Gran Turismo 6: Kazunori Yamauchi and Jim Ryan on 15 years of GT

Interview from PS Blog.

As many of you will no doubt have noticed, last week we opened the garage doors on Gran Turismo 6 – the stunning next entry in Polyphony Digital’s legendary racing series, due later this year on PlayStation 3.

While the gathered media were getting their very first look at the game at our Silverstone event, PlayStation Blog sat down with its creator Polyphony CEO Kazunori Yamauchi and Sony Computer Entertainment Europe CEO Jim Ryan to look back on GT’s illustrious 15 year history, and look ahead to its exciting, genre-advancing future.

Jim, what was your very first encounter with the Gran Turismo series?

Jim Ryan: I was actually a really big Motor Toon Grand Prix fan. I was over in Tokyo at whatever the development studio was called then and someone said “Come and see Kazunori’s new game.” I was used to a very fun cartoony racer and picked up this early version of GT and thought “ahh, it could be very good and technically impressive, and the graphics are lovely, but I’m not sure if this is a good idea. Motor Toon GP was such a great game!”

Clearly I was wrong and Kazunori was 100% right! I don’t think if he carried on with Motor Toon GP we’d be sat here celebrating 70 million units of Gran Turismo sold worldwide…

What’s been the defining moment of the series for you?

JR: I remember when we launched PS2. We’re now 13 years away from that, 170 million units produced, greatest success story in history for a TV-based console. However, at the start of the life cycle it was very difficult in Europe. Price points were high and we found it very difficult to sell the system. But then along came GT3. It came in this lovely red packaging and we did a lot of hardware bundles. Sales of PS2 went through the sky and it never stopped. GT3 made a huge, huge impact on the life of PS2. For me, that was the best moment.

Why do you think it has continued to thrive over the years when other racing series have come and gone?

JR: The quality of the driving experience, in our opinion, is so much higher than what’s available on competing platforms. Whether it’s the driving experience or how the tracks are so faithfully recreated, in our opinion there’s nothing in the market that approaches it.

There is no substitution for absolute quality and obsessive attention to detail. If you do those things you have a far better chance of success. One of the great things about Yamauchi-san is he is completely unswerving in his dedication to making something that’s perfect.

Kazunori, you’ve been working on Gran Turismo for nearly 20 years now. Is it hard to stay focussed and maintain the energy you had when you were making the original?

Kazunori Yamauchi: The main thing that we try to do is to keep improving what’s in front of us. There’s a lot of hard work there, but that’s what we enjoy doing. There’s a lot of fun to be had. I think that if we continue that hard work, something great is going to come out at the end of it. Maybe I’m thinking about it too simply, but that’s the idea.

What do you think the young Kazunori Yamuachi who was making the first Gran Turismo would think if you could show him GT6?

KY: I think he’d think that his dreams had come true! He would think that this is the kind of game that he wanted to play, and to make.

Improving what we’ve been doing has continued over the years. It’s not something that you can actually do all the time, even if you try. We’ve been really lucky that over the last 15 years we have in fact been able to do that, and that we’ve been able to do it with the same team. If you look at the wider game industry, there are not many places where they’ve kept the same team over the years working on the same title.

Why is Gran Turismo 6 debuting on PS3, rather than PS4?

JR: You had GT1 and GT2 on PS one, GT3 and GT4 on PS2, then there’s GT5 on PS3 and a space next to it. The difference between Gran Turismo and GT2 is unbelievable, but they’re both on the same platform.
The difference between GT3 and GT4 is huge. We’re absolutely confident when GT6 comes, you’ll see a big step change up from GT5 too. There’s still a lot of potential on PS3 that a developer like Polyphony can really exploit.

And the other factor is that on PS3 we have an install base of 70 million units. On PS4 on launch day we’ll have an install base of zero units. There’ll be plenty of games to help drive PS4 – not least Driveclub in the racing genre from Evolution Studios, a studio with a fantastic pedigree.

Graphical fidelity has reached the point where it can be hard to spot major differences from one iteration of a game series to the next. How hard is it to surprise gamers with a title like GT6?

