GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
There must not be much SR on offer in Daily A. I've done 11 races in my effort to recover my SR from mid B to full S, and 10 of those have resulted in SR-up indicators and I'm still only 3/4 SR-S.
Hey, guys. Just thought I'd stick my head in and say "hi". I've done 3 race B's this week so far, and although I know the track like the back of my hand, it's hard to shake the dust off.

Anyway, I may be around more. We'll see.
You can admit're just here drummin'-up fresh traffic to GranTracker.😁

Been a minute, hope all is well. Curious, have you not been playing at all or just not been vocal here? Assuming not playing so was gonna ask what you thought of the changes since you last played. There's been a ton so it might not just be cobwebs you're fightin', lol.

I finally figured-out who's name was consistently missing from the friends list when you popped-up again the other day, so thanks for that.🤣

There must not be much SR on offer in Daily A. I've done 11 races in my effort to recover my SR from mid B to full S, and 10 of those have resulted in SR-up indicators and I'm still only 3/4 SR-S.
Nature of the race as it's typically not really close racing for large parts of it.
I'm back at it at Trial Mountain this week. I tried the cars at the top of the leader boards with little success. I then tried my old dependable in the Huracan and got a time of 01:51.5XX. So, I jumped into 2 races this evening.

The first one had me P4 on the grid. Thanks to some lap 1 heroes, I got pushed into the wall in the twisty bits and lost some time. I then went off track trying to avoid a car I thought wasn't going to ghost after a spin. It did thankfully, but you never know with this game. I spin on my own after I get on the grass and had a heck of a time trying not to spin again as it felt I had no grip in my tires. A P13 finish for this one

My second race had me in P6 this time. The experience was much better as there were no lap 1 heroes and I kept it clean with no off track adventures. I did almost lose it on lap 3, but I've gotten much better at catching the car once the back end kicks out on me. I finish P5 after one of the leaders has a spin.
Advise please: I'm still at 1.50.6 in the mountain, but great sector 1 and 2: 0.29.7 and 1.08.7. Comparing with ghosts it seems I loose it all in S3, and more specifically the last two turns. Also in races I notice that I'm always caught up on the start/finish straight.

I'm in the 911 - any advise? How are you managing last two turns? Brake marks, turn in marks, BB adjustments... anything you would be willing to share? What's the secret I don't know?
I'm still at 1:51.2 (matching your 1:50.6 only ideally). Losing from 4 to 9 tenths just at first esses (I've some homework to do there). For what is worth, don't brake too deep for the first left (in 1 gear) clinch lil the curb and, as soon as you see the right curb blue/white appearance, put the 2nd pointing towards the curb (gentile with the throttle) and go full throttle just before hitting it. Brake mark: at ar 1/3 of total lenght of external curb (always before the braking red blinking ligth start, if it has already started blinking it means you're too late on braking, but if it blinks just after start braking then you're spot on). I'm always matching (if not being lil in front) ghosts in the 1:49s at the approach of first esses, then I start messing. BB 0 to +2 max depending on "taste". +2 gives more instability downhill after the back straight on the third to last corner to the right. Beware, in race is better to sacrifice the entry a bit in order to avoid idiotic diving bombers. Hope it may help you to get in the 49's club.
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Oh man, I feel bad for those stuck with the PS5 version. Especially this week with the Nurb Race A. ON PS5, you can't even breath on the curbing or the car ends up bounding like and east LA Impala
I play the ps4 version on my ps5. I do not notice any problems. Could also be my own lack of skill ;-)
You can admit're just here drummin'-up fresh traffic to GranTracker.😁
LOL. Nope.
Been a minute, hope all is well. Curious, have you not been playing at all or just not been vocal here? Assuming not playing so was gonna ask what you thought of the changes since you last played. There's been a ton so it might not just be cobwebs you're fightin', lol.
I haven't been playing, nor have I been reading much. I'm not sure what changes you're talking about. I mean, some of the cars seem much squirrely than before, but adjusting the BB seems to help.
I finally figured-out who's name was consistently missing from the friends list when you popped-up again the other day, so thanks for that.🤣
I was surprised to see how many people in my friends list still play!
Nature of the race as it's typically not really close racing for large parts of it.
I've always been under the impression that SR was calculated by completing clean sectors, not close racing. Ie a lonely race out front would yield the same result as a closely contested (but clean) race in the mid pack.
It is one of the most fun races I've seen in sport mode, race A is usually dead after a few hours but this week it seems like the Nordschleife fans are hitting it hard!
This has to be one of the best combos they have on offer, period. Cars/Tunes are perfect for the venue. In my opinion, they found the perfect blend of speed and traction to let things get a little messy without dying. The opposite of this equation would be: Gr.3's + RH's + cold track = NO.😁

Had a great run there yesterday. Been trying to shave some time off my QT since the 7:16 I had included a trip to the wall and a complete stop through Swallow Tail. This is not the place (for me) to play back row hero, lol. A 7:05 and change, even after taking flight through Hedwig's, was a welcome improvement. Landed me sub-1000 so happy with that.

