Gonna vent for a second

What you could do is adjust your driving style to make yourself suit the car rather than the car suit you. Experiment a bit and you'll find something that works. I did exactly the same with the FWD cars and they feel absolutely brilliant to drive.

What corner are you having problems with?

This is a good suggestion and I did adjust my style to match the car, but it still snapped. The corner was through the fast esses after the first corner. With the right set up it should be a 6th or flat 5th, but I backed off to 4th to ensure that I gave myself room to adjust to the characteristics of the car.

I did try other cars but was finding them undrivable too, with the same characteristic - snap oversteer and at different corners on different circuits. This happens when not on throttle, so not flat out and no push from the rear - it really is like the rear gets a puncture :S

I will try some more testing tomorrow, to see if I can isolate the issue. But hells bells, without sounding stupid, I just never spin - I ease in to a lap and then pick up pace corner by corner, very logical, that is my style as I learn a car.

The Caterham challenge, that is madness. the car is never settled, total oversteer without warning. Even at a reasonable pace. It will snap without warning, through an easy corner with positive throttle but no push.

Should say I drive with no assists.
Well, you can sping for a lot of reasons.

The first question is... WHEN do you spin.
I find that this cars like to brake straight (actually, Formula cars want to brake straight and strong taking the advantage of all that aero. After that, right before you lock the tyres (because no aero help) you start that trail braking, if at all. Other than straight you only want to tap the brakes or lift a bit early. After the turn in is just waiting for the apex which is when you start feathering the throttle.

I think I only adjusted the brake bias to set my (poor time) but I rarely drive formula cars.

BTW: beware of kers usage. Getting out of the corners with it still active can be troublesome and it's a free spin as well

So yeah, when to you spin is important to troubleshoot.

Don't ask much from me though. I'm no tuner nor do I need to. There's so much time to be found on the line alone before even start to mess with the car. To me this is also a way to improve providing the base setup is OK at least although more often than not, the problem is us not adapting to the car and forcing our "style" on them instead of being the other way around

double ninja'd :\

The trick to the Ss is very smooth steering input and the following lifting but not abruptly either while downshifting. keep those revs high

Also, be VERY smooth (in case I didn't mention it).

Again, i'm far from being the best to give advice but since it helped me...
This is a good suggestion and I did adjust my style to match the car, but it still snapped. The corner was through the fast esses after the first corner. With the right set up it should be a 6th or flat 5th, but I backed off to 4th to ensure that I gave myself room to adjust to the characteristics of the car.
That might just be your problem. The aerodynamics won't work as efficiently at a lower speed and more chance to spin out.

What could also be your problem is that the rear is getting light because you're not putting anything onto it to stick it to the ground.
@jake2013guy : I see what you are saying, but it is unlikely to be the situation here - the throttle is primed, the car is under load and no KERS. I have tried flat out, full throttle, lift off, different gears, and it all produces the same effect. Snap. The only time it doesn't is if I am literally coasting through the corner in a much lower gear than you would expect - the car is just not connected at the back. There is no reason at that dynamic loading of the car that it should lose the rear.

That being said, I will try some more tests tomorrow.

@RomKnight thanks for the suggestions. Again, I have tried, smooth, I even tried wringing its neck to see if a bit of aggression would calm the rear down, but alas, no such luck. Never had this issue before in any sim. Quite unusual :(
That's not an option we can set. If you can post, you can start a thread.
Thanks for confirming @daan I have a few questiosn and will send you a PM regaridng them.

Now back to your regulalrly scheduled topic. (Sorry for the interruption guys).
@jake2013guy : I see what you are saying, but it is unlikely to be the situation here - the throttle is primed, the car is under load and no KERS. I have tried flat out, full throttle, lift off, different gears, and it all produces the same effect. Snap. The only time it doesn't is if I am literally coasting through the corner in a much lower gear than you would expect - the car is just not connected at the back. There is no reason at that dynamic loading of the car that it should lose the rear.

That being said, I will try some more tests tomorrow.

