Google Maps Scavenger Hunt!

  • Thread starter Event
Any interest in reviving this? It was way before my time. I also thought about a new thread that posters would link to something cool that they found. Feed back please.
Sounds kinda fun... there should be a rule that you cannot use any Google Earth forums to help you in your search though.
There are Google Earth forums? I can't imagine those are very exciting.

Topic: Hey guys check out this 1337 mountain I found! Screens inside (56k no)
Back on Jul 22 2005 1:22 PM Foolkiller left off with St. Louis Arch


lets start with an easy one...find me a volcano
Just one of the hundreds of volcanoes in Timanfaya Park, in Lanzarote

Find a boat, but not in a marina/dock
here are the shipwrecks at Mallows Bay! an interesting story to read about.. 👍

find me an island with only one residency occupying it.​
I wanted to look for them in the Gulf of Oman, but there's a big area where you can't zoom in far enough.
I'm not sure if 'carrier group' is the proper term... its a carrier with its full escort of destroyers etc in formation... I'm pretty sure I've seen one on GE before, maybe I should look too!

EDIT: Alright, I did some cheating :scared: and I don't think a carrier battle group exists on GE.

So... find a sports arena with a game in progress and a large crowd.
Check Oulton park on MSN maps. It has a major race event on, probably touring cars. If you check the amount of cars heading to the track(on the 'coach road') and just within the grounds its a big giveaway. I live within a mile or two of the track and it is only the BTCC Touring cars and superbikes which cause that kind of backlog, and it is cars on the track not bikes.
Is it?

I've got a good one anyway. Find a European airport that has 3 C5 Galaxys sitting on its runways.

I'm banned from this one because I know exactly where to find it :D
aswell as everything else in the

👍 world.

Well, this mainly because daan told me about it 6 months ago...

Like I also know where to find a Mazda MX-3 on Google Earth!