Gran Turismo 7 Hosts Limited-Time Olympic Esports Special Challenge

  • Thread starter Famine
It took me what must be sneaking up on 800 miles to beat this. K. Drumont and A. Mangano are the fastest AI combo, I think - and I still needed to reload until I got a grid where I could catch them and have an opportunity before the last lap!

The rubberbanding is ridiculous - in the end, I was doing low 1:18s fairly consistently, peppered with mid-high 1:17s. I wasn’t fast enough to break through the rubberbanding with certain grid layouts, so I was often 2-3-4 seconds off for many attempts. I had 10:23s where I was behind by a couple seconds.

Thing is, the lead AI just walk away on the straights, so you need to sit in their slipstream to avoid losing too much time - it’s basically damage limitation. And that means you need to pass in the corners, but it’s tough to squeeze by without contact, as they slow in high speed or tight areas. I found three places to pass against the top two AI, and if you miss those, you’re really unlikely to make a pass that lap, unless you were right on the gearbox of one heading onto the backstraight.

In the end, I got a grid lineup which allowed me to get in the fight by lap 5, giving me time to attempt a pass. The annoying thing is, while they’re handicapping you by lowering your BHP, I wouldn’t mind it if it was a grid start and they were at “max” speed from the get go. It’s just really annoying to be gaining 20 seconds in 4 laps, only for them to suddenly flip the switch and now you might struggle to make inroads over a couple of laps, or only close in by 2-3 seconds.

Often, I found myself in a situation where one more lap could’ve seen an opportunity, and I actually felt like I couldn’t do it with certain grid lineups, I wasn’t fast enough to break into the 1:16s consistently, and as such, with the previous lineups, I’d always run out of road.

That said, even with this new lineup, it still took me two more laps to make passes, as I’d trail on the straights, and couldn’t make up the time in the corners. I’ll upload a video today and add it here, if anyone is curious in giving it a watch.
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Well, after a few restarts from spinning out the Toyota in the first few turns, despite running TC2 and running a gear higher and having the car dead straight before full throttle... I was able to get 3rd on my first full run of the race. Ran the race a second time and won. Passed the leader in the hairpin of the last lap. I was in 3rd and only a few seconds behind the leaders by lap 5 but it still took 4 more laps to catch up to them. Must be because of the slipstream effect those two leaders can have and you don't have. Fastest laps in the low 1:18's. I think my final race time was 10:30.
Just tried this again on hard difficulty. Could only manage 3rd place with a 10:35 time. The 2 leaders were about 6 secs up the road - only saw them for the first time at the final hairpin of lap 8.
Just tried this again on hard difficulty. Could only manage 3rd place with a 10:35 time. The 2 leaders were about 6 secs up the road - only saw them for the first time at the final hairpin of lap 8.
I think tis rather random how hard it will be. I did it on hard, was not that difficult, and I am very far from being good.

I think I tried like 7-8 times with warrying results, mostly it was hard to pass the AI filed before the leaders got so far ahead I was not able to catch them.

On my last and final attempt I catched the leader at the end of lap 6 going into lap 7. I almost did not make it lol because I thought I was on my final lap lol. So when I crossed the line on lap 7 I thought I was done, only to find out I had one lap left :lol: