Goth murderer

  • Thread starter pSI civic

pSI civic

right off the bat i want to say i wont defend what they say this guy did and the fact that it was done (so they say) in the name of satan is a bad thing. BUT what i dont like is that EVERYONE is saying that all people like him are terrible scum. this is really getting to me. all the news stations are saying "goths" are bad people. now i dont consider myself to be "goth" but some other might. i wear all black, listen to "odd" music, am generaly a loner, have a mohawk and such things. no one stops to think that some of these people are not bad. i myself have generaly done rather decent on my school work, help with my family and go to church when i can.

does anyone else have feelings on this subject?
You sure I don't know you? I live in Washington, Illinois. Anyways, I wore all black to school one day on accident and instantly I was "goth".

God people are stupid.
You sure I don't know you? I live in Washington, Illinois. Anyways, I wore all black to school one day on accident and instantly I was "goth".

God people are stupid.
I would've called you either Matrix(like the movie) or ninja........ you're right. I'm stupid.
eh anything is possible but i doubt ya know me.

i fully believe most people suck. a very high percent of people are shallow people that love to jump to conclusions about people based on little things they dont understand.

the funniest part is some think i'm of a lower class. assholes.

matrx? haha. i wish i was that cool as he was when he walked into that building near then end of the first one with all those guns uner his trench coat. i wish i owned a trench coat but i just cant find a nice one.
This is another example of the mainstream media getting their facts wrong. I recall the media condemning ravers for being psyched out dancing drug users. A vast majority do not do drugs of any kind, but the media will jump on and sensationalize the ones who do.

I would have called you Morpheus, not goth. :)
When I was in college I met a guy who was sort of goth but he turned out to be a real nice person and a great friend so I dont think bad things against goths as a whole at all.
Now all you guys who like grunge music (pardon me if thats the wrong terminology) know what its like when people are constantly going on at hip hop and rap music being bad and making people kill each other. Its all BS. The media doesnt have a ****in clue they just want to make their money.
pSI civic
right off the bat i want to say i wont defend what they say this guy did and the fact that it was done (so they say) in the name of satan is a bad thing. BUT what i dont like is that EVERYONE is saying that all people like him are terrible scum. this is really getting to me. all the news stations are saying "goths" are bad people. now i dont consider myself to be "goth" but some other might. i wear all black, listen to "odd" music, am generaly a loner, have a mohawk and such things. no one stops to think that some of these people are not bad. i myself have generaly done rather decent on my school work, help with my family and go to church when i can.

does anyone else have feelings on this subject?
Yes. Don't dress and wear your hair weirdly, refuse to socialise, and proceed to complain about people looking at you funny. Because it's all provocation. If I think someone looks like a total retard, I'll say it.
I wear black, i wouldnt consider myself a goth at all. If it ends in a murder, and such then your beleifs may be wrong. But on the whole, wearing black doesnt mean at all that your dangerous or going to suddeldy violently attack someone. Blacks just a colour, i wear it because i like it. Problem?? Just because it has lots of things associated to it does it mean i shouldnt wear it?? thats ridiculous. Murder and wearing black are completly different things. Satanic acts are a bad things, but wearing black? whats the harm in that?
At last, sanity!

I wear black, hell no I aint a goth I just like black.

Black trainers, black trousers, black belt, black top, black "Crew V" sunglasses.

Black is simply a colour (a shade if you insist) and people have the right to wear whatever colour they want. Red socks are really creepy, that doesn't mean the media should start a campaign...

Anyway what was the story and can you link to it?
Viper Zero
This is another example of the mainstream media getting their facts wrong. I recall the media condemning ravers for being psyched out dancing drug users. A vast majority do not do drugs of any kind, but the media will jump on and sensationalize the ones who do.

I would have called you Morpheus, not goth. :)

Yeah the media effs things up. I live with a couple of kids who aren't goths more metal heads. They wear all black. I had a discussion with one and his gf about skin heads. She was mentioning that most skinheads aren't racist or nazi's just a matter of the ones who are get alot of attention.
I'm nowhere near gothic. I wear black shirts (though I wear jeans, too) and I listen to a lot of Extreme, Death and Black Metal, and a lot of music of the like. I have been called Gothic for this before. It doesn't bother me though. These people have no clue, so I just laugh.

I've also been called Emo before. This, however, angers me. Emo and Metal are enemies, but that's beside the point.

The point is, no matter where you go, you're going to be labelled in one way or another. The media is also going to take a story, label the bad guy, and generalise by labelling everyone else of the kind as being just as bad. I know nice Goths.

