that's it's impossible or hard to gold it with ABS=1 but it's even possible to do it with ABS=10 :D !

A few tips about my settings: I was playing with DS3, Active Steering: Strong, Controller Sensitivity: 7 (you have to check which setting for Active Steering and Controller Sensitivity suits you better) and Brakes: 0/0 (VERY IMPORTANT !!!). Other than that my last tip to you is: DRAFT, DRAFT, DRAFT (ABS=10 doesn't mean that you automatically and easily win) !!!

Good luck :) !

P.S.: Now only Sebastian Vettel Challenge :ouch:, Grand Tour Eiger Nordwand :ouch::ouch: and AMG Driving School are left for me to gold ...

How can you set the brakes to 0/0? It does not allow you into the car settings to do that. Has this been changed in an update since March? Or are you setting up a personal JG racecar since that is what we use in the school?

I also had to go to the automatic tranny as with the G27 as soon as it kicks into live play it downshifts me from 3rd to 1st. Which makes the car slide around and lose speed as I am shifting back up. i will have to try with the DS3 to see if it does that same thing.
THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU ARE AMAZING!!! Although i did do the first to challenges on abs 10 just for fun i would have never thought of doing it on daytona but first try with abs 10 it payed off!!!
Thank you man !:bowdown:

Just golded Daytona , two more to go

Edit : finished last two events in 15 minutes !

Yeah baby yeah !
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More evidence that ABS in this game is not really ABS at all ... even the description for it in the game says the higher the setting the better cornering or something like that. Given that, it makes sense ... especially considering you don't have to brake at all in most of the NASCAR events.

I golded this one with the DFGT and ABS locked on 1. I found it frustrating but not too hard compared to some other events in the game. I did the A-Spec NASCAR Daytona race with the controller and found that one much more difficult, even though I killed the ABS (pre whatever update locked it on).
Well after 2 hours of coming 10th and 11th, having ABS: 10 and sensitivity: 7 (Dualshock 3) i got bronze after 2 attempts =D would have got gold if the collision DQ wasn't os retard.

More evidence that ABS in this game is not really ABS at all ... even the description for it in the game says the higher the setting the better cornering or something like that. Given that, it makes sense ... especially considering you don't have to brake at all in most of the NASCAR events.

I golded this one with the DFGT and ABS locked on 1. I found it frustrating but not too hard compared to some other events in the game. I did the A-Spec NASCAR Daytona race with the controller and found that one much more difficult, even though I killed the ABS (pre whatever update locked it on).

It says, "The higher the setting, the more the available grip will be used for cornering" Which roughly means, the more of the grip you take away from braking, (higher the setting) that grip will then be used for cornering.

And yes, it is close to true ABS. With it on, when you slam on the brakes, the tires don't lock up until you are almost stopped, just like true ABS. With it of, when you slam on the brakes, they lock up. So yea, I would say it is pretty much like ABS.

EDIT: I just noticed I just responded to a post over a year old, lol.
Thankyou kind sir. I spent four hours having came close earlier with default ABS 1 setting. Sought help online and eventually came across this thread, thankyou for the tip took me about half an hour once I put ABS up to 10.

Stay glued to the blue car, it will then pull away through the second corner, but if you where close enough and come out the corner 199mph+ (no less) then you can catch the pack up. From there its just a case of cornering well and not hitting anyone.