[GUIDE] Make the most of the GT5 Camera v2.1

  • Thread starter gtsomething
This is the best post ever read ! So much info, so much detail it's in every aspect, great!

It even helped me with real life picture taking.
Oh God, I wish I had seen this thread a year ago!! I think I'm going to delete all the pictures I've taken until today, because after following your tips my new pictures will be 500% better :)

Thanks a lot!!
I'm so glad I found this thread and thank you for the tips! I learned a lot more about photography after reading this. Now I can actually take better pics rather than just snapping pictures left and right.
Wow. Thank you so much for your comparisons of the panning setting, prior to which I hadn't got a clue how the 3 modes differ in function.
Just wanted to say thanks for all the effort you put into this guide. It has helped me to finally understant the functions of the camera and has made taking photos an enjoyable part of my gt5 experience. Great job! 👍
i have to good post and i love taken photos on this game and the facted you can use them as a back ground and taken them from your ps3 and upload to face book and here ect is anothe awesome idear by pd i will up load some of my pic's on here as well as jumping in to the comps
I noticed a small trick when working on standard cars... I am not sure if it has been patched or not, but...

LONG ago, maybe day 2 of owning GT5, I found that if you change to a vertical shot, you could actually zoom past the point where it politely asks you to BACK UP... when shooting a horizontal shot...

I will try it again now to confirm.

EDIT: this does in fact still work.
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Great post! I already have a pretty good knowledge on photography, but I learned about GT5's camera, and all it's "preferences",for lack of a better word atm.
Great post. I am also a hobby photographer of GT5 pictures. But I have one question what does the enlarge button do exactly (other than taking long to load the same picture?)
Great post. I am also a hobby photographer of GT5 pictures. But I have one question what does the enlarge button do exactly (other than taking long to load the same picture?)

if your talking about the 2x zoom in the options all it does is double the pixels from 1920x1080 to 3840x2160
Doubling the pixels is really only useful if you plan on editing.

Thanks for the feedback guys, I'm glad people are still getting use out of this guide despite it being old now. I've been meaning to update it this summer since I've learned so much more about photography now and are going professional. However, it also means that I'm being swamped with photo work and haven't had time yet. But! Updating it is still on my list of things to do. These updates would include...

More on composition, better detail and explanation of a lot of present content (like tilting, focal length in relation to background, and more real-life photography tips. So stay tuned! When it's fully updated, it'll be marked as v3.0
I've taken lots of pics but never uploaded thinking it would not be up to standerds or something similar.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but when i change my shutter speed, nothing happens? The car always looks as if it isn't moving at all.
Maybe because you are in photo travel? Hahaha

It must be different outcome with 2 different shutter speeds ;)
Thanks for the advice! I've just started posting my GT5 pictures on GT Planet and I'm sure glad I didn't put any of them in the photo-realistic thread now. I didn't think I was ready for that thread anyway.