Goth murderer

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I hate Gothic people sololy based on the fact they don't have a flippin clue what a Goth is.

For more information go here

Goths are German people who kicked Rome's ass, not weirdos who think they are children of Satan or whatever.

People only call people who wear black, anti-social etc etc etc goths because its short for gothic.

As for the question at hand, once again alllll down to media and "trends" that are set by A) Clebs and B) Popular people
But goths were German barbarian people who killed Italians. Not people who wear black, think they love Satan, and hate everyone. Call yourselves something different.
But goths were German barbarian people who killed Italians. Not people who wear black, think they love Satan, and hate everyone. Call yourselves something different.

I've already stated that I'm not trying to be a "Goth", but whatever floats your boat.
I'm just telling people in general. If you call yourself a Goth, you better be German and you better be hell bent on killing Romans or I'm going to almost have to make fun of you.
I'm just telling people in general. If you call yourself a Goth, you better be German and you better be hell bent on killing Romans or I'm going to almost have to make fun of you.

Call 'em vampires then. :D :sly:
I'm just telling people in general. If you call yourself a Goth, you better be German and you better be hell bent on killing Romans or I'm going to almost have to make fun of you.

It's not like they didn't kill other people besides the Romans, Blaze. The Romans just happened to be the biggest most one. Rome also had its share of conquests.

If you wear black and listen to angry/depressing music all the time, I won't bother you. If you wear black, dress like an idiot, live in a nice suburb but ***** about how you life is I will punch you in the face.
the romans took in the goths as they were being squezed in on the other side until they had no room left. the romans gave them a bad deal though and most familys were forced to sell there kids into slavery and still hardly had any food or suplys and were forced to keep on the move. it makes a lot of sence why they would strike back.

now do "goth" people say thats why they call themselves goth? nope. its a name others not in the "scene" call them.

i myself am more of a metal head but am still considered goth.

i hope this link will explain the murder case. i said before i didnt support what he did and i am not a satanist.
Grand Prix
I think today's "Goths" got their inspiration from "Gothic style cathedrals", known for their dark lines, gargoyles and cold rooms.
Almost correct.

The gothic period (with those cathedrals) iteself is actually one of lightness, rather than darkness. But this is often stereotyped wrongfully / greatly misunderstood.
This is due to the 'gothic revival' of the 19th century. Which used elements of the gothic period to express it's own spirit/essense. This is where this whole obsession of darkness, death, vampires etc comes from. So this is also the source of inspiration for the current "goths".
But know that this is in fact very different from the actual spirit/essense of the gothic period, which is typically very bright and light.

"goth" or "gothic" is ofcourse a fantastic term to demonstrate how the general meaning of a word can change through time.

First we have the Goths, the "barbaric" Germanic people. Then in the renaissance (I believe it was Vasari), they saw the pre-renaissance / non-Italian art of the middle ages (not the antique period ofcourse) as barbaric / unworthy, hence the name "gothic period". Then in the 19th century the art of the gothic period became a source of inspiration. But mainly to express a contemporary spirit that was actually very different (from the gothic period). The current "gothic" is kind of a contemprary pop version of that 19th century style.
So what most 'common' people think of these days with "gothic", is actually more 19th century than actually the gothic from the middle ages.

people are stupid
You wouldn't even know...
The one thing that annoys me about "Goth/Emo/Punk" is that the whole base of their "group" is that they're different than everyone else. Anti-conformists if you will. But if you think about it, they're just conforming to a different trend. Everyone is conforming to something, it doesn't matter if it's the most "popular" trend or not. I do not hate any of the above mentioned groups, I just really don't like it when people say they dress/talk/act like that just so they can be "different". "Hey look at our group, we're totally different than you conformists out there who wear baggy jeans and baseball caps." Look around, your group is no different than the rest of the social groups out there.
something i believe is that the people out there calling themselves goth or punk or gangsta or whatever are the ones that are conforming. people that just do what they feel are the true whatever class others put them in.
You pretty much pick a group and go with it, I don't buy this I don't fit in anywhere bs. You picked a group to be in. Hell I'm one of those kids that always wears Nike, Adidas, UA stuff. So I'm the athletic type.
I don't think so.
Ofcourse you will always find similarties. I mean... people that don't fit in anywhere, do fit in the 'group of people that don't fit in anywhere', you know.
So I guess it comes down to one's motivation. Weither you intentionally (pick, even if it's semi-conscious) belong to a group. And as far as I can tell, these goths do indeed intend to be conform to their group. Act/behave like the other's of that "we're different" group. It's all part of the commercial brainwashing system ofcourse. But still picking the "we're different" group has a social motivation. Wanting to be part of a group.

But surely there are also people who don't care about it (social life), you know. So they obviously don't pick a group.

The hipocrisy with those commercial so-called anti-conformists are actually (intentionally) conform their own group, you know.

One of my favorite quotes: " l'enfère, c'est les autres " :D
I don't think so.
Ofcourse you will always find similarties. I mean... people that don't fit in anywhere, do fit in the 'group of people that don't fit in anywhere', you know.
So I guess it comes down to one's motivation. Weither you intentionally (pick, even if it's semi-conscious) belong to a group. And as far as I can tell, these goths do indeed intend to be conform to their group. Act/behave like the other's of that "we're different" group. It's all part of the commercial brainwashing system ofcourse. But still picking the "we're different" group has a social motivation. Wanting to be part of a group.

But surely there are also people who don't care about it (social life), you know. So they obviously don't pick a group.

The hipocrisy with those commercial so-called anti-conformists are actually (intentionally) conform their own group, you know.

One of my favorite quotes: " l'enfère, c'est les autres " :D
Well if they're intentionally conforming, I really wish that some of them would stop proclaiming how they're anti-conformists. And I don't read french, so what does that mean? :odd:
It should be noted that the intended anti-conformity could be one of non conformance with the majority group near one's most immediate surroundings and general environment.

Also, the biggest offense is how awful the taste is of many of these groups, though I won't give specifics.
It should be noted that the intended anti-conformity could be one of non conformance with the majority group near one's most immediate surroundings and general environment.

Also, the biggest offense is how awful the taste is of many of these groups, though I won't give specifics.
Your post is nothing without specifics. Please give me some.
Saleen Man
Your post is nothing without specifics. Please give me some.

I am talking about one's frame of reference. To a goth or anyone else in a group which does not have majority status, although he is conforming to his group, he would not be conforming to the majority group in his school, community, et al.Therefor, he can claim to be nonconformist to what most of society has chosen to agree with, and that standard might suffice for him. I was speaking generally.
I am talking about one's frame of reference. To a goth or anyone else in a group which does not have majority status, although he is conforming to his group, he would not be conforming to the majority group in his school, community, et al.Therefor, he can claim to be nonconformist to what most of society has chosen to agree with, and that standard might suffice for him. I was speaking generally.
That does make sense. But although not conforming to the majority, they are still conforming. As is everyone, basically. You're probably right though, maybe that is good enough for most, to be able to say "I don't conform to the majority group".
True, but it is also possible for someone to conform by coincidence; he might simply enjoy the same fashion, or have a similar philosophy, but, as would be his right, not claim to be of the same group as those he's compared with, which leads some others to, of course, stereotype him and give him a wrong association.