Gran Turismo 7’s Servers Struggle Ahead of Manufacturers Cup [Updated: Fixed]

  • Thread starter Famine
Same, no issues that I noticed in the first GT1 EMEA slot either. Hopefully they've caught the problem? You'd hope someone high up has been making noise considering it could jeapordise the official Manufacturers season...
Did a couple of GTWS rounds with no issues. Seems to be very random who has problems.

Would be interesting to see if the problems are equal between PS4 and PS5, or more concentrated on one platform.
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Time to say goodbye to ps4. What a mess! And after 1 year and half after the release😂 and as always they do not say anything, acting like everything is ok 😂😂 buuuu
Time to say goodbye to ps4. What a mess! And after 1 year and half after the release😂 and as always they do not say anything, acting like everything is ok 😂😂 buuuu
Why say goodbye to PS4? Buying PS5? 😜 I'm playing with the idea to maybe buy Assetto Corsa Competizione for PS4 and play online there, but I don't know if there is people using controller there.
Why say goodbye to PS4? Buying PS5? 😜 I'm playing with the idea to maybe buy Assetto Corsa Competizione for PS4 and play online there, but I don't know if there is people using controller there.
I have ps5 since lunch eheh Pd needs to stop to support ps4 and focus just on the ps5. Cross play always gives problems.
I put my laptop near to my PS5 and did a speed/connection test back to back. My PS5 upload was 2.5Mbps, my laptop upload was 16Mbps. I dont know much about network stuff but does that give any indication of a Sony side server capacity issue? Or even a hardware issue?
And the PS5 "view playstation network status" option fails to load the web page fully. On my laptop the status page loads fine.
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I'm a hard-core Gran Turismo fanboy, was lucky enough to meet Kaz in Sydney 2020 (Shout out to Tidgney for getting me backstage for the whole weekend!).
We were both chain smokers, & I got to chat with him a few times thanks to my broken N5 level Japanese.
Back then he was super passionate both about the game, players and the Esports series (though he did complain about how much money they lose for each live event).
I'd like to believe he still is.

I know this much: GT Sport was budgeted to cost $50 million US, but ended up blowing out to about $80 million.
Can you imagine how much GT7 cost to develop? My guess would start at easily twice that, probably more.
A lot of people seem to think Kaz has free reign regarding the development of Gran Turismo, but Polyphony Digital is 100% owned by Sony Interactive Entertainment, Kaz is just the CEO of PD.
Everyone knows the head of SIE, Jim Ryan is all about $ & the bottom line. Kaz & PD don't seem to have the autonomy they used to have.

Herman Hulst, SIE 2IC, seems to be very active in the games development going by his Twitter feed. Plus you've got the Movie coming up as well.

The saddest part is during GT Sport & the GT Academy days, Kaz & PD communicated frequently with the players, especially the finalist regulars. Ever since GT7 was released, Kaz has basically ghosted the whole community. The very few people who do know anything don't say anything (I'm assuming NDA'S).
This total lack of communication between the playerbase and PD is ridiculous.

But because no one is talking, we don't know what the real deal is. I can imagine Kaz being the typical Japanese businessman & letting all the blame fall on him. But we just don't know... no one, Kaz, Jim or Herman are saying anything, so we don't know who to really blame or what's going on.

Everyone is in the dark, and the silence simply isn't good enough imo.

Sorry for the long rant. I'm just really disappointed to see the current state of a franchise I'm super passionate about. Even with all the improvements & updates since release, if I summed up my personal experience of GT7 in one word from release until now, it's this: Disappointment.
Thanks for the lengthy write up. I don't really follow much gaming news nowadays, especially who's in charge of what. If the order to cut costs comes from the top then that explains many things with GT7's lack of polish.

It's clear that there are still passionate people working at PD. You only need to look at the intro, car/track details, photomode, menu music, presentation and GT Cafe videos. But overall as an experience GT7 just falls short in many areas compared to previous games. Even non-mainline releases like GT5 Prologue has more polish. Not to mention the grindy economy, game updates bringing more bugs, and the various online problems we discussed (connectivity, BOP imbalance, penalties, lack of interesting races, etc). It just feels like PD lost a lot of staff, motivation and resources since the pandemic and the current world economic situation isn't helping. In terms of budget, 3/4 of GT7 content comes from GT Sport so it probably saves a lot of $, but the development for PS5 (VR? Sophy?) and all the esports live events probably add more than the savings. If the new CEO's mantra is maximum profit, minimum effort, then there's not much Kaz can do. And obviously Kaz isn't going to tell the truth because he would be throwing his boss under the bus.

Anyway, it is what it is. If the only thing in my life I'm complaining about is being unable to join an online race then I have it pretty good compared to most people. I just wish the gaming industry isn't so focused on short term profits at the cost of everything else. Brand reputation and playerbase trust goes a long way, but one bad game and a couple of bad decisions can destroy 25 years of goodwill just like that. I wish things could be better, but the way the world is going I think anti consumer practices is just going to get worse.
Slot 6 in North America in GTWS Manufacturer this evening seemed pretty stable. Everyone had at least 3 yellow bars for the whole race and no lag issues that I could see. First time in a couple of weeks it's been that stable for me.
"After the release of Update 1.34 on 25 May, players from the North America and Europe/Middle East/Africa regions have experienced connection problems within the 'Sport' mode races caused by the game servers being overloaded.

We are happy to confirm that a server fix was applied on 7 June and the issue is now resolved.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused, and thank you for your understanding."
I guess they waited to see if the "fix" actually worked to announce it. Today did seem a lot better, though, so I guess it did.
I can’t play GT7 in general right now it keeps bringing up some error every time I try to load the game. I just finished an hour long Spa session and I’m really hoping I get to keep the credits at least. I guess my grind session is over early.

Edit: my cable isn’t working either. Must be an outage and I really hope I can keep those credits but likely not…
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I was pleasantly surprised to see no lag in manufacturer’s event today. However on finish, the results screen didn’t load for me. I checked the results on Gran Turismo website just now and I did get awarded points but my SR tanked to A+.
Edit: I am still B/S. If I open the website on my phone or shrink the webpage size to make it comparable to a phone page, my SR changes to A+. I've not checked in the game itself yet.

I haven’t done any Daily Race this week yet so can’t comment if they got fixed all way.
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I was pleasantly surprised to see no lag in manufacturer’s event today. However on finish, the results screen didn’t load for me. I checked the results on Gran Turismo website just now and I did get awarded points but my SR tanked to A+.
Edit: I am still B/S. If I open the website on my phone or shrink the webpage size to make it comparable to a phone page, my SR changes to A+. I've not checked in the game itself yet.

I haven’t done any Daily Race this week yet so can’t comment if they got fixed all way.

SR S displays on the website as A+.
"After the release of Update 1.34 on 25 May, players from the North America and Europe/Middle East/Africa regions have experienced connection problems within the 'Sport' mode races caused by the game servers being overloaded.

We are happy to confirm that a server fix was applied on 7 June and the issue is now resolved.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused, and thank you for your understanding."
Worryingly, no mention of Asia/Oceania problems, hopefully they just forgot to type it out and the fix is also rolled out here.

They knew the problem was since the last update but it took them 2 weeks to sort it out (and after Manu Cup has started). The result of last night's race should've been annulled like the Grand Valley race in Nations where everyone was glitching thru the pits.