Gran Turismo 5 Videos - GamesCom 2009

  • Thread starter MGR
Not sure where to post this but does anyone know if damage was set to full? It seemed a little tame and I have seen some posts saying it was not however think it's an assumption.
Not sure where to post this but does anyone know if damage was set to full? It seemed a little tame and I have seen some posts saying it was not however think it's an assumption.

Nobody truely knows yet. We are all hoping its better then shown. It is possible it was toned down for that demo. F3 did it at E3, so I wouldnt be shocked.
Has anybody actually thought about the fact that this could be a license test?

I mean, those had set limits on cars, you can clearly see a racing line indicator which you wouldn't think would be present in normal racing...

I wouldn't get worked up with just seeing a field of 10 and taking that literally.
Has anybody actually thought about the fact that this could be a license test?

I mean, those had set limits on cars, you can clearly see a racing line indicator which you wouldn't think would be present in normal racing...

I wouldn't get worked up with just seeing a field of 10 and taking that literally.

Its Arcade single race and you can switch the line on or off as a help.
Same like in Prologue.
hasn't anyone wondered why only on the Subaru WRC the lights are on?
In all the videos i have seen so far, the Subaru WRC was the only one with its headlights and tail lights on.
Maybe PD allows us to switch them on our selfs this time?

Nah i would say its like with the Z06 in Prologue.

hmmm probably!

Anyhow, really looking forward to this game!

Just a side note, Tokyo R245 looks just so incredible its not even funny anymore.
I could swear that it even looks better then real life :D


Nice find, I didn't catch that at first. I hope that means Night racing is back again, only with actual day/night cycles.
Maybe I'm hoping, but the very first gif on the first page where the Evo slams into the Impreza, I'm liking the way the Evo seems to be locking up in a vain attempt to avoid the Impreza also braking hard before hitting
Maybe I'm hoping, but the very first gif on the first page where the Evo slams into the Impreza, I'm liking the way the Evo seems to be locking up in a vain attempt to avoid the Impreza also braking hard before hitting

that is also exactly what i thought, the way the evo approaches the standing WRC subaru shows that hes on the brakes and tries to avoid contact.




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Everyone noticed that the bumper cam isn't really bumper? On this GIF when the whitebox is on the hood of the car and he change to "bumpercam" you see the cam isn't bumper its more like on the windshield with a invisible hood.

Wow, thanks very much for posting this video, good find, def the best quality yet, the cars and the track really do look amazing, i really cant believe the jump from GT5P. This video was also very good because it showed the ineraction between all of the cars, how the AI ones try to get out of the way if there is a crash, or really fight back for position, I cant wait for this game, i really cant.
Everyone noticed that the bumper cam isn't really bumper? On this GIF when the whitebox is on the hood of the car and he change to "bumpercam" you see the cam isn't bumper its more like on the windshield with a invisible hood.

Never has been. I've been saying this for years. Despite the fact it's blatantly obvious people still say things like "oh I don't play 'bumper cam' cause in real life my face isn't mounted to the bumper" and "bumper cam is too low" etc.

Nice caps there, Would have made some myself but currently in a rush and finally got round to download alot of GT5 Footage today,

Regarding the above in my opnion this is an old build. The GT5 Trailer at E3 Clearly shows when a car careered off the track the A.I. did their best to avoid the accident and weave around the crashing Citreon GT. This is clearly a a Show Demo in my opinion and is not the final build, Remembering back to when the GT5 Details about the game came out a few nights ago they translated to *Special Gamescom Version* Alot of stuff is missing and the *Show Demo* cannot possibly be gudged as the final product. Everyone knows this yet are criticising of course, In my opinion it was a mistake to reveal GT5 Show Demo at Gamescom, PD Should have saved their Footage for TGS when on their home turf to clearly explain everything in detail with a Conference and not random journalists like Sixaxis slating it straight away. I've been timidly watching everyone over the last couple of days and I'm expecting PD to get alot of Disapproving comments because of the *Demo* But I know that they'll disrigard the comments and come out strong for TGS, People are forgetting that GT5 wernt even on the List to be appearing at Gamecom But strangely they were there for their booths. I'm very postive about whats been shown and i'd be very happy for GT5 to even have Damage for Race Cars, Rally Cars etc, and keep the loverly cars intact, It's just not the Gran Turismo tradition to have Damage because from watching these videos it reminds me of an Arcade Machine. But as I said I will not judge anything until the game is my Console and i'm playing it! 👍
Wow man... impressive videos.

I just want to say "Arigato" to the PD Team. This videos led me into thinking, that PD is trying everything they can to deliver us a great game, with features we wanted!
Was the game actually officially refered to as a GT5 demo at gamescom? I don't think it was was it? The only thing on the demo booths was 'Gran Trusimo' was it not? I actually now also think this was an 'early build' or a 'demo build' of the game.
Never has been. I've been saying this for years. Despite the fact it's blatantly obvious people still say things like "oh I don't play 'bumper cam' cause in real life my face isn't mounted to the bumper" and "bumper cam is too low" etc.

Yeah the cam is fitted on the windshield and not on the bumper , if it was on the bumper the sense of speed would be way faster because it would be almost on the street :crazy:
Was the game actually officially refered to as a GT5 demo at gamescom? I don't think it was was it? The only thing on the demo booths was 'Gran Trusimo' was it not? I actually now also think this was an 'early build' or a 'demo build' of the game.

If you were on a few nights ago when PD had released GT5's Games Details onto their Japanese Websites many people were trying to Translate the Games Details accurately into English. One user stumbled on the fact that part of the text Translated to GT5's *Special Gamescon Version* Or something to do with that along the lines of. Of course the details were removed from the website and therefore have no proof to this as of now but that users post is buried somewhere on the News Page Comments under Jordans ; Gran Turismo 5 Game Features Announced* Blog Thread, I'll have a dig for it but it was a over 500 comments ago I saw it.
I briefly saw a dashboard cam view (close up the the windshield but still shows a bit of steering wheel, sort of a cockpit version of the miss-named "bumper-cam") somewhere but I tried to find it again on the videos but failed to find any evidence! I hope it is there is this would satisfy the guys with the full cockpit setup in their homes. I myself use full cockpit "helmet cam" but the dash cam is also cool

edit. on second thoughts it could have been the camera filming the screen being close to the tv lolol
i hope not...
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