The only place labels belong are on items for sale, and music artists, in my opinion. People are not to be labelled. But they are still going to be. That's life.
Yes. Don't dress and wear your hair weirdly, refuse to socialise, and proceed to complain about people looking at you funny. Because it's all provocation. If I think someone looks like a total retard, I'll say it.

No point in doing that dude. A pure "anti-social" person would not care if he/she was insulted. I for one was considered an "anti-social" in high school, for I did school work or used the computer instead of "hanging out", smoking, or going to weekend parties.

Most "goths" I find are actually decent persons underneath, there was also an overwhelming number of them in drama class. While it is hypocritical that they flock together sometimes (and South Park shines on this quite well), it just shows that even a group of "anti-socials anonymous" can get along.

If I wear blue-frame glasses and dress in black occasionally only to be criticised, then that's all and well. I'd rather be criticised for doing something different than merely accepted for "keeping with the times".
I'm assuming you're referring to me. Some stereotypes, for example, Metalheads and Emo, are preferred stereotypes, and all in the name of music and fun. Stereotypes such as "Goth" or "Gothic" have to be used as a form of explanation.

The whole meaning of my post was, in the case of a perfect world, noone would be stereotyped. Yet, we all stereotype, myself included.
Post a Link , civic as ime unaware of the murder in question , was it by a bunch from another 'subculture' usw
A group of art students here a few years back made some white foam statues with ropes around their necks ,stuff like that and left them in a national forest . It was hailked as a satanic cult in the media for a few days until the students came forward after they'd received A's & B's individually for their art project . That was a rib tickler , i knopw some of those concerned and tey would definitely say they could be classifyied as 'goth' but the rhetoric is stale as the fashion is sooo common
I don't think I've ever stereotyped anyone just based on looks, well, because stereotypes are overrated.
I used to hang with all sorts of people in school: goths, band geeks, the preps, and all of the other social groups that were there. And all of the stereotyping was coming from their perspective.
I used to wear those enormously baggy pants all the time, and half the school looked at me like I had 2 heads.
But the people I hung out with were just as unbiased as I was. As far as my group was concerned, everyone who judged us was not worthy of their presence, for lack of intelligence.
Personally, anyone who judges to the degree of hatred, deserves to be quarintined-for their stupidity might be contagious.
Grand Prix
No point in doing that dude. A pure "anti-social" person would not care if he/she was insulted. I for one was considered an "anti-social" in high school, for I did school work or used the computer instead of "hanging out", smoking, or going to weekend parties.

Most "goths" I find are actually decent persons underneath, there was also an overwhelming number of them in drama class. While it is hypocritical that they flock together sometimes (and South Park shines on this quite well), it just shows that even a group of "anti-socials anonymous" can get along.

If I wear blue-frame glasses and dress in black occasionally only to be criticised, then that's all and well. I'd rather be criticised for doing something different than merely accepted for "keeping with the times".

Where did I say I was annoyed that people stereotype me?
I hate Gothic people sololy based on the fact they don't have a flippin clue what a Goth is.

wikipedia on Goths
The Goths were an East Germanic tribe which according to their own traditions originated in Scandinavia (specifically Gotland and Götaland). They migrated southwards and conquered parts of the Roman empire. Two closely related tribes, the Gutar and the Götar, who remained in Scandinavia and are often called Goths1, are separately treated, as Gotlanders and Geats respectively.

For more information go here

Goths are German people who kicked Rome's ass, not weirdos who think they are children of Satan or whatever.
Sounds to me like your a annoyed that people cast steretypes on you.

Ah, no. I was stating that I like to do things differently, regardless of whether people look down on me or not, to rephrase. I didn't like the "in crowd" one bit, their ideals and interests didn't agree with mine so I felt no need to try to "fit in". I don't think I was stereotyped at all in high school though. I'm not being stereotyped in college at the moment either. It hasn't been brought up in a conversation yet, at least.

I'm not sure what "group" you would put me in, but I'm not trying to be "Gothic". I wear what I feel like. Baggy jeans and baseball caps are out of the question though, I don't feel the need to wear them. There was one occasion where someone asked me why I don't wear a baseball cap, but I just ignored him. I'll wear whatever is comfortable.
I hate Gothic people sololy based on the fact they don't have a flippin clue what a Goth is.

For more information go here

Goths are German people who kicked Rome's ass, not weirdos who think they are children of Satan or whatever.

I think today's "Goths" got their inspiration from "Gothic style cathedrals", known for their dark lines, gargoyles and cold rooms.