@RomKnight thanks for the suggestions. Again, I have tried, smooth, I even tried wringing its neck to see if a bit of aggression would calm the rear down, but alas, no such luck. Never had this issue before in any sim. Quite unusual :(
Someone posted a video earlier with the same issue and it turns out that he inadvertently got hard slicks on the back after a pit stop. Have you checked your tires?
Let me join in and vent...

Why is there even an option to use snow/winter/blizzard setting on rally tracks? None of the cars start with ice/snow tires, and you cannot change them because there are no sessions other than race. What am I missing?
I'm on PS4 and I understand all cars should feel different. I wouldn't expect to get as much ffb from a road car compared to a race car. If only the ffb was like AC because some GT3 cars just feel so wrong on pCARS2 , Jake Dennis who races a R8 GT3 said AC felt a hell of a lot closer to real life than the one in pCARS2.

Maybe you PC guys are on a different ffb to us console users? I just think it needs more work on PS4 and hope it gets patched soon as it's putting a lot of good racers off the game. @IanBell can we expect a PS4 patch anytime soon?
It must be console specific because, in my opinion, the FFB on PC on my T300RS feels almost exactly like it does in iRacing.
The Ferrari GTE and Ford GTE handling is pretty similar too.
Someone posted a video earlier with the same issue and it turns out that he inadvertently got hard slicks on the back after a pit stop. Have you checked your tires?

Ohh, this could be it - I am doing the laps in a community event so not changing tyres, but that is not to say I am not getting hard tyres at the rear - I will check later.

Fingers crossed :)
Im not complaining about that - i complain about my wheel working fine in Time trial while jerking around in racing. I got it atleast a bit fixed by turning down various sliders but im not really feeling the cars
Okay did some quick testing and it is the set up bug. If I run default set up and don't enter the tuning screen, the car is stable, if a bit awful to drive (preference). But as soon as I change any setting in the setup, it becomes undriveable. The setups do not save as I entered and the handling becomes completely erratic. And that handling carries on until I quit the game and start again.

I will wait for hot lapping until SMS patch the setup saving issue.

Thanks for you help guys.
So wait, you don't even have a wheel yet you're here whinging about why wheel users adjust their FFB? :lol: Well, if you had a wheel you'd understand. You can get in one car that feels so light that you can't even feel what the car is doing and it almost feels like your wheel is unplugged, then you get in another car that's so heavy it's difficult to turn the wheel and you can't feel any of the small details. There's currently no happy medium that feels acceptable in all cars, at least not that I've found. I understand cars have different feelings in real life and I've driven/owned many cars in my life but I've never encountered such a wide range of wheel weight/feeling in the real world. It's not about adjusting every car to feel the same, it's about adjusting each car so it's comfortable and controllable and believable.

And by the way, you really shouldn't be bothered by how other people play the game. We all like and want different things from our games, how you play yours has absolutely zero effect on my life. I mean, you don't drive real cars by flipping joysticks and mashing buttons but I'm not about to make a rant thread about it. :)

I bought PCARS 2 for PS4 because that is what my friends have. I have a wheel but it is older and does not work on my PS4. I have played many PC sims and have been in several leagues (NR2003, Rfactor, Rfactor2, iRacing). So that is why I think my 2 cents on the subject is valid.
So that is why I think my 2 cents on the subject is valid.

Doesn't have anything to do with being valid or not. I just can't fathom why a person would be so bothered by how other people play a video game. My FFB settings should have absolutely zero impact on your life. I mean, there's a lot of things in this world to get upset about, what settings random people use on their toy wheel controllers is not one of them.
Doesn't have anything to do with being valid or not. I just can't fathom why a person would be so bothered by how other people play a video game. My FFB settings should have absolutely zero impact on your life. I mean, there's a lot of things in this world to get upset about, what settings random people use on their toy wheel controllers is not one of them.

I could care less how you play. What I have a problem with is people bashing a game because of the "this car don't drive isn't supposed to handle this way because that's not how it handles in AC" and the "the fbb feels different in the lambo than it does in this GT4 car so FFB is broken" people.