Gran Turismo 5 not before 2009

  • Thread starter amar212
It's really no surprise because some of the meticulous dedication that PD employees put into their work is skirting psychopathy, in my opinion.

This game will be enormous.

I agree with you that the likelihood of all of those being on GT5 is not big, but it's all the little improvements and details (such as the ones I mentioned) that PD makes between now & the release date that would determine whether GT5 will be a first day buy or a used buy somewhere down the line.

While that may not be true for a lot of the diehards on this board, it could certainly apply to Forza fans & all the regular gamers that PD are trying to reach.

Umm, maybe you should read the front page. Prologue sold about 375,000 blu-ray copies in 48 hours. Prologue also had over 1,000,000 preorders for the bluray copy. Thats over 1,375,000 copies of their PROLOGUE in the matter of 48 hours, not even including the downloads from PSN!! For all we know GT5P May have sold 2,000,000 copies in the first 48 hours. The funny part is thats only the PAL release of their game. They don't need your money, and i'm sure most people have forgotten about some forza game by now. I think what you said only applies to you, and a handfull of others. :sly:
I just read on the most reliable source in Belgium that GT5 will be released the earliest the end of 2009.
Yes, I have read the front page, but I'm talking about GT5 here & not the prologue. Although I'll admit that the numbers that we're seeing could reflect what the sales of the actual game will look like.

Secondly, I actually don't play Forza 2 (though I still play 1 from time to time), but they do have fans that are waiting to see what PD comes up with for GT5. I've bought every GT so far & while I enjoy it, I need to see new improvements to this series before I decide to buy a PS3 & GT5...And I know that there are GT (and Forza) fans out there waiting to see what the final game offers before they buy a PS3...

You're right, we may, in fact, be in the minority. But I think it's time PD delivers on what KY's actual vision on Gran Turismo should be. We've all heard the promises before (damage circa GT2?), and who says that won't be the case again with all the talk about damage, dynamic weather, etc...And no, paying for it in downloads later is not exactly great because let's face it, it's cheaper for me to go the ALMS race this weekend than buying a PS3 & the prologue. Hell, I can even go to next year's race and it would still be cheaper.

I'm not arguing that they're not going to sell a lot of copies, because the general public alone would buy just because it has pretty graphics. But there are some fans of the series that just wants a bit more. Come on, don't tell me you'd just go out and buy anything PD releases and not consider what new features it has over the previous games.

And you're right, they don't need my money, but on the flip side of things I don't exactly need to buy a new gaming system & a racing game. That said, I'll most likely end up buying somewhere down the line, but whether I buy it the first day of release or used depends on what is eventually offered.
Im a firm believer in good things come to those who wait! id rather it be released in xmas 09 and have it absolutely brilliant than rushed along to meet some launch date to secure sales.....they dont need the money although prologue and similar sales are their main form of income but lets face it GT4 was rubbish in context to GT3 playability and addictivness so they really need to get GT5 correct first time round for the fan base and to be THE BEST.

I have never actually even played FORZA nor the XBOX for that matter. dont ask me why cos im a string fan of mirosoft and racing sims so i knew it wud be a hit. Their developing budget from new im sure was far higher than PD whne GT1 was launched! However, i stuck with SONY and the GT series and with GT5:P im very happy and its deffo a step in the rite direction for the main GT5 game...whether its launched next week or xmas 09 with a full price to be paid even though i downloaded from the psn store i dont care. ASLONG AS ITS GREAT!

Sorry for babbling but just needed to say that sometimes it pays to wait even if you are waiting to pay!
If it took MS 2 years to create Forza 2, then it will take them 3 or 4 years to make anything nearly as good as GT4 in content size and replayability. My money is on GT5, worry about Forza 3 when you can somehow unpeal your self from gt5.

Now that's just fanboy talk.

