- 238
- United Kingdom
- thehobnob97
It's a shame I could not make it due to holiday in Malta 
Do you want the files? I could export them and attach them here in a .ZIP file.Thanks for a great event, guys. I will probably record it someday.
Do you want the files? I could export them and attach them here in a .ZIP file.
Here ya go.I would like that if it's not too much trouble.
I've downloaded the file, now how do I view it?
wtf?No, you have to purchase the Mediafire version of WINZIP to open it. I have downloaded the trial version 3 times now and it won't do it. I am not going to spend $30 to view a replay, sorry.
You can download the file and use 7Zip to open it, which is free.No, you have to purchase the Mediafire version of WINZIP to open it. I have downloaded the trial version 3 times now and it won't do it. I am not going to spend $30 to view a replay, sorry.
By "unzip" I mean open the archive containing the replay's files, not open the file itself. What you do is you open the archive, take the two folders inside, put them on a thumb drive, stick the thumb drive into the PS3, and then copy them to "Saved Data Utility (PS3)." After that, I'm not sure, having never downloaded and viewed someone else's replay.Well, my computer unzipped the file with the format cpgz (heebee gee bee I guess) but it wouldn't go any further than that. I'm on a mac, is that a windows format?