Gran Turismo 7 Confirmed to also launch on PlayStation 4, is a cross-gen title

  • Thread starter Vspectra

Are you disappointed GT7 is also on PS4 with gameplay & graphic assets held back by PS4 limitations?

  • Total voters
Also popularity based on the traler views of GT7, 10 milion views for a racing game it is huge
That is an absolutely terrible metric to gauge literally anything off of. Sale counts don't mean much to us either anyways, as the importance of that can change drastically if you're buying a $10 game or a $60 game. Gran Turismo is certainly popular, but it's not the most popular racing game on every console like you mentioned, and that's ok, because it still does great.
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10 million views in the span of one year can mean something. But as always, fans don't want to be kept waiting, which is Polyphony's bad habit these days.

You'll also have to consider that these views are not entirely from individual people, too, as groups may have either replayed them or something like that.
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Why would Youtube Views count towards anything? It's just a video. Mario Kart is obviously vastly more popular in terms of players and sales, yet the launch trailer of Mario Kart 8 only has 2 mil more views than the GT7 trailer. It's a metric that makes no sense to use, really.
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Anyway my point was another, yìthe guy was saying that Gt it issuch a bad game and it is still going only beacause it is a playstation game which is a dumb statement honestly
That, I don't disagree with. I have my issues, but it's really not a bad game at all.

So views don't and sales don't count...what then?
I really have no idea what you even replied to, because half of that I didn't say. Why don't we gauge it like PD actually gauges it, by player count? That seems like a good way to determine popularity for a given game, and seems like a way that games get gauged a lot more recently.
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Why would Youtube Views count towards anything?
Especially considering that you can buy them.

That's not likely in this case, but there's plenty of places that do it and it's usually painfully obvious. A small like/comment count on a video with a large view count is highly suspicious.

Like this video, in amongst others with 100-400 views on the channel:


Of course we don't know that this video that was seen by 10 times more people than the channel has subscribers, but which nobody commented on and one in four thousand viewers bothered to rate, has bought views, but it sure looks like it.
Especially considering that you can buy them.

That's not likely in this case, but there's plenty of places that do it and it's usually painfully obvious. A small like/comment count on a video with a large view count is highly suspicious.

Like this video, in amongst others with 100-400 views on the channel:

View attachment 1018166

Of course we don't know that this video that was seen by 10 times more people than the channel has subscribers, but which nobody commented on and one in four thousand viewers bothered to rate, has bought views, but it sure looks like it.
could the views of premiere get added instantly to views, and likes and comments get reseted?
I find it really funny that people are trying to compare this to the Cyberpunk situation like that game wasn’t so broken it literally hasn’t been available for purchase for the last 6 months on the PlayStation store
It's becuase it was developed for high end PC's first and last gen consoles second, and it shows because they didnt take the PS4 and BX1 into enough consideration. It well highlights the differences of what can be done by different hardware, to the point that the whole expierence is impacted well beyond just graphics beucase he older hardware simply isn't good enough.

It also highlights how damaging it is for a company to do this and release versions so vastly inferior on older hardware to what you get on more powerful newer machines.

I can't see this happening to GT7 if it does release as a cross-gen game, but that'll likely be beucase the PS5 version is nerfed by it having to work on the PS4 IMO. How nerfed it'll be, who knows, but I'm confident if it does end up cross-gen, it'll be nerfed. That doesn't mean it can't be or won't be a good game mind.
Assetto Corsa Competizione had/has its problems on consoles. Looks much better on my base PS4 than when it debuted. I read it looks and performs even better on a PS5. That's from a developer that didn't doesn't prioritise consoles for its pc games.

With GT being strictly a console game, if it look sand performs exactly the way GTS does on my p4, not much I can complain about..
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Assetto Corsa Competizione had/has its problems on consoles. Looks much better on my base PS4 than when it debuted. I read it looks and performs even better on a PS5. That's from a developer that didn't doesn't prioritise consoles for its pc games.

With GT being strictly a console game, if it look sand performs exactly the way GTS does on my p4, not much I can complain about..
The issue is that in order for it to perform the same way as GTS, they probably won't be able to add things like dynamic weather, bigger grids, etc.
The issue is that in order for it to perform the same way as GTS, they probably won't be able to add things like dynamic weather, bigger grids, etc.
Oh, I get all that. Even though I'm not versed in all the technical aspects of the systems, I read the posts about that for understanding. I got it. It's cool.

I'm saying, the way GTS looks compared to those games(I understand why those games look the way they do, because of where the developers spent the money), if GT7 looks the way GTS is, that's fine by me. It's not going to be fine for others. I'm using a base PS4 for 3 1/2 years of GTS. Another 3-4years of the same graphics and lack of frills, isn't going to kill me. Even when/if I get a PS5, I'm not going to then complain about why couldn't PD make a different version for PS5. It's all good.