Gran Turismo 2 scored a 93 in 1999 see Metacritic
Gran Turismo 4 scored an 89 in 2004 see Metacritic
Forza 2 scored a 90 in 2006 see Metacritic
Forza scored a 92 in 2004 see Metacritic

The bar gets raised every year. Getting a 93 in 1999 does not make Gran Turismo 2 a better game than Gran Turismo 4. If Pong scored a 92 in 1976 it might have been state of the art back then, but it takes a hell of a lot more to get a 92 in 2008. It's common sense, that the bar gets raised every year.

Likewise Forza in 2004 getting a 92 does not make it a better game than Forza 2 with a 90 in 2006. The bar was raised. Forza 2 is a better game than Forza 1, but the bar had been raised for graphics, sound etc in two years.

In any case, Gran Turismo is older and scored lower than both Forza 1 and Forza 2. And to say it will take 3-4 years for Forza 3 to best Gran Turismo 4 is just complete fanboy talk.

My guess is Forza 3 will take 2 years to complete just like Forza 2 did. Expect Forza 3 sometime near May of 2009. And it may or may not score higher than Forza 1's 93, but it's 4 years later and will be a better game. Will it be a better game than GT 5? Who knows, but GT 4 is from 2004 on the PS2 for petes sake.

Both the GT series and Forza series are excellent games, but you should tone down your fanboy talk just a bit.
Now that's just fanboy talk.

Gran Turismo 2 scored a 93 in 1999 see Metacritic
Gran Turismo 4 scored an 89 in 2004 see Metacritic
Forza 2 scored a 90 in 2006 see Metacritic
Forza scored a 92 in 2004 see Metacritic

The bar gets raised every year. Getting a 93 in 1999 does not make Gran Turismo 2 a better game than Gran Turismo 4. If Pong scored a 92 in 1976 it might have been state of the art back then, but it takes a hell of a lot more to get a 92 in 2008. It's common sense, that the bar gets raised every year.

Likewise Forza in 2004 getting a 92 does not make it a better game than Forza 2 with a 90 in 2006. The bar was raised. Forza 2 is a better game than Forza 1, but the bar had been raised for graphics, sound etc in two years.

In any case, Gran Turismo is older and scored lower than both Forza 1 and Forza 2. And to say it will take 3-4 years for Forza 3 to best Gran Turismo 4 is just complete fanboy talk.

My guess is Forza 3 will take 2 years to complete just like Forza 2 did. Expect Forza 3 sometime near May of 2009. And it may or may not score higher than Forza 1's 93, but it's 4 years later and will be a better game. Will it be a better game than GT 5? Who knows, but GT 4 is from 2004 on the PS2 for petes sake.

Both the GT series and Forza series are excellent games, but you should tone down your fanboy talk just a bit.

Luckily I don't rely on douche bags rating 10 video games a week who can't make a lap without crashing. There opinions are pointless to me. I have played GT2, GT3, GT4, and forza 2. The hours I put into forza 2? Can't quite say but I know I was only into that game for a month or two. GT4? When it came out I was into it for atleast a year. What game is in my ps3 right now? GT4. Forza 2's graphics are hardly better than gt4 and thats sad. That said, GT4 is twice the size of forza. Twice the amount of races and more than twice the amount of cars. Everyone has an opinion and mine is that GT>Forza. GT5, the first next gen GT game, hasn't even been finished yet where as forza 2 was rushed out for money. Forza 2 and maybe even 3 will again pale in comparison to GT5's content. I have big hopes with PD bringing their gem of a game to the next gen consoles and when its all said in done forza will be like dust in the wind.
Fanboy, yes, but I have a reason to be.
Break it up guys. This isn't a Forza Vs. Gran Turismo thread. We have threads for that, to be sure.

Lets try and stay on topic.

Its not surprising, frankly. The wait times for these games are almost always epic, however, the results can in fact be questionable. Given what I have seen of the game already, it appears as though the fully-rendered cockpits and stunningly beautiful car models make it an appealing thing to spring for...

