Gran Turismo 6 Memes (NO profanity/stupidity/obvious re-use/flooding)

  • Thread starter ToyGTone
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why everyone are angry about what i said?? Why they disrespecting me for what i said?? i was just saying my opinion, everyone are free to say their opinion right?

Ummm... You do realise that this is the Internet, and this is also a forum, that means people are bound to have opinions that you don't necessarily agree with. And instead of criticising them for having an opinion that you don't like, just remember that everyone is allowed an opinion, it also just happens to be a Human Right. Freedom of Speech and Opinion.

The staff here don't need to like GT, as if you've taken a look around recently, this isn't just a site for GT. There are mods all around the site who have been 'enlisted' (so to say) by Jordan to moderate a respective area/s of the forum. And it just happens to be that a mod doesn't like GT, so be it, that's their opinion and people should respect that it is just an opinion before throwing a tantrum.

Now, can we get back to GT6 memes please?

I was just saying my opinion not forcing him to like GT, i really hate GT6 and i think it was the biggest disappointment of games of 2013 IMO but i just don't hate whole GT Series and once again it's My opinion. Also it happens to be that you're quoting me that i'm asking if should i change my custom title as many people moved on from GT and such, and then i asked about Project cars like what features, cars, track....etc since i don't really know really about it except it's a racing simulator which is going to be released on Console and PC.

The moment you realize.....

...... Hes a Staff Emeritus.

but still he was one right?

I'm entirely sure that @Jump_Ace was expressing his own opinion, rather than the staff's opinion as a single body - since we don't have one.

Well, other than "Misrepresenting someone's comments as applicable to a larger group of people is not acceptable". We're pretty unified on that sort of thing.

I was trying to say that even staff hates GT, let alone normal members who whine about it.

I know i went completely out of what @Jump_Ace and @AJHG1000 by talking about sports, fps, mobile games which's completely unrelated but that's my opinion and by "unified" you mean that every moderator, admin, staff..etc hates GT right?
Yep, just my opinion, everyone's got one, am I right? :gtpflag:


Except for the fact you forgot that i have my own opinion too but of course you could have your opinion, i just didn't forced you to like this or hate that, i was just saying my opinion nothing else.


I shouldn't waste my time typing this, i could have played something like Watch_dogs, DB Xenoverse, WWE 2k15, Infamous Second Son (to get all the trophy's since i already completed the game), Grand Theft Auto Online Heists and other games too, once again it's my opinion see?

Hmmm....Everyone seems to agree against me for just saying my own opinion...

BTW it's almost been 2 years since i was in GTPlanet :gtpflag:.
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I was trying to say that even staff hates GT, let alone normal members who whine about it.
But what you posted said that ALL of the staff hate GT.

That's not even close to the truth, and as I pointed out it is not acceptable to misrepresent one individual's opinion as the opinion of ALL people of the same usergroup.
and by "unified" you mean that every moderator, admin, staff..etc hates GT right?
No, I mean that every member of staff dislikes it when people ignore the Acceptable Use Policy, as you have done by making a "meme" (and I use the term loosely) that says every member of staff here hates Gran Turismo.

I see that you have done nothing to address this yet.
But what you posted said that ALL of the staff hate GT.

That's not even close to the truth, and as I pointed out it is not acceptable to misrepresent one individual's opinion as the opinion of ALL people of the same usergroup.No, I mean that every member of staff dislikes it when people ignore the Acceptable Use Policy, as you have done by making a "meme" (and I use the term loosely) that says every member of staff here hates Gran Turismo.

I see that you have done nothing to address this yet.
I didn't say every Staff, i just made a mistake by using "the" instead of "a" so forgetting to add "a" in a meme is against the AUP?



Alright is this one better?

Yeah only you know a lot about you.....

Just a suggestion, making self defense esp like the first one only attracts more detractors unless its some kind of self deprecating humor or something.

Reported for abusing official staffs. Let that thing cease and return to the topic.
I dont think this kind of thing is worth reporting tbh.
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