- 755
So a couple of weeks ago I was going home for Memorial Day weekend from North Carolina to Georgia. I got off work Friday at midnight, went home and got my stuff and got on the road. Approximately halfway there around 2am as I was passing through Greenville, SC I was pulled over for doing 80mph in a 60mph zone. I'm always very watchful of police but since it was dark outside I couldn't spot them as easily. It wasn't until I was right up on him that I noticed that the car parked on the right shoulder was a police Crown Vic and not some random broken down car like all the others I had passed along the way. The ticket was originally going to be $181, but the cop reduced it $75. It's not the actual fine I'm worried about, its the points on my record and the affect on insurance. I've been driving for almost 6 years now (got my learner's permit when I turned 15, turn 21 next month). I've had a perfectly clean driving record until now. I know I'm guilty of the crime and don't dispute that (though I do dispute that the speed limit should be more than 60 mph on a 4-lane highway, but that's a whole other issue in itself), but I'd really like to keep the points off my record. Should I just pay the fine and take the hit on insurance, or do I have other options? I guess it's probably worth nothing that I'm a full-time student at a tech school in North Carolina so going down to South Carolina for court would not only be a ways out of the way but I'd also be missing class time, but I'm willing to do it if it means I can keep my clean record. Should I get a lawyer, and if so how do I go about getting one? Is it okay to represent yourself in court? What are the chances that the officer will appear in court for this type of offense? I'm new to all of this so help me out please.