Gran Casino

  • Thread starter badboy__93
Race Results
Exodus-Fury89 vs GTR-TOUGE
Rx-7 FC vs Impreza Wrx STi
Sierra Reverse Touge
Weekend Gambler 465pp
Amount 4,000
Winner: Exodus-Fury89

Toe-Gei challenges Porkchop87
Weekend gambler / Dec 2/14
Sierra forward run.
10,000 credits.
DC5 (Toe) vs DC2 (Pork)

Toe-Gei challenges Porkchop87
Weekend gambler / Dec 2/14
Sierra forward run.
10,000 credits.
DC5 (Toe) vs DC2 (Pork)

Race Results
weekend gambler 465pp
Toe-Gei vs Porkchop87
DC5 vs DC2
Sierra full lap forward
Amount 10,000
Winner: Toe-Gei

GTR-TOUGE challenges Hazardous-Fury-
Impreza Wrx Sti vs Berlinette Coupe
weekend gambler 465pp
1500 credits
Chamonix Main 1 lap

GTR-TOUGE challenges Hazardous-Fury-
Impreza Wrx Sti vs Berlinette Coupe
weekend gambler 465pp
1500 credits
Chamonix Main 1 lap

Race Results
Hazardous-Fury- vs GTR TOUGE
Belinette Coupe vs Impreza Wrx STi
Weekend gambler 465pp
Amount 1500

Exodus-Fury89 challenges slidinsidewayz_2
Weekend Gambler 465pp
Mount Panorama Touge
5,000 credits
when you are able to Slidin

Hazardous-Fury- was challenged by Toe-Gei to a weekend gambler 465pp Nurb 24hr 2 lap run for 10,000 credits.

Race Results
Hazardous-Fury- vs Toe-Gei
Berlinette Coupe vs DC5
wkend gambler 465pp
Dec 2/14
Amount 10,000
Winner: Toe-Gei

Exodus-Fury89 challenges ReapersJack420
Rx-7 FC vs Sileighty
Nurb 24 1laps
Dec . 2/14
Wkend gambler
6,500 credits

Race Result
Exodus-Fury89 vs ReapersJack420
Rx-7 FC vs Sileighty
Dec.2 /14
Wkend gambler 465pp
Nurb 24hr 1lap
Amount 6,500
Winner: Exodus-Fury89

Race Result
Exodus-Fury89 vs slidinsidewayz_2
Rx-7 Fc vs BRZ
Dec . 2 /14
Weekend gambler 465pp
Mount Panorama Touge
Amount 5,000
Winner: slidinsidewayz_2

Exodus-Fury89 challenges slidinsidewayz_2
and SHADOWWOLF354 to a triple threat
Sierra 2laps
75,000 buy in winner takes home 150,000
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Race Results
Dec. 2/14
Exodus-Fury89 vs slidinsidewayz_2 vs SHADOWWOLF354
Sierra 2laps
High Rolla 575pp
75,000 minium buy in. Winner gets 150,000
Winner: Exodus-Fury89

Exodus-Fury89 challenges Toe-Gei
Mp4 vs Nsx Type R
High Rolla
Dec. 2/14
Sierra Reverse banner to start.

Race Results for Dec. 2/14
slidinsidewayz_2 vs ReapersJack420
BRZ vs Sileighty
465pp Weekend Gambler
Nurb 24hr 1lap
Amount 5000
Winner: slidinsidewayz_2

Exodus-Fury89 challenges Toe-Gei
Mp4 vs Nsx Type R
High Rolla
Dec. 2/14
Sierra Reverse banner to start.

