GPR's Gallery - GT3 Livery Designs

  • Thread starter GPR



My Gear

Nikon D90


Nikkor AF-S DX 18-200 VRII f/3.5 -5.6


Hey everyone, have been meaning to start my gallery on here for a while now. Finally got enough of my photo's from the last few months PP'd.
I will also be posting the ocasional digital design or graphic peice from time to time too. I've only had a DSLR for just over a year now and think I'm getting better, slowly.

I hope to contribute fairly often and would welcome any feedback, critiques, comments and praises, :sly:

I don't have alot of auto photo's at the moment (the ones I do have I'm not really happy enough with to put online), as I don't really go to race events and such, but I would like to try get some going in the future.

So to kick things off here are a handful of shots.


My gf's cats.




Misc Stuff











More to come soon.​
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The last plant sot is great really stands out. I also dig the third from last shot with the plant & hand. Great tones and overall feel in that shot makes it 👍
The same for me, except include the one above the third last shot. I think it's composition is stunning. And the one above that is also well done. So is the banner, by the way...puts mine to shame.

Promising, though - keep up the good work.
Very nice pictures 👍

Hope to see more from you as time passes.
I really like the giraffe picture.
The last plant sot is great really stands out. I also dig the third from last shot with the plant & hand. Great tones and overall feel in that shot makes it 👍

Thanks, yeah was very pleased with that last plant shot. And the plant and hand one is one of my fav's. Was a real just point and shoot moment wth little thought but it just looked great off the bat was pleasantly suprised. 👍

The same for me, except include the one above the third last shot. I think it's composition is stunning. And the one above that is also well done. So is the banner, by the way...puts mine to shame.

Promising, though - keep up the good work.

Cheers LB. The banner was pretty easy really nothing to flash but then again I am a graphic designer by trade. I feel the same about some of your photography, I damn how'd he do that? :sly:

Very nice pictures 👍

Hope to see more from you as time passes.
I really like the giraffe picture.

Thanks Apokalipse. I'll probably be posting some more this week.

Cheers for the comments fellas. :cheers:
Cheers LB. The banner was pretty easy really nothing to flash but then again I am a graphic designer by trade. I feel the same about some of your photography, I damn how'd he do that? :sly:

Well...that explains it. And I don't think any of my work is anything too flash either. Thank you, though.
Just another selection of images.

Water Dragon








More Flowers




Waterfront Restaurant


Opera House Side


Oh and a quick question, how do you change the thread title?
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Gorgeous high-quality stuff here. Instant favourite goes to the Pelican shot. It's just spectacular. And I think the Opera house shot also looks stunning.

It's an update filled with some great a whole. The flower photographs are very strong.

Keep up the great work.
Oh and a quick question, how do you change the thread title?

Just go to advanced edit option in your first post of the thread and it will allow you to change the title.

All these shots are great but that pelican shot is awesome :drool:
Gorgeous high-quality stuff here. Instant favourite goes to the Pelican shot. It's just spectacular. And I think the Opera house shot also looks stunning.

It's an update filled with some great a whole. The flower photographs are very strong.

Keep up the great work.

Just go to advanced edit option in your first post of the thread and it will allow you to change the title.

All these shots are great but that pelican shot is awesome :drool:

Cheers LB and Syntax. Yeah most poeple I've shown love the pelican shot too.

And thanks for the thread title tip. :cheers:
Some great stuff you have in here, loving (as everyone else) the pelican shot, it's just so good...
Also loving the hand+plant shot before that, lovely tones and sharpness.

Looking forward to see more from you. 👍
I also like...

...the pelican shot.
Bet you didn't see that coming. It's just a great shot. 👍
All great. Another lover of the Pelican shot, Thought I would of liked the reflection of the head too.
Thanks for the comments guys. :cheers:

To addictions:
Yeah I had little opportunity to take that shot at the time. It was moving through the water and was fast approaching a area where reflections of trees would have been in the shot. After I took some shots and looked back at them on screen I did think I should have aimed lower to get the complete relfection in.
Thought I'd share some of my attempts at Tilt Shift style photography. All these were just normal shots made into the tilt shift style in photoshop which when done right makes everything look like minatures.

