Got realism?

Please add, this is very important for console users:

Yo dawg, where's me 22" chromed spinners/wings/body kits/fart cannons/2JZ engine swaps?

All cars are pre-built to race-spec rules. There's no modding, tuning, styling, customizing or ricing of any kind except color or livery change.
All cars have a variety of setup options instead -> Link on how to setup a car properly.
Please add, this is very important for console users:

Yo dawg, where's me 22" chromed spinners/wings/body kits/fart cannons/2JZ engine swaps?

All cars are pre-built to race-spec rules. There's no modding, tuning, styling, customizing or ricing of any kind except color or livery change.
All cars have a variety of setup options instead -> Link on how to setup a car properly.

That a very racist and snobbish comment :) Not all console players are like that please dont assume they are
That a very racist and snobbish comment :) Not all console players are like that please dont assume they are

im sure it was meant as a joke.
just like i dont think that pc gamers are thick glass wearing techie geeks with mayo sandwiches in their lunchboxes. that is also an unfounded stereotypical image some might find amusing. but it is just a joke :P
im sure it was meant as a joke.
just like i dont think that pc gamers are thick glass wearing techie geeks with mayo sandwiches in their lunchboxes. that is also an unfounded stereotypical image some might find amusing. but it is just a joke :P
No no they defo are! :P
Console gamers are not a race :lol:

Yes we are. We're the console race. Smug and confident in our consoles just working. Unless they've broken of course - or Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo mess them up with firmware, rather than that PC Elitist lot who are confident that their PC is massively more powerful and usually perfectly reliable except when Microsoft... (well what did you expect?) Best plan is to get both of them of course. :lol:

Anyway. That list is completely brilliant. They have to add Logitech wheel support in the next month so I can still get a pre order in. Otherwise I'm stuck with the best sim on console and no wheel to make proper use of a sim. It just feels wrong to use a joypad.
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Yes we are. We're the console race. Smug and confident in our consoles just working. Unless they've broken of course - or Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo mess them up with firmware, rather than that PC Elitist lot who are confident that their PC is massively more powerful and usually perfectly reliable except when Microsoft... (well what did you expect?) Best plan is to get both of them of course. :lol:

Sorry, but Windows has been much more worry free than OSX or any Linux distro... in my opinion. The times that Windows isn't working properly for me is as much as I had issues with my consoles. Than again I don't get onto those Warez and XXX sites which like to load your Windows up with virusses.

Anyways... prejeduce because of past flaws in my humble opinion. The only thing is that because you can do much more with a PC it's much easier to get lured into troublesome situations, whereas you are shielded from that on a console. ;)
Yes we are. We're the console race. Smug and confident in our consoles just working. Unless they've broken of course - or Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo mess them up with firmware, rather than that PC Elitist lot who are confident that their PC is massively more powerful and usually perfectly reliable except when Microsoft... (well what did you expect?) Best plan is to get both of them of course. :lol:

Anyway. That list is completely brilliant. They have to add Logitech wheel support in the next month so I can still get a pre order in. Otherwise I'm stuck with the best sim on console and no wheel to make proper use of a sim. It just feels wrong to use a joypad.
Joypad. :D haven't read and heard that word for years...! Thank you for the time travel. :)
It's all really interesting stuff, but...

This car has no power!?
Some cars in the game have a small engine with a large turbo, so you need to keep the turbo spooled to keep up the power, try changing down an extra gear or keeping some throttle on during cornering (I.e. GRP 5 cars).

...knowing that Gr. 5 cars will be the turbo-lag monsters they were in real life got me excited. Bring it on!
It's all really interesting stuff, but...

...knowing that Gr. 5 cars will be the turbo-lag monsters they were in real life got me excited. Bring it on!

To make you more excited. The turbo simulation works together with the Volumetric Throttle system, which greates a very analog and organic way of controlling the throttle and thus turbo. ;)
That a very racist and snobbish comment :) Not all console players are like that please dont assume they are
This explains it:sly::
Console peasants.jpg
To make you more excited. The turbo simulation works together with the Volumetric Throttle system, which greates a very analog and organic way of controlling the throttle and thus turbo. ;)

As someone who drives a turbocharged car daily, this made my hype go up yet another level for this game...
Has anyone used or now of someone that has a fanatec Porsche 911 gt3 wheel. How is it better than a g27 or the same? I think this is what I will get to use on the ps4. Don't make no sense to blow 400 when I can get a 179 dollar wheel that is belt driven and have two sets of g27 pedals for it.
Has anyone used or now of someone that has a fanatec Porsche 911 gt3 wheel. How is it better than a g27 or the same? I think this is what I will get to use on the ps4. Don't make no sense to blow 400 when I can get a 179 dollar wheel that is belt driven and have two sets of g27 pedals for it.

A friend of mine has the gt3 rs wheel, and it is a good wheel. Hard to say if it's better of worse than a g27, they both have their pros and cons. He also has a g27, and while that hasn't given him any trouble, the gt3 actually broke, the shaft the wheel attaches to literally snapped when he was playing iRacing. I preferred to use the Fanatec wheel when I was at his place, but only because he had clubsport pedals, and those are amazing compared to the g27 ones.

...sorry that probably doesn't help you much lol. Personally, I'd get a T300 and stump up for the clubsports and adaptor to use them.
A friend of mine has the gt3 rs wheel, and it is a good wheel. Hard to say if it's better of worse than a g27, they both have their pros and cons. He also has a g27, and while that hasn't given him any trouble, the gt3 actually broke, the shaft the wheel attaches to literally snapped when he was playing iRacing. I preferred to use the Fanatec wheel when I was at his place, but only because he had clubsport pedals, and those are amazing compared to the g27 ones.

...sorry that probably doesn't help you much lol. Personally, I'd get a T300 and stump up for the clubsports and adaptor to use them.
Thanks just trying to save some money I just wish ps4 and logitech get it sorted out but more and more I think not. I called Logitech today they say some g25s work but that's it.
Please add, this is very important for some console users:

Yo dawg, where's me 22" chromed spinners/wings/body kits/fart cannons/2JZ engine swaps?

All cars are pre-built to race-spec rules. There's no modding, tuning, styling, customizing or ricing of any kind except color or livery change.
All cars have a variety of setup options instead -> Link on how to setup a car properly.

Here you go, I corrected it for you. Also...

I can't think, my head hurts?

Mind. Blown.

This question seems aimed to that specific category of console gamers.
Why can't I choose more opponents at some tracks?
The number of opponents allowed at each track depend on the pit spaces available. This reflects real life where possible. Use Le Mans if you want them all.

If we're going full stereotype mode, also note the neckbeard and hotpocket physique on king cuda cores over there. :lol:
I see it as a very large chinbeard and him being in good shape but his shoulders are so big that the cape falls straight down from his massive upper body making him look chunky when he's really built like a linebacker:lol::


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