Good Idea to Press Charges?

  • Thread starter Crispy
United States
Allen, Texas
So yesterday evening I attended a band event. It was the celebration for winning the state championship. Me and my girlfriend were talking with each other when someone grabbed the back of my head and slammed it into hers. A kid behind us decided it would be funny to do this. Apparently he grabbed both our heads and smashed them together. The impact was on my left temple, and on my girlfriends forehead on the far right side. She had a bad headache as well as some confusion, dizziness, and blurry vision for a little bit.

This morning she wakes up with even worse symptoms. The symptoms were bad enough she missed out on a day of school. Her mother talked to a pediatrition and they recommended that she go to the Emergency Room to have it checked out. She doesn't want to, mostly because she's scared and she doesn't want the kid to have to pay the medical bills. Both of our parents have contacted the band directors, but I'm also tempted to contact local Law Enforcement and take legal action against this kid.

On a side note, I'm a little worried she may have brain swelling (Mostly cause I am a hypochondriac.) but I don't want to take any risks, especially when it comes to her.
If her brain was swollen she probably wouldn't have woken up at all. Probably just a concussion.

I would take it to the school, law enforcement won't be able to do much as (presumably) they are also a minor.
Those syptoms do sound concussion-like, so going the the emergency room is a very good idea. I hope she'll be okay. :)

As for the kid, I would go ahead and contact the law enforcement, if only because I hate the stupid people who think that this sort of thing is funny. He deserves whatever they throw at him, and it would serve him right to have to pay her medical bills (if they have th power to make him). He caused the problem, he can pay to have it solved. If a kid threw a rock through your window, wouldn't you make him pay for it? (Poor analogy, but I think it conveys the idea.)

Good luck 👍
I highly doubt she has any problems at all. She got hit in the front top of the skull which is the strongest part of your entire body. You got hit in the temple which is way more sensitive and are fine. You two were also probably sitting very close together so the distance before impact couldn't of been very far. Plus it was just from some kid making all this a very low impact "crash". I wouldn't even worry about this at all personally. Ya the prank was kinda messed but I just can't see it would give any injuries or what the police would charge the kid with. If somehow against all odds she does have a concussion or something than I guess you could have the kid charged.
Contact the police, as this is assault plain and simple.

Why should you and your girlfriend suffer due to the actions of some kid.

If you let this slide he will get the idea that he can do it and will never get in trouble for it.

Schools wont do much as it happened outside school and/or outside school hours.

Besides we have seen how good schools are at punishing kids when it comes to an assault.

The kids parents can pay medical bills.
Schools wont do much as it happened outside school and/or outside school hours.

He said it was a band event, usually if it's a school function school rules apply regardless of time or place. Hence why students can be punished on school trips.
At most suspension for the kid.

Is that justice?
Does that pay for any medical bills?
Will the kid learn from it?
Not really.
I'm guessing all the police would do is say "Don't do it again", they aren't going to press charges on a minor for a minor prank.

Tell her to see a doctor than a lawyer if she has a concussion as a civil suit is about all she'll get out of it.
What happened to the "good old days" when something like this happened to you and you just went up to this kid afterward and whipped his ass ? That's your personal justice.

Sorry to hear of this and I hope you and the girlfriend are alright. It's probably just some kid being a show-off in front of his friends, just to look like Mr. Badass in front of them. You should at least file a report with the police, just in case. This way it is documented should something more become of this situation.
Seriously? Kick his punk-ass back to last Wednesday!

Disclaimer: Not advocating violence. Perhaps challenge him to some Mario Kart and then beat him when he's too distracted by dropping bananas.

Erm...yeah...what Nicksfix said.
I'm guessing all the police would do is say "Don't do it again", they aren't going to press charges on a minor for a minor prank.

Tell her to see a doctor than a lawyer if she has a concussion as a civil suit is about all she'll get out of it.

If you want to press charges for assault, the police can't just say don't do it again to the kid.

If a kid mugs someone can the police say don't do it again or do they press charges?

Same thing here.

It is a crime regardless of how severe.
School his ass. Physical assault is no prank, and it's not funny.
You should smash your head into his. Teabag justice.
I wish I could do this, the old fashioned way, but if I were to do that then I'd probably get charged with assault as well.

I'm going to try and make her go to the doctor tomorrow again, hopefully she'll go. It won't be all too bad to go myself seeing as my headache has come back and worse now... Though I have a feeling sitting in front of a screen for two hours trying to earn my Learners Permit has something to do with it...

For now I'll try and get her into the ER or something, press charges, and try and keep my fist from making contact with his head.
If you know the guy you can make sure he pays for his actions.

The inadvisable route to take would be violent retaliation, though, that would definitely be my first port of call, but I'm an idiot. So don't do violence, mmmmkay?

Get him punished the legitimate way by involving the law or even, to a lesser extent having one of your folks go round to him a threaten legal charges to scare him.

I don't know what type of person this is who did it but the threat of legal action is enough to shake most people up.
If you want to press charges for assault, the police can't just say don't do it again to the kid.

But a judge can. Unless this kid has priors he isn't going to get much, maybe a few months of probation and an order to pay the medical bills but that's about it. The court system here for minors is fairly light unless they have a record or commit a major crime.

Of course the longer she waits the less of a case she has.

If a kid mugs someone can the police say don't do it again or do they press charges?

Totally different situation

It is a crime regardless of how severe.

Of course, but the punishments vary greatly.

Anyways, were going way off-topic.

Hope she is ok along with you.👍
It sounds pretty serious. Why did your girlfriend have to endure this in the first place? Press some charges. Let's hope natural selection takes care of businesses (might be a little too harsh). :D
UPDATE: So my girlfriend went to the doctor, they say she has minor head injuries. The band directors have been notified, and sense he is a good friend of both of us, he is very mad.

As for me, well my heads gotten worse over the day. Yesterday it was hurting slightly, today it's been constant with most the pain located around the left ear... I'll be watching it over the day.
You go to the doctor's too and then go the police station.
If you know where that idiot lives tell the cops you are wanting to press charges.
UPDATE: So my girlfriend went to the doctor, they say she has minor head injuries. The band directors have been notified, and sense he is a good friend of both of us, he is very mad.

As for me, well my heads gotten worse over the day. Yesterday it was hurting slightly, today it's been constant with most the pain located around the left ear... I'll be watching it over the day.

Have you ever punched someone else in the face? If not, try might like it. Aim for the button of his chin and you have a 90% chance of knocking them down. Once down, start wailing away...feet, fists, chairs...doesn't matter.

There are no rules in street fighting. Anyone who says otherwise hasn't been in one. The only "code" is to hurt the other guy to the point he submits or stops moving.

It's too late in the scenario and your ego is bruised; you pussed out and regret it. Just remember this for next time b/c if you bar hop when you're in college there's pretty much a 100% chance you'll get in some sort of confrontation. Unless you want to get beat up, humiliated, and let a lawyer do your dirty work. Different strokes for different folks...
Sounds like concussion symptoms. I had one, was very similar. Very bad migraines to the point you are rolling around holding your head screaming (at least in my experience). Pressing charges won't do much but maybe having the cops involved will scare some sense into this kid. Maybe not, but it's worth a try. I'd be mad pissed, so I'd go for it. You have nothing to lose. It's assault. Plain and simple.

That said if you choose not to, I'd completely whoop that kids ass on the spot. No holding back. I wouldn't stop until someone else pulled me off him either.