- 882
- California
- Lux_Klonoa
- Lux Klonoa
Dynamic weather/time of day can be extra eye candy even for shorter races, if you set it to fast speed. Just look at Driveclub.
Anyway, yes, the cross gen thing sucks, but it's not that big of a deal to me. Sure, we may be stuck with static weather/ToD for a while longer, but as long as the graphics still look as good as Sport's (with ray tracing as a bonus), the menus and presentation are still classy as hell, the track list is still good, and I get a big meaty enough campaign out of it, then it's all good. Plus a certain... composer's music, but you guys already knew that from my post history. lol
Anyway, yes, the cross gen thing sucks, but it's not that big of a deal to me. Sure, we may be stuck with static weather/ToD for a while longer, but as long as the graphics still look as good as Sport's (with ray tracing as a bonus), the menus and presentation are still classy as hell, the track list is still good, and I get a big meaty enough campaign out of it, then it's all good. Plus a certain... composer's music, but you guys already knew that from my post history. lol