I know this track has a strong love/hate thing going on. For me, no matter how many times I run it, no other place is as rewarding to put down a decent time at. ANY decent lap here is a freakin' triumph.🤣
This has to be one of the best combos they have on offer, period. Cars/Tunes are perfect for the venue. In my opinion, they found the perfect blend of speed and traction to let things get a little messy without dying. The opposite of this equation would be: Gr.3's + RH's + cold track = NO.😁
It is one of the most fun races I've seen in sport mode, race A is usually dead after a few hours but this week it seems like the Nordschleife fans are hitting it hard!
Given the limited hours to play that I have for this week, Im having such a difficult decision to make between A and C.
A is all fun but C is one of my strongest combos (dont know why but I can overperform and match the pace of some drivers who usually are way ahead of my times).
So the decision is to have fun at the nords or farm DR at Suzuka...
@skandiamannen something feels off this week at the mountain. Can't put my finger on it but the cars feel sketchy/unstable. Didn't check the track temp but I've been struggling as well. Not much help, sorry, just a bit of co-misery on offer.

Beyond that, I usually start with what @Tidgney recommends and then season to taste, if you will. For the last left, he drops anchor just before the second blank barrier wall on the left. Watch his guide a page or so ago, you'll see what I mean.
Thanks a lot mate, i'll take another look, but I'm in VR, should have mentioned that, so it's hard to translate.
Given the limited hours to play that I have for this week, Im having such a difficult decision to make between A and C.
A is all fun but C is one of my strongest combos (dont know why but I can overperform and match the pace of some drivers who usually are way ahead of my times).
So the decision is to have fun at the nords or farm DR at Suzuka...
Personally I would always go where you are having the most fun, whichever race that is. DR comes and goes so I try to not pay too much attention to it.

This has to be one of the best combos they have on offer, period. Cars/Tunes are perfect for the venue. In my opinion, they found the perfect blend of speed and traction to let things get a little messy without dying. The opposite of this equation would be: Gr.3's + RH's + cold track = NO.😁

Had a great run there yesterday. Been trying to shave some time off my QT since the 7:16 I had included a trip to the wall and a complete stop through Swallow Tail. This is not the place (for me) to play back row hero, lol. A 7:05 and change, even after taking flight through Hedwig's, was a welcome improvement. Landed me sub-1000 so happy with that.

I know this track has a strong love/hate thing going on. For me, no matter how many times I run it, no other place is as rewarding to put down a decent time at. ANY decent lap here is a freakin' triumph.🤣

The cars is one of the great things about this race, the Mazda is probably the fastest car on the leaderboard but everything is competitive so people are choosing whatever they like the feel off best and you get a load of variety on the grid.

I haven't tried a qualifying lap yet but have been having good fun starting from the back, I even managed a win last night when the lead group self-destructed 😅

That's weird. I pound those curbs like it's my job and it feels no different than it has in years at this track.
Are you going back and forth between the two platforms? Maybe it's just me but I haven't had the street cars on the PS4 version bounce they way they do on PS5. I did Race A with the Supra on PS5 and the bouncing was killing me. On the PS4, it's a minor nuisance.
This sounds like it could be a tv issue more than a PS5. All 4k HDR tv's aren't created equal. Is your PS5 plugged into a 2.1 HDMI port? What is the unput lag time of your tv? Does your tv have a Game Mode? If you're having to turn off a bunch of features to get the game to run better, it may be time to upgrade your tv. Read more about it here . If this isn't the problem than I would say it's just a matter of adapting. But I can't see a case of the PS5 inducing more input lag than a PS4.
Ya, could be, but I have seen many complain about the darkness of the PS5 HDR. I was suffering that as well, so I turned it off. Personally, I think it looks better. Then again, I feel that way about HDR on other platforms as well...and yes, it totally could be the TV since it's from 2015.
I play the ps4 version on my ps5. I do not notice any problems. Could also be my own lack of skill ;-)
I don't think it's the machine. I think it's the version. Who knows? Some alteration may not have been merged into the PS4/PS5 version properly. All I can say is that the PS4 (albeit on the PS4) version seems more stable. I haven't tested the PS4 version on PS5.
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i had to reality check myself today when i got home from work.

i really do need to remember on my improvement journey i have come a long way from when i picked sim racing up again and with a little more focus than casually playing.

i got home swearing to myself on the drive from the office that i can improve my time and get in to the 1.49s so i've just done 30 miles (after driving 20 home 🤣) and i did improve by 2/10s to a 1.50.062 and looked at the leaderboard and that is a bloody good time for my skill level. i need to stop trying to be at the bleeding edge and race more again is the moral of my story.

tl:dr stop pushing for times so hard and embrace the race more again Glen!
When you get hit off track early on by the first place car and then after a failed block by said car on the straight you then punt them off in a fit of red mist only to watch the replay and find the first hit might have been an accident 😕
That's the main reason I don't take revenge on anyone. Most the time I did, watching the replay shows a different story. Sometimes the guy was hit beforehand and just rebound on you or sometime like you said, I fail to identify the bad guy correctly.

The other reason is I'm just bad at it. Since I'm not a dirty driver, when I want to be one, I fail miserably, taking myself out in the procces.

