Gran Turismo 5 Box-Cover Competition- Open until June 15

wrc86, gtstig
Create Your own Box cover and send it!!!!

I will like to see what people think the cover of Gran Turismo 5 will look like.

You have to create a Box Cover for GT5

Dimensions: max. 900x1024 : 72 dpi

TIME LIMIT: June 15 2009

upload it to this Thread

Only one entry may be submitted

mark it as FINAL ENTRY

You may change your Final Entry once

(please send your opinion about this competition! tell me if there's something wrong with it! and i will change it)

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Final Entry

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No,not really,but the Mods may may not adhere to a similiar thread.I don't know this 100 % , I guess we'll see.It is however a cool idea.
Sooo.... is there a price for the "competition"?

Just the honor of wining the competition for the best cover of GT5 and knowing you have a great idea for the game we all like.

I would love to give a prize, but I have no idea how to give it, and I do not have the money to promise something good or to send it somewhere around the world. I could give a prise to someone that lives in Bogotá Colombia

If PD gives GT5 a cover like this, the "game" definitely will rock like hell. So we can believe they put every single cent in the developement of the "game" - pay some guys for creating a fancy cover? I have no use for the cover, I want to race!

btw i wrote "game" because it's not a game, it's art
Excellent job, Chronos! Easily my favorite so far, I love the asphalt and the GT5 logo pressed into it. 👍

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