Race Results
Exodus-Fury89 vs Toe-Gei
Mp4 vs Nsx Type R
High Rolla
Amount 175,000
Dec . 2/14
Sierra Reverse
Winner: Toe-Gei

Race Result
minecraftian513 vs Nightkids_Corn
Ae86 vs Miata NA 89
Weekend Gambler 465pp
Sector Touge on Sierra 20/37/20
Amount 3,000
Winner minecraftian513

In wkend gambler btw

Race results
Exodus-Fury89 vs jonjon1444
Rx-7 FC vs Honda S2000
Sierra reverse
Weekend gambler 465pp
Dec.2/14 the race finally happened
Amount 5000
Winner: Exodus-Fury89
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There will be a make up endurance race this saturday. Exo will be hosting as I have to work. The regs will be the same as before. Time TBA. Up to everyone really. And everyone may race even if you raced before, but if you got 1st or 2nd (blurr & tate) in the last race you received a prized which bars you from this endurance. You do not have to use same car as the first time you raced as well.
Exodus challenges Fendi to a Sierra sectional touge race. Sector 20's bridge to sector 37's bridge. Turning around at the Gran Turismo banner and finish is the Gran Turismo banner after the sector 20 bridge. I challenge you to 3,000 credits. The race will be run Tuesday Dec 2 2014 @ 7pm MT

Race Result
Exodus-Fury89 vs Fendi-3000_007
Rx-7 FC vs 86GT
Dec.2/14 ran commenced
Weekend Gambler 465pp
Sierra Sectional Touge
Amount 3000
Winner: Exodus-Fury89

There will be a make up endurance race this saturday. Exo will be hosting as I have to work. The regs will be the same as before. Time TBA. Up to everyone really. And everyone may race even if you raced before, but if you got 1st or 2nd (blurr & tate) in the last race you received a prized which bars you from this endurance. You do not have to use same car as the first time you raced as well.

Endurance rerun for all respective drivers who missed out. It will be Saturday 6 Nov 2014 @ 4pm EST or 2pm MT

Race Result

chiva_xRx vs jonjon1444
Weekend gambler 465pp
Sierra reverse touge
Amount 3000
Winner: chiva_xRx
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Race Result

Badboy__93 vs Nightkids_Corn
Weekend gambler 465pp
Sierra cat &mouse forward
Amount 2000
Winner: Nightkids_Corn
Chiva challenge's jonjon1444 reverse one lap on sierra for 3,000 and he wins

Chiva_xRx challenges Jonjon1444
On circuito de la sierra one lap
For 3,000 credits
Weekend Gambler
Dec 2 winner Chiva
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I challenge Turbomaniac one lap on Sierra Reverse 1500 credits 3/dec
challange issued at 11:56 pm my time
Fendi- 3000_007 challenges Turbomaniac-_-
Trial Mtn. Reverse
For 2,000 credits
Weekend Gambler
Dec 2 winner Turbomaniac-_-

exo- fendi
chiva- turbo
bet amout- 725 credits
winner- chiva
Nightkids_Corn challenged chiva_xrx to a Sierra section touge.

Dec 2, 14

Nightkids_Corn vs Chiva_xRx

Circuito De La Sierra

Eunos Roadster 89 vs DeLorean S2

Credits: 4000

Winner: Nightkids_Corn
tater_tot525 challenges slidinsidewayz_2

tater_tot525 vs slidinsidewayz_2

Mount Panorama

Credits: 5000

Winner: slidinsidewayz_2

chiva_xRx challenges slidinsidewayz_2

chiva_xRx vs slidinsidewayz_2

sierra forward 1 lap

Credits: 3500

Winner: chiva_xRx
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Exodus-Fury89 challenges Nightkids_Corn
Fury, Rx-7 FC / Corn, Miata Roadster NA
Dec.2/14 issued

Weekend Gambler 465pp SH

Sierra Reverse turn around at last parking lot on the right side of the yellow paint and go forward for a lap. Finish is the last bridge before the forrest. If unable to understand the outbound and inbound touge i will explain in further details.

9,000 credit challenge,
When able to run.

Exodus-Fury89 challenges SHADOWWOLF354

Fury, Rx-7 FC 90 / Shadow, Rx-7 FD 91

Weekend Gambler 465pp Sh

Sierra Sectional Touge 37/20/37

11,000 or counter offer on credits only.

Challenged issued Dec.2 / 14 rdy to run when you are able to Shadow.

Exodus-Fury89 challenges Hazardous-Fury-
E.Fury, Rx-7 FC / H.Fury, Berlinette Coupe

Weekend Gambler 465pp
Nurb 24hr F.D Touge reverse. Audi banner to the start.