KY: That’s very true. We’ve got to the point where the hardware has matured and it’s really difficult to tell graphically what’s new. Professionals can tell, but a casual game player probably couldn’t. As for GT, we always love new technology; we’re always going to pursue it and implement it, whether it be improving the PS3 version or working on a PS4 version. The key thing with GT6 is the blending of ‘real’ and ‘virtual’ – where something new and interesting will come to life from the merging of two totally different industries. The more you work on that, the more interesting it gets.

It’s not really a matter of lessening the difference between real and virtual. The interesting part of it is when the ‘real’ starts to effect the ‘virtual’, and vice versa. How these different worlds start to affect each other is what we try and work on in GT, and it’s what makes GT so interesting.

GT Academy is an example of that. It’s not really just about developing racing drivers. What’s happening there is that they’re kind of re-defining what a racing driver is. They’re really breaking new ground, and reinventing the system of how the racing world works.

Around half of Gran Turismo’s lifetime sales tally has come from Europe. Why do you think it’s so popular here?

JR: I think the answer to that lies in the nature of the markets. The American market is much more of a core gamer market where there’s a greater preference amongst gamers for shooters and action adventure games like GTA, whereas the European market tends over time to go somewhat younger, and somewhat more casual in its nature. That sort of demographic really lends itself to a racing game like GT, which appeals to both sexes and across all ages.

Finally Jim, what’s your motor of choice when you boot up GT?

JR: I’ll play whatever comes up! Personally motorsport isn’t one of my great passions. I do enjoy the game a great deal, but real world motorsport… fast is not what I do. I drive slowly, and not very often!
"We’ve got to the point where the hardware has matured and it’s really difficult to tell graphically what’s new. Professionals can tell, but a casual game player probably couldn’t."

I couldn't read that answer with a straight face.
"We’ve got to the point where the hardware has matured and it’s really difficult to tell graphically what’s new. Professionals can tell, but a casual game player probably couldn’t."

I couldn't read that answer with a straight face.

Why? It does look very similar to GT5, the differences are subtle.
KY: That’s very true. We’ve got to the point where the hardware has matured and it’s really difficult to tell graphically what’s new. Professionals can tell, but a casual game player probably couldn’t. As for GT, we always love new technology; we’re always going to pursue it and implement it, whether it be improving the PS3 version or working on a PS4 version. The key thing with GT6 is the blending of ‘real’ and ‘virtual’ – where something new and interesting will come to life from the merging of two totally different industries. The more you work on that, the more interesting it gets.

So does it mean PD is working on GT6 for PS4 as well ?
What's been said and what they really think (not to be taken as being mean-spirited, just poking a bit of fun). ;)

JR: The quality of the driving experience, in our opinion, is so much higher than what’s available on competing platforms. Whether it’s the driving experience or how the tracks are so faithfully recreated, in our opinion there’s nothing in the market that approaches it.

*Focus on the physics part and accuracy of certain real life tracks, it's the one thing we still might have a lead on once GT6 arrives, at least those tracks if they don't improve them beforehand*

There is no substitution for absolute quality and obsessive attention to detail. If you do those things you have a far better chance of success. One of the great things about Yamauchi-san is he is completely unswerving in his dedication to making something that’s perfect.

*God, why did I say that? Should've mentioned something about variety instead, and Kaz, please take some shortcuts for heaven's sake*

Kazunori Yamauchi: The main thing that we try to do is to keep improving what’s in front of us.

*Sorry, I've run out of ideas*

Improving what we’ve been doing has continued over the years. It’s not something that you can actually do all the time, even if you try.

*Nor found better ways to implement them*

JR: I think the answer to that lies in the nature of the markets. The American market is much more of a core gamer market where there’s a greater preference amongst gamers for shooters and action adventure games like GTA, whereas the European market tends over time to go somewhat younger, and somewhat more casual in its nature. That sort of demographic really lends itself to a racing game like GT, which appeals to both sexes and across all ages.

*We've tried to persuade them by adding tons of NASCAR material, classic and modern muscle cars and several SEMA custom cars as well without a fully satisfying result so Americans therefor don't really like racing games in general*
Why? It does look very similar to GT5, the differences are subtle.

