Gran Turismo Integrale, a Player-Operated GT7 Custom Career, Launches March 15th

I was at almost 20% of the "old" UFC's career mode, so I will need to restart from the beginning. XD
You won’t have to if you don’t want to, but the progression goals will change and points are no longer tracked.

You could continue from where you are now but with the new progression goals from there onwards to the end of the league and all events from there.

The core event list is much the same and the progression is mostly the same - though some licence requirements have been adjusted so it could potentially cause some issues continuing your playthrough, but it should be pretty workable.

What’s changed primarily beyond some new additional content is just a much quicker time-to-race, where setting up an event is much faster and the progression goals are streamlined for minimal required out-of-game tracking on the player’s end.

For example for one league you might have to finish at least 5th in all races to complete the league.

If you finish, say, at least top 3 in all races in that league, you win the league title.

That’s an optional objective which has no gameplay implications except for if you win the Formula 2/Super Formula/Formula S titles. Then you get a better seat in Formula 1 and Formula X.

Otherwise, the number of title wins for a specific league (carries over across multiple playthroughs if you ever want to) - they are something you can update manually in the accompanying spreadsheet as part of the career accomplishments tab.

I’m getting excited and just wanna share everything lol. Here’s how the general racing stats part of the career achievements tab of the spreadsheet looks like for the Hybrid path. The other paths are very similar, just with fewer and different championships listed which are specific to each path.

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Personally I don't mind starting again. It's a buzz, and I didn't track the AI drivers points, so I'll get on that this time round!
Points tracking has been removed for the sake of streamlining things. Now you track your race results as you look to finish within a certain position window in each race in order to complete the league.

I could have left it for the custom play option but some folks may have wanted the custom driver names without having to track points and I didn’t want to make two versions of custom play, I thought it would get a little messy.
Hiya folks, sorry for some disappointing news but I have been extremely busy in the last few days working on a group project (of my choice to actively work on it, but it was a very exciting thing for us so it was hard to not want to work on it) and it has meant I haven't had time to push through on the last big stretch. Combined with my usual productivity issues, I've decided to delay Integrale's release until March 14th. This allows me a little breathing time after the project I've been on, and to ensure the career is fully featured.

To give you an idea of what the last major hurdle is, it's biographies for all custom play drivers (and some real drivers). While they are usually one or two paragraphs at most, I still have 74 to do (many thanks to my friend Mr. Videogames for helping me out and getting a number of them completed as well) and doing all of those at a satisfactory level in one or 36 hours at most will be hell and I don't want to go through that.

It will also give me time to get those untested missions in if possible, but they will be the last thing on the list as I have other things to prioritise in terms of getting the revamp ready, and I would say it might be tentative whether they make it in.

I don't plan on updates after this goes out (by virtue of the document set up and personalisation like edits to track wins and such falling apart as a result, since you'd need to re-do all your edits again), so if I work on the missions beyond the career then I might post them on the forum as a kind of bundle of different events to mix things up with.

The soundtracks are essentially final now, with just one race song being something I'm looking for a replacement for. I'm really happy with the tones of the soundtrack, the vibe they give.

Apologies for the delay. I simply do not want to publish it unless everything is in a completely final state.

Rest assured that March 14th will be the release date, no matter what. I'll make the time I need to and hunker down to get it done.
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Hiya folks, sorry for some disappointing news but I have been extremely busy in the last few days working on a group project (of my choice to actively work on it, but it was a very exciting thing for us so it was hard to not want to work on it) and it has meant I haven't had time to push through on the last big stretch. Combined with my usual productivity issues, I've decided to delay Integrale's release until March 14th. This allows me a little breathing time after the project I've been on, and to ensure the career is fully featured.

To give you an idea of what the major last hurdle is, it's biographies for all custom play drivers (and some real drivers). While they are usually one or two paragraphs at most, I still have 74 to do (many thanks to my friend Mr. Videogames for helping me out and getting a number of them completed as well) and doing all of those at a satisfactory level in one or 36 hours at most will be hell and I don't want to go through that.

It will also give me time to get those untested missions in if possible, but they will be the last thing on the list as I have other things to prioritise in terms of getting the revamp ready, and I would say it might be tentative whether they make it in.

I don't plan on updates after this goes out (by virtue of the document set up and personalisation like edits to track wins and such falling apart as a result, since you'd need to re-do all your edits again), so if I work on the missions beyond the career then I might post them on the forum as a kind of bundle of different events to mix things up with.

The soundtracks are essentially final now, with just one race song being something I'm looking for a replacement for. I'm really happy with the tones of the soundtrack, the vibe they give.

Apologies for the delay. I simply do not want to publish it unless everything is in a completely final state.