7,500 credits

Challenge issued Dec. 2 /14
when you are able to race let me know bro.
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I challenge anybody and everybody i havent raced yet to a weekend gambler run for 5000 credits or more. Issued seriously though i wanna run everyone atleast once. This week. If you got the balls ill run a cat n mouse run a bathurst for 10k-20k.
I challenge anybody and everybody i havent raced yet to a weekend gambler run for 5000 credits or more. Issued seriously though i wanna run everyone atleast once. This week. If you got the balls ill run a cat n mouse run a bathurst for 10k-20k.
If i was allowed to i would haha but tell shadow he better dial in the FD cuz Sierra's white comet is coming for him
Will do

Race results
Toe-gei vs slidinsidewayz
Dc5 vs brz
Nurb 2 lap
Weekend gambler 465pp
Amount 10000
Winner: toe-gei

Side bet for the high roller race against badboy__95 & gtr-touge
Slidinsidewayz 10000 on badboy__95
exodus-fury89 10000 on gtr-touge
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TEAMRAD_in1st challenges
Nurb 24H whenever is good for you
For 5,000 credits
Weekend Gambler
Do you accept?
Side bet for the high roller race against badboy__95 & gtr-touge
Slidinsidewayz 10000 on badboy__95
exodus-fury89 10000 on gtr-touge

Race Results
badboy__93 vs GTR-TOUGE
458 Italia vs GT- R35 Spec V
Sierra 2 laps
Amount 20,000
Winner: badboy__93

Side bets slidinsidewayz_2 10,000 on badboy__93
Exodus-Fury89 10,000 on GTR-TOUGE

Bet winner slidinsidewayz_2

Race Results
Impreza Wrx STi vs AE86

Dec . 3 /14
Weekend gambler
Trial mountain reverse 2 laps
Amount 1500
Winner: TEAMRAD_in1st

Side bet
750 from Exodus-Fury89 on Rad
750 from badboy on GTR

Side bet winner : Exodus-Fury89
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Badboy__93 challenges TEAMRAD_in 1st
Trial mt Rev 3 laps
weekend gambler
Dec 3

Exodus-Fury89 challenges Nightkids_Corn
Fury, Rx-7 FC / Corn, Miata Roadster NA
Dec.2/14 issued

Weekend Gambler 465pp SH

Sierra Reverse turn around at last parking lot on the right side of the yellow paint and go forward for a lap. Finish is the last bridge before the forrest. If unable to understand the outbound and inbound touge i will explain in further details.

9,000 credit challenge,
When able to run.
Side bet on exo-corn race
Badboy 750 on corn and teamrad has 750 on exo

Badboy__93 challenges Exodus-Fury89
Cat and mouse
sierra reverse
weekend Gambler
Dec 3
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Side bet on exo-corn race
Badboy 750 on corn and teamrad has 750 on exo

Race Result
Exodus-Fury89 vs NightKids_Corn
Rx-7 FC vs Miata NA
Weekend Gambler
Dec. 3/14
Amount 9,000
Winner: Exodus-Fury89

Side bet badboy__93 750 match by TEAMRAD_in1st
Side Winner: TEAMRAD_in1st

Badboy__93 challenges TEAMRAD_in 1st
Trial mt Rev 3 laps
weekend gambler
Dec 3

Race Results
TEAMRAD_in1st vs badboy__93
AE86 vs Fairlady Z34
Weekend gambler
Amount 5000
Winner: TEAMRAD_in1st

Side bet Exodus-Fury89 750 matched by Nightkids_Corn

Side bet winner: Exodus-Fury89

Badboy__93 challenges Exodus-Fury89
Cat and mouse
sierra reverse
weekend Gambler
Dec 3

Race Results
Exodus-Fury89 vs badboy__93
Rx-7 FC vs FairladyZ34
Weekend Gambler
Sierra Cat&Mouse
Amount 5,000
Winner: badboy__93

Race Results
Chamonix Main
badboy__93 vs GTR-TOUGE
Wkend Gambler
Amount 2,500
Winner: badboy__93
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Badboy__93 vs Exodus-Fury89
1 lap forward Sierra
high roller

Side bets
tater_tot525 10000 on badboy__93
teamrad_in1st 10000 on Exodus-Fury89

Side bet winner tater_tot525
TEAMRAD_in1st challenges
Nurb 24H reverse from the Audi banner, on December 4th at 3pm EST
8,000 credits
Weekend Gambler
Do you accept?
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TEAMRAD_in1st challenges
Trial Mountain Circuit Reverse on December 4th, between 3-4pm EST
3,000 credits
Weekend Gambler
Do you accept?

