- 100
- DntMssWthTx or DamagingDecibels
I play CoD4:MW more than anything else.
I play CoD4:MW more than anything else.
Username: GTP_Sureshot
What makes it even more frightening is that if you go back and read my posts back in 2006 I had almost no interest in video games any longer.DN: Singled-handedly you are averting a global recession in the gaming industry!
Great work!List Update!
For ease of use, I have added an additional list which is sorted by PSN Username. Please let me know if I have mistyped any of your information.
DN: I just have no idea where you find the time to play all those games, especially as it can take many hours to master each game.
Haven't really explored the multi-media potential of the PS3, as I mostly just use it for sim-racing on a small TV in my home office (I will say it seems a more capable blu-ray player than my Samung BDP). But you've inspired me to hook it up to the internet & try stuff on my living room 52" LCD.
I will be getting my daughter LBP for her birthday I think...
*Nothing is more frustrating than trying to watch a movie only to see the infamous Blue Screen of Death right in the middle of it, and having to reboot your entire system, PC, modem, router, etc.
I am happy simply being entertained by a game, not necessarily feeling I must master it to feel I got the most value out of it.
My immeadiate recommendation though is that should she start to get frustrated by how hard some of the later levels are in the main story, have her play more of the mini levels, and definitely start exploring the countless numbers of community levels. There are some really fun ones clearly designed with younger kids in mind. And if you or your family are the creative types, you are going to have a blast creating your own levels.
As for LBP's level creation process... its fairly straight forward from what experience I have with it, but certainly takes a bit to get use to. More than likely just a result of how many options you have when designing. In regard to the game itself... I think it is simply genius and highly approachable by anyone of any age.
D-N, I'd recommend Valkyria Chronicles as your next game choice. I don't see a turn based tactics game in your collection, and from what I have played of the game, it is good. It will likely be my next purchase, and probably soon, despite my purchase of LBP just a day ago. Though I might end up doing a bit more reading and looking around on the game, but I'm pretty sure it will fill my craving for a tactics game. Plus the art style is gorgeous.