I like making these when I can, but it works best if you have shots from a elavated position. Most of these shots were taken from Sydney tower.

(Oh and sorry for the double post, just wanted to make sure my update got noticed.):sly:














Would like to do more of these in the future.
Except for the one with visible people in it, because you can tell that they are actually real as opposed to a miniature, those are outstanding.

As for the double post, it's been more than a day so an apology isn't required. 👍
Except for the one with visible people in it, because you can tell that they are actually real as opposed to a miniature, those are outstanding.

As for the double post, it's been more than a day so an apology isn't required. 👍

Yeah, if people are to big in the shot that the detail of them looks too real it does kill the effect a bit.

I just liked the composition of that one.

Thanks TB. :)
If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say you've been up in centerpoint recently? These are great shots. Particularly love the Darling harbour bridge shot 👍
If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say you've been up in centerpoint recently?

Yep, that's were most of those were taken. Was only in the tower restaurant that day. Hard work trying to avoid glass reflections and compose while it constantly rotates.
How have I been missing this great gallery. Amazing composition all around and great natural tones. The Pelican shot it's a great for frame.

The tilt shift update is marvelous, it really like you have been taking pictures of a miniature scale model.

Also, your gallery banner is jaw drooping, really modern and slick, I love it. 👍
The pelican is really good but why did you chop the reflection off! That kinda ruins it for me on an otherwise perfect photograph.

Those tilt-shifts are really cool too, I tried it ages back but I never had anything to look down on so they turned out rubbish :lol:
The pelican is really good but why did you chop the reflection off! That kinda ruins it for me on an otherwise perfect photograph.

Those tilt-shifts are really cool too, I tried it ages back but I never had anything to look down on so they turned out rubbish :lol:

The shot I took ended there. if I had a chance to shoot it again like that I would be more concious of including the whole reflection.

Thanks for the comments. 👍
Good lord that's some fantastic tilt-shift you got going on :drool: Great shots :)

Reminds me of a model village I went to as a little one :D Oh the memories :dopey:
The tilt and shift stuff is just amazing 👍 I saw a video on the internets recently with the same effect but can't find it now to compare but from memory I would say you're stills are much better.
The tilt and shift stuff is just amazing 👍 I saw a video on the internets recently with the same effect but can't find it now to compare but from memory I would say you're stills are much better.

I've seen a few vids like that quite a while ago, it's harder to do well in video form as you need to affect the speed of the footage too enhance the effect.

I'd like to give it a try sometime though. And would also like to do some more tilt shift photo's. 👍

Thanks for the positive comments Neal, gagtooth and balang. :cheers:
Thought I'd share another area of photography I'm quite interested in and would like to get into more. Landscape's.

Over the last few months I've had a few early mornings on some weekends to get some sunrise photo's. But early mornings are not my thing which doesn't help. :indiff:

And after facing some average wheather which doesn't make for interesting shots it does require patients. But sometimes the results make it worth your while. :)

Still although I think I've managed a few good shots I very much would like to get a sharp high quality wide angle lens and some ND filters.
More so the filters at the moment as once the light gets too bright (which doesn't take long) long exposures are out of the question. But not likely to get any of that sometime soon, feeling quite poor lately. :grumpy:

Currently I've just been taking two exposures and merging them in post which is fine, just requires more time and care.

Anyway here are some of what I've taken to date. C&C always welcome.




Was quite suprised that morning to see how many other peolple were there with camera's, at least 20 all at the one spot to capture sunrise.




One of fav's














That's all for now.
Umm. Yeah. You can stop now. BEFORE YOU BLIND US ALL.

You're really good, mate. REALLY GOOD. AAAAAAAAAAAAA-

If I were to pick my ultimate favourites, I would pick the two black and white ones, as I love the atmosphere of them, and the 14th shot in the line. But honestly, pretty much all of them are magnificent.

And I wish I had scenery like that where I live.
