Goodwood thread!

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Goodwood Hillclimb_1.jpg

Goodwood Hillclimb.jpg

EDIT: The whole set of this car at Goodwood can be seen in my gallery!
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The following are not stunning photos but they do explore the curious fact that the track goes on for some distance beyond the finish line. I haven't seen any pics of this yet and I wonder if this signifies an extention to the hillclimb track.

First off, a shot from extreme range back toward the finish line...
Goodwood Hillclimb - after the finish line.jpg

The view the other way, also at extreme focal length.
Goodwood Hillclimb - after the finish line 2.jpg

The end of the line...the invisible barrier starts here.
Goodwood Hillclimb - after the finish line 4.jpg

The view back along the road.
Goodwood Hillclimb - after the finish line 3.jpg
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At first I was unsure of how I'd do with the whole Goodwood special event after the Alpine. But getting gold after gold and finding myself getting addicted to constantly trying to better my times just had me coming back. Felt so good getting gold on the first attempts for some of the cars. :D Stuck with a silver on the R18 and afraid to attempt the X2010 with only a DS3. :nervous:




I had a lot of tries (DS3) on the x2010 and also the audi but it was worth it. All gold on goodwood and of course the prize. :):):)
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