...Thing is, I don't own a PS3 (I refuse to buy one at the moment), and won't likely get one until GT5 drops. Its what I did for the PS2, and I'll be happy to do it again...

Like others (I assume) have said, Prologue is a great way to have a bit of a "snack" before the big meal, but I personally don't think its worth $40. Thats just me though. Remember, I'm apparently a big Microsoft proponent or something, so don't listen to me...

I'll get it when it comes around. I won't have a PS3 before Christmas, so I'm fine with waiting.
I'd be buying it, of course. Thing is, I had planned on getting a Wii first. But, a new car comes before all of that (99% sure it will be an '08 Mazda 3, debating on M3iT sedan or an M3s hatch)... So, yeah. We'll see what happens.

Still got the X360 and PC to keep me happy, and I still bust out the N64 quite frequently.

I decided to wait mostly because there a) haven't been many games that appeal to me and b) didn't want to gamble on Blue-Ray should it fail.
I'd be buying it, of course. Thing is, I had planned on getting a Wii first. But, a new car comes before all of that (99% sure it will be an '08 Mazda 3, debating on M3iT sedan or an M3s hatch)... So, yeah. We'll see what happens.

Still got the X360 and PC to keep me happy, and I still bust out the N64 quite frequently.

I decided to wait mostly because there a) haven't been many games that appeal to me and b) didn't want to gamble on Blue-Ray should it fail.

Toshiba gave up on HD DVD about a month or two ago thus ending the HD format war.

You realize that I do have the internet, right? You also understand the past-tense, correct?

Welcome to the forums, chap.

You realize that I do have the internet, right? You also understand the past-tense, correct?

Welcome to the forums, chap.

What kind of attitude is that? who do you think you are?
I was just trying to share information I thought you didn t have.

you can keep your welcome for yourself. thankfully the majority of posters are not like u.

:grumpy: :grumpy:
Quite right, however, I get worried sometimes about the quality of the postings. Trust me, I mean you no harm, however, I'm surprised that you would think that I wouldn't know the goings-on in the format wars (et, al).

GTP is a like one big family on the internet. At the very least that makes me the cousin who is a bit of an ass, does his own deal, and may/may not have a taste for the drink. Same goes for Azure. Kinda.
Look at my signature. I really really need Civic FD2 to be in this game, as well as some old Civic Ek4/9, Eg6/9 would be good.

It understandable that the game isn't going to be released next month, prologue wasn't that profitable that way. I guess that new GT is kind of surprise for all of us, so, what if the release of this one matched the announced date, instead of getting late and late again?

If ever a GT game comes out at expected time, it isn't GT anymore :P
I'm surprised that you would think that I wouldn't know the goings-on in the format wars (et, al).

As stated above, I am new on this board, hence I don t know who you are. As far as I am concerned you could be a 77 year old bitter senior citizen or a 19 year old nerd full of acne. I am not omniscient therefore I don t know if u even know whats a VCR. And after your remark, I couldn t care less.
When I don t play with GT5 prologue, I am an airline pilot, and I also visit some pilot discussion boards. And guess what, there is always arrogant bitter people just like you who make other posters do one thing: not posting and therefore not contributing to the community.
IMO, your reaction was not appropriate

Calm down there saviboy, not everyone is as bitter as YSSMAN (he hasn't taken his meds yet ;)), most people here are friendly helpful people!
I love this thread already. I haven't tested these legs in a while...
As stated above, I am new on this board, hence I don t know who you are. As far as I am concerned you could be a 77 year old bitter senior citizen or a 19 year old nerd full of acne. I am not omniscient therefore I don t know if u even know whats a VCR. And after your remark, I couldn t care less.
When I don t play with GT5 prologue, I am an airline pilot, and I also visit some pilot discussion boards. And guess what, there is always arrogant bitter people just like you who make other posters do one thing: not posting and therefore not contributing to the community.
IMO, your reaction was not appropriate


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