As a quick sidebar, I did go and buy a 4K tv in anticipation of the next GT/PS5. I watch shows in 4K, but I don't have any of the consoles that can utilise the resolution.
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Assetto Corsa Competizione had/has its problems on consoles. Looks much better on my base PS4 than when it debuted. I read it looks and performs even better on a PS5. That's from a developer that didn't doesn't prioritise consoles for its pc games.

With GT being strictly a console game, if it look sand performs exactly the way GTS does on my p4, not much I can complain about..

Actually it was a completely different studio that was employed to port the game to the PS platform (505 games) than the studio that actually created and released ACC on and for PC which is Kunos.

The Playstation port of this game was not really in its original design or I doubt its intention but any issues concerning console optimization is on 505 Games not Kunos.
Kunos is still constantly improving and upgrading the game on the PC platform though.
Sort of think that the ACC game is probably sort of maxing out the PS4 hardware capabilities where they are now. Much more complex physics calculations just for one consuming what the PS4 CPU is capable of doing.

Also what could be PD and GT7's biggest nightmare is if 505 games did release an upgraded ACC ps5 title that did take advantage of all of the PS5 additional hardware capabilities within the next year or so while GT7 was still stuck on the PS4 hardware limits in their title since they made the announcement GT7 would be a cross platform PS4/5 title.

Not really sure Sony would let that occur though.
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Actually it was a completely different studio that was employed to port the game to the PS platform (505 games) than the studio that actually created and released ACC on and for PC which is Kunos.

The Playstation port of this game was not really in its original design or I doubt its intention but any issues concerning console optimization is on 505 Games not Kunos.
Kunos is still constantly improving and upgrading the game on the PC platform though.
Sort of think that the ACC game is probably sort of maxing out the PS4 hardware capabilities where they are now. Much more complex physics calculations just for one consuming what the PS4 CPU is capable of doing.

Also what could be PD and GT7's biggest nightmare is if 505 games did release an upgraded ACC ps5 title that did take advantage of all of the PS5 additional hardware capabilities within the next year or so while GT7 was still stuck on the PS4 hardware limits in their title since they made the announcement GT7 would be a cross platform PS4/5 title.

Not really sure Sony would let that occur though.
Let what happen? Allow a really good sim (on PC) to take advantage of what the system can offer? You make it sound as if they don't want the cut they make on games....
Let what happen? Allow a really good sim (on PC) to take advantage of what the system can offer? You make it sound as if they don't want the cut they make on games....
But Sony may not want to see a 3rd party offering to be perceived as a much better or superior game than their own PS exclusive title which since the franchise Gran Turismo was introduced has been one of their crown jewel platform exclusives.

Sony could well not authorize an ACC ps5 version or release while the GT7game was in a nerfed state to accommodate play on the PS4 if they felt it could damage their own franchise over the long run. The Japanese have their own way of doing things and their own reasoning and standards for their culture and money may not always override their decision process.
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But Sony may not want to see a 3rd party offering to be perceived as a much better or superior game than their own PS exclusive title which since the franchise Gran Turismo was introduced has been one of their crown jewel platform exclusives.

Sony could well not authorize an ACC ps5 version or release if they felt it could damage their own franchise over the long run. The Japanese have their own way of doing things and their own reasoning and standards for their culture and money may not always override their decision process.
ACC does not appeal to the masses. It is for players who are looking for a real sim title. GT can never be like that. It has to sell by the million. You don't do that with ACC levels of simulation. That's why GT is a sim with the sharp edges of physics rounded off.
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ACC does not appeal to the masses. It is for players who are looking for a real sim title. GT can never be like that. It has to sell by the million. You don't do that with ACC levels of simulation. That's why GT is a sim with the sharp edges of physics rounded off.
Appeal to the masses where?
I expect on PC for current titles ACC is probably pretty high up on the popularity and sales list.
Part of that reason is ACC is relatively one of the easiest PC sim games to jump in as a new player and just go because the base car set ups are really good.
About the only thing a new player has to learn to do is adjust their tire pressures to be able to do okay.

For realism the tire model and physics is one of the best in the industry and the graphics (discounting VR) and sound is top shelf compared to about any other title.
Plus all of their tracks are accurate laser scanned renditions of all actual real life circuits used by the GT3/GT4 classes across a couple of championship series.

Also again the AI in ACC is one of the best available in any game and basically slider adjustable for speed and aggression to match the players ability. The AI is good enough in ACC you can run inches off a properly set up AI for multiple laps and never be brake checked on a straight stretch or see a stupid pace change entering or going through a corner like in GTS.
Also grid sizes can be over 50 cars.