TEAMRAD_in1st challenges
Mount Panorama on December 4th, between 3-4 EST
4,000 credits
Weekend Gambler
Do you accept?
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Exodus-Fury89 challenges Hazardous-Fury-
E.Fury, Rx-7 FC / H.Fury, Berlinette Coupe

Weekend Gambler 465pp
Nurb 24hr F.D Touge reverse. Audi banner to the start.

7,500 credits

Challenge issued Dec. 2 /14
when you are able to race let me know bro.

Race Results
Exodus-Fury89 vs Hazardous-Fury-
E.Fury, Rx-7 FC vs H.Fury, Berlinette
Nurb 24hr F.D Touge Reverse
Wkend Gambler
Amount 7,500
Winner: Exodus-Fury89

Side bet slidinsidewayz_2 750 matched by tater_tot525
Side winner: slidinsidewayz_2

Race Results
Exodus-Fury89 vs Hazardous-Fury-
E.Fury, Rx-7 FC vs H.Fury, Berlinette
Nurb 24hr F.D Touge Reverse
Wkend Gambler
Amount 7,500
Winner: Exodus-Fury89

Side bet slidinsidewayz_2 750 matched by tater_tot525
Side winner: slidinsidewayz_2

Comes with a heavy heart to eliminate my best gt6 friend.

Race Results- Dec.3/14
Triple Threat Touge
porkchop87 vs badboy__93 vs slidinsidewayz_2

Sierra 2laps -wkend gambler- minium 4k buy in winner takes 8k.

Amount of winnings 8,000
Winner: Porkchop87

Race Results-Dec 3/14
badboy__93 vs Toe-Gei
Fairlady Z34 vs Honda DC5
White Mountain Touge
(Chamonix Main)
Wkend Gambler
Amount 6,000
Winner: badboy__93

Race Reults-Dec.3/14-High Rolla

slidinsidewayz_2 vs badboy__93
Murcielago vs 458 Italia
Sierra Grip Gambler 1lap
Amount 25,000
Winner: badboy__93

Race Results-Dec.3/14- HighRolla-
slidinsidewayz_2 vs Toe-Gei
Murcielago vs NSX Type R
siera grip gambler
Amount 100,000
Winner: Toe-Gei

Race Results- Dec.3/14- Wkend Gambler
Exodus-Fury89 vs QDieSol vs Moon_KaidoRacers
Rx-7 FC vs Rx-8 vs S2000
Sierra reverse Touge
10k buy in winner gets total 20k
Amount 10k from each loser 20k total
Winner: Moon_KaidoRacers
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Race Results- Dec.3/14- Wkend Gambler
Exodus-Fury89 vs QDieSol vs Moon_KaidoRacers
Rx-7 FC vs Rx-8 vs S2000
Sierra reverse Touge
10k buy in winner gets total 20k
Amount 10k from each loser 20k total
Winner: QDieSol
sorry but this race is invalid moonkaidoracer has not signed up
ProjectD-TofuMan challenges Fendi-3000_007 for 7,000 credits @ 4:30pm EST upon his availbilty. Sierra sectional 20 to 37 back to 20 sector

Race Results- Dec.3/14- wkend gambler
ProjectD-TofuMan vs Fendi-3000_007
Roadster Nc vs 86GT
Sierra sectional touge 20/37/20
Amount 7000
Winner: ProjectD-TofuMan

Side bet Exodus-Fury89 750 matched by Nightkids_Corn

Side bet winner: Exodus-Fury89

sorry but this race is invalid moonkaidoracer has not signed up
Invalid input. Moon_KaidoRacers actually won my bad!
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