James I realize, that you were only poking fun.
However, If you asked a serious question, and expected a serious answer, and somebody "shined you on," I would have reacted the same way towards them.
I wanted to re-inforce the serious nature of the thread, before it got highjacked.
Yes sir! I will be much more seriouser (?) from now on.
I actually am a nice guy most of the time.
Never doubted that! You even cut people down with a funny quote.
I realised I'd made a big mistake as soon as the first person got annoyed at me. My humour doesn't translate over the internet too well (needs the sarcastic voice

Anyway, I do think the media (in most countries) is responsible for a lot of the simplistic good/evil jargon that permeates the world, creating disrespectful, or demonising attitudes (just as often "We are classy Europeans, those Americans are so uncivilised and have an evil president" as "Those Europeans, they can't get anything DONE if their life depended on it, they just talk forever and have a misplaced elitism"). This kind of rhetoric is a big problem amongst all nations to an extent. Unfortunately, we are in a world that continually forces us to choose sides. Political sides, national side, religious side, race side, sexuality side, idealogical side, moral side, business side, sporting side, etc etc - even favouring one game console over another (that EVIL Microsoft)! We are so conditioned to exaggerate the flaws in whatever we have decided is 'bad' and over-play the positives of what we favour (or have a vested interest in) to an entirely irrational level. I always try my best to just NOT pick a side in any matter where the decision isn't clear cut, if there are many shades of gray... I don't believe its weak to be a fence sitter, sometimes it takes great strength as its quite tempting to just pick a side - it simplifies your life, people love simplicity.
Which brings me to my other main point, people
enjoy choosing a side in everything they do, as it simplifies their choices (only has to be decided once). The more staunchly one keeps their 'sides', the more comfortable and easy their life becomes. They never need to question what they believe or think. In this way, the media is VERY dangerous, it can control many many people as if they are sheep. This could also be why religion is so comforting to many, the answer is right there, no extra thinking required. The overtly clear cut 'good'/'bad' choices are all a product of the human mind to help life to more comforting. Until you get into a conflict with those different than you...
Good and Evil are also concepts that are really far apart due to cultural influence, simplifying the concept for extra clarity - life becomes even more 'clear' and 'comfortable'. Democrats
hate Republicans, calling them fascists, whilst Republicans despise Democrats, branding them 'wacko socialist liberals'...
As an Australian, I percieved very little difference (compared to how wildly different each side thinks the other is) in the style of American government from the Clinton to Bush eras. Yes, a major personality difference, but Clinton wanted to finish Saddam also "we bombed him many a time...", and would have come out with much the same "war on terror" jargon after 9/11. Even movies often have a clear cut 'bad-guy' who we never get a chance to fully understand, whilst the good guy is better looking with a cooler car etc...
Team America

makes quite a good mockery of the clear-cut views of various sides, showing them all to be flawed unless everyone works together. The day everyone wakes up and fully realises the infinite complexity of life, we'll all get along a LOT better...
I don't think its possible for person to truly be purely 'evil'. Even Hitler (btw "Downfall" is a GREAT movie about Hitler's last days, made from the German point of view- very insightful to his character) would've been reasonably normal as a young child I would reckon, same with every "evil" person in history. They obtain the motives/reason to carry out 'evil' actions later in life, all due to the particular life they've led. It IS correct that no man would think of himself as an evil person, nor is any person born 'evil'. Humans may be stupid, or illogical, or lack compassion, but I think these are all factors due to either a chemical imbalance or simply the environment in which the child is raised. If Adolf Hitler was born today under different circumstances, he'd probably live a very ordinary life. Its all about making many small decisions, choosing your side.