Gran Turismo 7 Has a "Really High Number of Active Users", Says Kazunori Yamauchi

  • Thread starter Jordan
GT(7) is a console seller. I'd still be on PS4 if it was not for GT7.

Actually, this game has been the one constant for me since I got my first PlayStation. The game I received with that as a present from friends?

Gran Turismo.

When we moved into our house - both times I may add - the first thing decided was where the sound system and TV would go based on Gran Turismo.

It's pretty much the only game I play.
Yeah, I agree with this. I didn't view spec II as the perfection of GT7 as many have. It's truly what GT7 SOULD HAVE BEEN AT LAUNCH.

As you stated there's tons more for them to improve upon and I'm feeling more optimistic than I have in the past that it'll happen.
This game is a weird one, best way I can describe it is a love hate relationship with it. I obviously love the game, I had like 1400hrs into it? Mostly online private lobbies and also creating liveries. I still don’t have all the cars I don’t have a lot of credits. I blame the fact that I kind of played the campaign and then was simply done with it. If online had paid out better I’d be rich.

There is so much right with this game and there is so much wrong with this game. There’s enough wrong that if I had other options I’d probably be playing them instead. I guess sometimes it feels like I’m stuck with the game and it is good, but it’s also bad when you think of what it could be or could have been right from the start.
This supports what I said the other week about why Sony enforce the GT user base to be online to 'play GT7', it's a method of data harvesting and it's giving them ammo towards their decision making and nebulous PR statements that they are still doing very well.

Anyone who buys into Kaz's latest round of claims is clearly suffering a case of Stockholm syndrome ...
GT(7) is a console seller. I'd still be on PS4 if it was not for GT7.
It sure is. Only GTA VI or GT8 would get me to buy PS8. I did however skip on buying GT Sport until it had a career mode. An online only GT8 would not get me to buy the game let alone the platform.
How many of them were driving an Abarth ? 😅
Lol I’ve been driving the heck out the 68’ Fiat 500, close enough right?

I’m one of those players returning to the franchise after Spec 2 dropped, gotta say it’s good to be back. Haven’t played this much Gran Turismo since my PS2 GT4 days! Loving GT7 and starting to get those old school vibes, hopefully they keep expanding the single player experience.
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GT(7) is a console seller. I'd still be on PS4 if it was not for GT7.
Same with me, but twice bitten with GT Sport and PS4, and now a PS5 and GT7, and never again. No PS6 for me, even if a GT8 were to only be on that console.

If GT8 were to also come out on the PS5, as GT7 has also come out on PS4, I'd be very wary of getting it unless there was evidence of it being a significant improvement over GT7. And I can't see that happening. They had many years to get GT7 right, and for me they majorly fumbled it. But they have not really addressed a lot of the criticisms to any great degree imho, like they don't really know what a GT game should be. Or maybe they no longer want to make the type of game that a lot of people wanted, or were expecting.

Either way, I can't see the next game going back to anything near what we had before, when they are choosing not to change GT7 to any great degree this far after release. Spec II did little for me sadly, too little for me, very late. :(

As always your view may differ, and that is fine. :)