I know, I was just having a laugh. I know he was talking about the difference between the best of GT5 and best of GT6 but I couldn't help thinking about the PS2 content whilst reading that answer.
I know, I was just having a laugh. I know he was talking about the difference between the best of GT5 and best of GT6 but I couldn't help thinking about the PS2 content whilst reading that answer.

"There is no substitution for absolute quality and obsessive attention to detail. If you do those things you have a far better chance of success. One of the great things about Yamauchi-san is he is completely unswerving in his dedication to making something that’s perfect."

Also thought about the amount of PS2 content in GT5 when I read that one.
And the other factor is that on PS3 we have an install base of 70 million units. On PS4 on launch day we’ll have an install base of zero units. There’ll be plenty of games to help drive PS4 – not least Driveclub in the racing genre from Evolution Studios, a studio with a fantastic pedigree.[

I wish those damn PS4 fanboys got this through their thick heads and read this HUNDREDS of times... This is excatly why having GT6 on the PS3 was the just best choice ever, but all they care about is GRAPHICS, UGH....... :rolleyes:
I wish those damn PS4 fanboys got this through their thick heads and read this HUNDREDS of times... This is excatly why having GT6 on the PS3 was the just best choice ever, but all they care about is GRAPHICS, UGH....... :rolleyes:

I wish those damn PS4 fanboys got this through their thick heads and read this HUNDREDS of times... This is excatly why having GT6 on the PS3 was the just best choice ever, but all they care about is GRAPHICS, UGH....... :rolleyes:


It is so very true.
The last bit from Mr. Ryan made me question his statements highly. But anyway, great thread, great read and I hope they're right!
I wish those damn PS4 fanboys got this through their thick heads and read this HUNDREDS of times... This is excatly why having GT6 on the PS3 was the just best choice ever, but all they care about is GRAPHICS, UGH....... :rolleyes:

Quite frankily, I'm a little tired of seeing you using that rolleyes smiley in just about every post you make, where you either attempt to belittle people or, the impression you give off to me, is that if anyone who doesn't agree with you, are simply dumb and you are right. It's also as if you're telling other people what they think, stop.

Perhaps it has nothing to do with graphics. A more advanced console will improve GT everywhere, not just graphics - massively improved AI, more cars on track at one time, far more complex and realistic physics model and calculations, actual vehicle and environment sounds so on and so forth. It's called wanting progress in technology, realism and immersion, the very things needed for a true race sim.

That's not even my own opinion towards which console I think GT should be on, I've just acknowledged what people type throughout these forums here and through other ones too.

Edit: I do agree with a couple of points here. If Jim is not really into motorsports, then it would probably be better if he worked on something else. I've always believed you should have a job that you are passionate about, it increases product quality greatly in my opinion.
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Quite frankily, I'm a little tired of seeing you using that rolleyes smiley in just about every post you make, where you either attempt to belittle people or, the impression you give off to me, is that if anyone who doesn't agree with you, are simply dumb and you are right. It's also as if you're telling other people what they think, stop.

Shouldn't you be getting ready for Monaco and not arguing? :)
Quite frankily, I'm a little tired of seeing you using that rolleyes smiley in just about every post you make, where you either attempt to belittle people or, the impression you give off to me, is that if anyone who doesn't agree with you, are simply dumb and you are right. It's also as if you're telling other people what they think, stop.


And I'm not trying to be right either. Why not just put me on your "ignore list", if you're tired of me than? Simple. Why do you and some others have such a problem with me? That's getting REALLY annoying and making me feel extremely uncomfortable here.

Perhaps it has nothing to do with graphics. A more advanced console will improve GT everywhere, not just grtaphics - massively improved AI, more cars on track at one time, far more complex and realistic physics model and calculations, actual vehicle and environment sounds so on and so forth. It's called wanting progress in technology, realism and immersion, the very things needed for a true race sim.

Yeah okay. So umm. You need to tell me that GT6 can't do any of that, on the PS3 if it at least tried, is that it? Cause so far, GT6 seems to be getting the physics down on that one... :rolleyes:

Attack the point, not the person.

My bad.
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Because Tokoturismo, it seems like you purposely try and ruffle people's feathers. Comments such as "If you don't like standard cars, don't use them" when standard cars are required to complete the game. It's also the manor in which you post that irks some people.