Also add in the day/night dynamic weather and tracks that change and rubber up and grip levels and tire pressures change with conditions.
Also ACC has a much better penalty system for off track or limit cuts and car damage punishes a careless driver to where it is not unusual a punt to make a pass may well affect the cars pace unless you pit for repairs making aggressive contact with other vehicles a very possible race ending affair which seems to somewhat help curb those behaviors of an intentional nature..

Online racing and ranking is getting better with the sim grid free daily lobbies and leagues.
Really the main drawback for most is the limited car classes and overall number of tracks as compared to many other offerings.

As a player with a fairly large number of hours playing both GTS and ACC on the PC I will say just in general overall as far as game play and driving feel of the cars the ps4 GTS title does not hold a light to the PC ACC version.
Even more so for those that prefer racing offline using the AI and there is a championship season which I have never fooled with and race weekends are totally custom configurable to suite just about what anyone prefers.

Perhaps your definition of a simulation or what makes something a good game differs from my viewpoint.
All ACC is lacking period to GTS is the car variety but in my opinion in GTS the car classes are so jumbled and unbalanced and feature so many fictional made up cars within those classes it is much more an Arcade offering than an actual driving experience that relates to a realistic race experience.

But again read the features in ACC and tell me what part makes ACC a Sim that the average gamer not want to see in a driver and racing game?
Appeal to the masses where?
I expect on PC for current titles ACC is probably pretty high up on the popularity and sales list.
Currently there are approx. 408,000 players on Steam of which around 246,000 are actively still playing the game.

Maybe it sells well enough for Kunos, but it's nothing like the sales volume of a Gran Turismo. But Gran Turismo has a considerably higher game development budget so it needs to rake in millions more sales just to break even.

Right now, less than 1500 people worldwide are playing it on Steam, so it really isn't a mainstream popular title.

Edit: for comparison over 186,000 people are playing GT Sport right now.
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Sony could well not authorize an ACC ps5 version or release while the GT7game was in a nerfed state to accommodate play on the PS4 if they felt it could damage their own franchise over the long run. The Japanese have their own way of doing things and their own reasoning and standards for their culture and money may not always override their decision process.
Even if ACC was a genuine competitor to GT (It's not, as already stated) doing that would be a disaster for Sony. Telling a third party developer that they can't release a game on PS5 for no other reason than they think it'll damage one of their own games would be a PR nightmare. It wouldn't take five minutes for Kunos to go public with it.

If Sony doesn't want other games to overshadow their first party games then they know very well that the solution to that is better first party games, not nerfing the opposition. Which could even lead to lawsuits on top of the bad PR.

Sony releasing GT7 cross platform is their choice, nobody is forcing them.
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ACC does not appeal to the masses. It is for players who are looking for a real sim title. GT can never be like that. It has to sell by the million. You don't do that with ACC levels of simulation. That's why GT is a sim with the sharp edges of physics rounded off.
The regular Assetto Corsa says hi with over 10 million sales.
The regular Assetto Corsa says hi with over 10 million sales.
I think it's sold around 12 million copies now, which is really good, especially in comparison to Assetto Corsa Competitzione. But the regular Assetto Corsa does spread it's net far wider than Competitzione does, so there is a clear difference in appeal between the two.

However, despite the great sales since it's relaease in December 2014, the figures for the number of people playing are are interesting. There are only 2,620 people playing Assetto Corsa right now on Steam (which accounts for over 50% of it's players and sales).

Compare that to the appeal of say GT Sport which has sold around 9.5 million since December 2017 and currently has 185,000 players online (186,000 yesterday), there's still a huge gulf in current popularity despite how well Assetto Corsa has sold over it's lifetime.
I think it's sold around 12 million copies now, which is really good, especially in comparison to Assetto Corsa Competitzione. But the regular Assetto Corsa does spread it's net far wider than Competitzione does, so there is a clear difference in appeal between the two.

However, despite the great sales since it's relaease in December 2014, the figures for the number of people playing are are interesting. There are only 2,620 people playing Assetto Corsa right now on Steam (which accounts for over 50% of it's players and sales).

Compare that to the appeal of say GT Sport which has sold around 9.5 million since December 2017 and currently has 185,000 players online (186,000 yesterday), there's still a huge gulf in current popularity despite how well Assetto Corsa has sold over it's lifetime.
Steam player count comparison
GTsport has higher player count than popular games like GTA V, Rainbow Six siege, TF2, Apex Legend, and Destiny 2
Pretty cool to see that they able to retain so many players after 4 years. If they release it on PC they'd do just as fine I think.
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