Gran Turismo 6 Memes (NO profanity/stupidity/obvious re-use/flooding)

  • Thread starter ToyGTone
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It does work dude.
Hahahahhahahahah, yeah my internet is on cable, I have no problem what so ever whit my connection so... Yeah, it definitely works by telling me I've been cut off... And won't sing in...

Yeah, if it actually worked, it would be great...

Ok, I have to admit there's some problems tonight for example loading GTP but still all local URL's seem to work just great... Could be a network problem...
Hahahahhahahahah, yeah my internet is on cable, I have no problem what so ever whit my connection so... Yeah, it definitely works by telling me I've been cut off... And won't sign in...

Yeah, if it actually worked, it would be great...
Then you're unlucky man. I just signed in with no problems.
yeah, it was really slow to sign in and all my friends wouldn't load, (I plugged it into the modem) and the GT servers wouldn't work. So I agree with @ODB :D
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Well, the PSN was DDoS Attacked. Thankfully its only temporary and its back now.

Strangely, Sony says its not an attack, its an upgrade. And after that the Playstation manager are sent bomb threats, which is all just false threats. My best guess was the PSN actually has been attacked but the already upgraded system prevents something messed up.
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Well, the PSN was DDoS Attacked. Thankfully its only temporary and its back now.

Strangely, Sony says its not an attack, its an upgrade. And after that the Playstation manager are sent bomb threats, which is all just a lie. My best guess was the PSN actually has been attacked but the already upgraded system prevents something messed up.
Apologies for the off-topic reply, but just to clear this up.

Yep, the PSN was taken offline due to flooding, and SONY have stated as such.
Due to being unexpectedly offline, they have postponed the scheduled maintenance.

And yep, there was a bomb threat/hoax that named the SEO president.
The flight he was on was diverted for an emergency landing.
Love the (unintentional) nod to Snowpiercer with the shoe on the head.
Actually, Lizardsquad claimed the DDOS attack on PSN and also made sure a plane, with an Sony CEO ( i think), get turned around and grounded for a bombthreat.
Lizardsquad demands "LIZARDSQUAD ON YA FOREHEAD" and before also "SHOE ON YA HEAD"
Search for "lizardsquad twitter" in the internet, you see how i got that info.

So yeah, i made that meme..

But it does not confirm that "lizardsquad " is responsible for all that.
The fact that I know more about this challenge than I know of the ASL (I have no glue) is the defenition of irony... Man I hate this kind of stupid mambo jambo...
Yeah people will treat it as the next Harlem Shake without noticing the real purpose of this challenge :(

But hey, Ken Kutaragi and Lucas Ordonez next :P
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