GT6 will not be able to do what it could on the PS3 as it would on the PS4, simply because the PS4 is much more powerful and capable. You can make good music on simple freeware on your laptop at home, but you're more likely to find better quality music that's been made in a proper recording studio. It's the same reason FoldingAtHome uses a network, the extra grunt from other computers helps enormously and the same applies to a simulator on more powerful hardware.
I don't necessarily agree with TokoTurismo's wording of the post he made, but I do agree putting the game on PS3 was a wise move. I wouldn't want to think that GT5 was the PS3's only GT as I don't think that game did the series justice on the platform. I really think GT6 is going to be what MOST (key word MOST) of us were wishing for in a GT game since the PS3 was announced.

Just my honest opinion.:)
Because Tokoturismo, it seems like you purposely try and ruffle people's feathers. Comments such as "If you don't like standard cars, don't use them" when standard cars are required to complete the car. It's also the manor it which you post that irks people.

Well than that's why you put others in the ignore list or report them.

GT6 will not be able to do what it could on the PS3 as it would on the PS4, simply because the PS4 is much more powerful and capable. You can make good music on simple freeware on your laptop at home, but you're more likely to find better quality music that's been made in a proper recording studio. It's the same reason FoldingAtHome uses a network, the extra grunt from other computers helps enormously and the same applies to a simulator on more powerful hardware.

Yes, the PS4 is indeed powerful enough to make GT6 a dream that most want, and that's great. But you have to understand Lewis, would it have been a smart move to put GT6 on a console with a zero install base, even if the PS4 was powerful?
I never disagreed that point, of course from a business perspective it makes a lot of sense to release GT6 on the PS3 and it will also please many current customer's pockets. Only reason I posted what I did is because you accused people wanting the game to be on the PS4 as being thick headed graphic prostitutes when that's not the case at all, there's a lot more benefit than just graphics.
I will enjoy GT6 anyway. I think it's great they put it on PS3, since a lot of us can't afford a PS4 right away. When a GT game hits PS4, I will get PS4. But not until then.
I never disagreed that point, of course from a business perspective it makes a lot of sense to release GT6 on the PS3 and it will also please many current customer's pockets. Only reason I posted what I did is because you accused people wanting the game to be on the PS4 as being graphic prostitutes when that's not the case at all, there's a lot more benefit than just graphics.

Agreed, and you're right. Maybe I went off alittle over board on that point. It's great that the PS4 will make GT6 a dream come for many, I was to focused on tham wanting it on there for graphics or even wanting it to sell consoles (however outside this site some people wanted GT6 on PS4 to sell consoles). :\
I will enjoy GT6 anyway. I think it's great they put it on PS3, since a lot of us can't afford a PS4 right away. When a GT game hits PS4, I will get PS4. But not until then.

This^ We get to enjoy a semi-new gt until PD can produce something on the PS4 that will blow all of our socks off! Plus they are releasing monthly DLC for a while so that should help keep the wait seem not so long.
I will enjoy GT6 anyway. I think it's great they put it on PS3, since a lot of us can't afford a PS4 right away. When a GT game hits PS4, I will get PS4. But not until then.

Yea these are my thoughts as to why I am glad it is coming to PS3 too. Plus I am going to wait a year or two to buy a PS4 regardless. Who knows what kind of bugs and what not will present themselves this next gen. I just know that the closer consoles get to being more and more like a PC, the more problems seem to crop up.
Can the arguing PLEASE be curbed? This thread doesn't need PS3 v PS4 wars, lets just be happy GT6 actually exists.
I wish I can, but I'm hated apon many people here that I can't BE happy anymore. Makes me angry and want leave... :indiff:

Talk to them, ask them what they don't like about you and just try work it out, maybe not make friends, just allow each other to do as they would.
I wish I can, but I'm hated apon many people here that I can't BE happy anymore. Makes me angry and want leave... :indiff:

Look back in this thread and see who the catalyst was in the above argument. It was you, once again berating those who wanted a PS4 game. I have no personal issue with you, it's just the internet afterall but you just need to ease back on attacking those who don't share the same view. By all means argue the point at hand but not the person themselves.