Grand Prix
So James, I guess you're in support of the quote "One man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter"? Then you agree that good and evil are relative depending on where you live, correct? For example, the Colonists in the American Revolution and the British Empire could have viewed each other as equally evil, with both thinking that they were good?
Yes, I do think there is never really truly "good" or "bad" in the world, only shades of gray. Humanity is the same everywhere, although different cultures try and find peace and happiness through different systems - sometimes with (unwanted) bad results. However I believe everyone has the same basic ideals of how life should be lived. Freedom, justice and peace are all things EVERYONE wants, they are the core of how humanity can stay happy. I don't think these things are culture specific.
My post was simply highlighting (using an extreme example) the problems brought upon one's world-view by only relying on one (ultimately biased) source of "news". It was criticising the often simplistic and all too 'black and white' media you guys have in America, NOT any individual. My post was blatantly sarcastic, however in hindsight it was dangerously cutting in its observation of the way many Europeans really do see America, hence why you may not have realised it didn't reflect (at all) my actual view. Surely, if one had built up any previous idea as to who I am, one would simply KNOW I was simply pulling yer leg. It was a joke, pure and simple.
The post actually makes MORE fun of people who irrationally hate/blame the US (its called self-mockery) for every problem in the world. You were never supposed to take the post on face value. It had a deeper observational purpose, which some people didn't quite understand, in their quickness to attack me, without asking for any explanation first...
Personally (and I'm being serious now, in case you want to know) I have a great love and respect for America and its people, as I do all people - this should be obvious if you actually knew me, I value all people equally.
Just to prove I love America (to remove all doubt):
My favorite people: Hendrix, Buddy Guy, BB King, Stevie Ray Vaughan (all American).
My favorite things: Fender Strat, Gibson Les Paul (American).
My favorite food: Hamburgers, ribs, nachos etc (American, a bit mexican but close enough).
My favorite music: Blues, Rock & Roll (originally American - although you did have to enslave an entire race of people for it

My favorite cars: many of them classic American models...
Do I need go on?
I admit to criticising and dissagreeing with a lot of American policy, but this should NOT be taken as me hating Americans. Too many Americans take offence when all you are doing is questioning government actions, NOT the citizens...
I only poked a little fun (knowing the issue (of whether the world hates them) is something Americans worry about) to stimulate debate, which worked. To show I was joking, I stated that
I was "evil" and gave a trouble-maker smiley... I knew I was saying something potentially aggravating for American readers. The plan was to let it go down, observe the reactions and then discuss the issues I brought up. Some of you got the joke (I'm actually WORRIED some of you ACTUALLY AGREED WITH IT!!), others got offended and had a tantrum without letting me first explain the premise behind posting it.
Seriously - lighten up. I am not an American hater. I am far too educated to have such a simplistic view of the world and its people. Surely people would realise
I had a point to my joke? Grand Prix picked up on the issue very well.
Of course an entire nationality of people can't be stupid, or dumb. All people are the same! They only know what the media tells them, after all.
Now of course there can be certain individuals in the world who
are extremely bad or possibly evil when given power and/or influence (Bin Laden anybody?) but overall I think all humans are fundamentally the same. Its still ironic that at one point Bin Laden was America's ally (kind of), same with Saddam. How things change... My point is that things aren't quite as cut and dry as many people assume (or want) them to be...
I still can't believe how crazy Duke went, he really got upset! I am sorry about that
Gil, funny put down (seriously

). Pity you took my post to heart (maybe?), I don't want you to get me wrong, you seem like a really nice guy from when we talked about guitar stuff...