@mellofello9 great time you have on The Nord, you are at the top of my leaderboard by quite a margin. I will probably put a time before the end of the week. But for now, I really enjoy starting from behind and try to follow / avoid anything the track and people throw at me. You really have to care and not be in a hurry. One race I just had to follow a fast non-qualiflyer and he just barge pass trough anybody in front of him. It was ugly.
first all A lobby win




every yin has a yang

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I need to add you to my VR account as that is all I play now - though less sport at the moment and more single player/TT...
Thanks! I missed you guys too. I wish I could do VR without getting sick, but I think I've mentioned before that I get seasick standing on a dock (true story), so I'll just have to be envious of you. 😂
That suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks...sorry man.☹️

Every once-in-a-while I'll throw "...and don't forget to pit!" out there in the pre-race chat...but only for Daily B. Don't think it's worked yet, tho. I'll assume some scoundrel sent you in for tires?
nah it's self inflicted, close racing on the whole which you'd expect when the times start to get tight. every lap is comparable to my QT time so that is full beans in sector 1 etc.

the in race pace of the mid pack was 1.50:1s so my pushing is me pushing. i think @skandiman was in my race for the one i pitted on (i was so far back and they were all so close, it was pointless to try)
nah it's self inflicted, close racing on the whole which you'd expect when the times start to get tight. every lap is comparable to my QT time so that is full beans in sector 1 etc.

the in race pace of the mid pack was 1.50:1s so my pushing is me pushing. i think @skandiman was in my race for the one i pitted on (i was so far back and they were all so close, it was pointless to try)
Yea, that was me, and I started probably around P5-7 or so (1.50.1), but spun out in the T1 on lap 2. As I were recovering from the crash and doing a three point turn and finally got myself straight on top of the hill between T1 an T2, a car flew straight through me. I was ghosted of course, and standing just at the apex, so I was invisible. Thought I was the only one back there. All of the sudden I gave birth to a screaming 911 flying straight through me :lol:

Then after the tunnel you where parked, I thought you were waiting for me to at least have a bit of a battle for P15, but I could never catch you. Then I see you go in to the pits, and I went on. I for a split second I thought you actually went for new tires or something, but then I realized that you rather pitted than race me :lol:. In the end I almost caught up with the pack, but of course finished last.

I did three races today, finished last in two, and second last in this one.

And by the way I figured out last two corners: BB +3 sector 1+2, and BB -5 for sector 3. I'm 5 tenths faster compared to +-0 full lap. Qt is OK, problem in the race is that you easily screw it up. Move from radar to BB, turn from +2 to -5 (that's easy, going from -5 to +2 is hard), move back to radar - while racing. Or rather, as in my case, crashing.
I've been trying race B this week. I love Trial Mountain, and the quick races can be/ are fun. This evening, however, it was more wreckfest than race craft. Granted, a DR B lobby, so we are none of us great. However, getting repeatedly backdoored and side swiped in a SR S lobby feels.....grievous. Is tonight just messy, did something change, or is it just a poorly disguised demolition derby? I work so hard be be clean and respectful, it's just demoralizing.
Hey, guys. Just thought I'd stick my head in and say "hi". I've done 3 race B's this week so far, and although I know the track like the back of my hand, it's hard to shake the dust off.

Anyway, I may be around more. We'll see.
Welcome back to the club mate, I'm glad you're enjoying Trial Mountain again. I had to sell my ps4 and now I'm gonna have to save up for another one. It sucks but I'm hanging in there. Hope you're beating this Covid-19. It's a nasty thing to get. My grandparents got it 2 years ago. Take care, :)
I just had the worst 4 race stretch I think I've ever had. The starts were fine, but I had multiple self inflicted spins in the Huracan. So, that car is in time out until further notice. I switched the Porsche and it's bumper cars out there. I had a 3 second penalty for ignoring a yellow flag after the warning left the screen so I was baffled by that during one race. All of my finishes were in the back of the field and my DR went into a free fall. Which would explain the bumper cars as my progress bar was around 25% or so. Looks like I have a long climb to get back where I was.
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I've been trying race B this week. I love Trial Mountain, and the quick races can be/ are fun. This evening, however, it was more wreckfest than race craft. Granted, a DR B lobby, so we are none of us great. However, getting repeatedly backdoored and side swiped in a SR S lobby feels.....grievous. Is tonight just messy, did something change, or is it just a poorly disguised demolition derby? I work so hard be be clean and respectful, it's just demoralizing.
I did 6 races there so far, all in DR B - SR S. Kicked out in 4 of them, 3 times intentionally (I mean some people just liked to tap my butt continuosly) and one by accident ( the guy apologised and waited for me to recover in front of him, like I do when i'm the "perpetrator" by mistake). In one, I lost the braking point of the last corners to hit the guy which I was fighting with for 3rd (my bad). Eventually I had only one clean and fair race where, from 1st to me (5th) there was no dirty game and we finished battling in 2sec gap between us. I assume it is a matter of luck. Last week I had plenty of victories from pole or second row thinking that all was mostly clean an fair, then I gave a deep look at replays and changed my mind. In SR S there's a "loud" minority of nasty drivers anyway.
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