Rest assured that March 14th will be the release date, no matter what. I'll make the time I need to and hunker down to get it done.
No worries and everyone can wait a bit longer 👍 - I mean we're used to waiting, it's Gran Turismo after all ;)
Do you have to own all the cars to participate?
Not exactly, although it is not really properly playable until you finish the main GT7 career as it utilises all of the available tracks. You will need a large amount of cars but you should earn quite a bit of money with a high collector level combined with any circuit experience process, and the mainline Integrale classic path very rarely requires one specific car. That's more for manufacturer races or mission events, and they are not attached to the progression.

If you've finished the main GT7 career then you will almost certainly be able to start with no extra preparation, and the races in Integrale will give you a good bit of cash to build towards a new car or upgrades if you need them.

The mainline leagues in the classic path feature a lot of events in the style of GT3/4, so drivetrain events and such. You can use at least a small handful of cars for every event, and on average there should be quite a decent selection available that meet the event regulations. It should line up with classic GT games in that aspect.

The motorsport and hybrid paths will require specific cars or types of cars for the motorsport events, but it's only really the Gr.3 and up cars which get particularly expensive, and you only need one of them per series to compete.
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Two years of work is almost at an end. This is from the document for the Hybrid path, which contains every path in one.

This is made for you, for me, and everyone who wanted classic GT, and those who want a dedicated motorsport career. Plus a bunch of extras that will easily get you tens of hours of playtime alone.

The default experience has a little bit of compromise in favour of event set up speed - no themed opponents in non-race car events, only you set up a themed car, but it should still give a good classic experience. And if you want to set up the opponent cars to match the event theming, you can, although it will take some more time.

When it releases, each league will be split into individual documents for easier access and linked in the spreadsheets set up for each path.

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Two days to go, folks.

The driver biographies will not be fully complete by the time that the career releases - the document will be available in an incomplete form (all drivers up to the Expert League have bios) and then the links will be updated soon after release.

It will take quite a bit of playing to reach an uncompleted point of the biographies, and by then it will likely be complete.

I'm shooting for a week after launch for every bio to be complete. When it is, I'll update the link, and mention here. I will try and get it all finished as soon as possible. Maybe I can manage by launch, but more realistically that will be finished a week from then.

Probably the trailer will be two weeks out from launch, so it's sort of a quieter launch I suppose, until the trailer goes out and I post it out YouTube and Reddit. Nothing content wise is locked or anything until then, it's just going to be posted here only for a couple of weeks until the trailer is finished.

Other than that, I can say that the career document and spreadsheet changes are now essentially final. I have some more manufacturer races to add and that's it. I didn't get the unfinished missions in but I did add a new one, some sci-fi fans will get a kick out of it! An enormous thanks to @pritchyTim for helping with QA and sending feedback on changes to the documents and sheets throughout the process of creating the career.

I am extremely happy with this career. It is how I would do it if I were directing/designing the single player for GT games. This is intended to be an experience bringing back the spirit of the old days, content wise, or pushing it forward with a new motorsport focused experience.

Also - I understand that everyone likes different music, and/or may not want music at all, but if you're interested, the soundtracks are all curated to give a specific tone which I think adds to the intended experience - but of course, not that it needs saying, absolutely feel free to not use them or to listen to your own playlists.

If you do decide to use them, for the menu, feel free to take some time to sit back and relax, and just let your mind drift. At the start perhaps, or between races. Or whenever. That is what a number of the songs on the menu soundtrack were chosen for, to just let yourself drift as you watch your car in the garage or in Scapes Movies, or when you're sitting on the map screen.

The content harkens back to the spirit of classic GT. The menu music is a style sort of close in tone to GT Sport with a focus on house and atmospheric music. There's a couple of jazz tracks for a classic vibe, but altogether the content and soundtracks do not clash, I don't think.

My intent with this career is something where you can sink your teeth in and just enjoy the vibes, enjoy the racing, and just have fun. I've done my absolute best to make this as quick to set up as possible, with as much content as possible, with as much quality as possible. I was very conscious about quality over quantity.

Please do enjoy it when it launches. I would be thrilled if folks shared their experiences.
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One day until launch! I've made final tweaks to spreadsheets and docs. Quick Start guide is in progress and will be finished tonight/early tomorrow. It's a short 6-7 page PDF in a sort of game manual style which is both a quick way to understand how the career works and some information about AI in custom race. It can act as a quick reference guide for that information as well in future.

Five more manufacturer league events are being added also for some of the recently added cars. As mentioned before, content wise, the main career is identical to the pre-revamp version, besides some calendar and driver list tweaks.

There's some bonus content like Sector Survival and Single Races, some more manufacturer races and such, but the big thing with this is just a much more streamlined way to play and with much less manual work involved on the player's end for progression.

It's simple, with some depth, and easy to track - and because it's a fixed finishing position window requirement for licence/league completion (different per league, but fixed for the whole licence/league), it's easy to redo a race if you finish a race outside of the position window.

Once the new manufacturer league events are in I will lock down the documents and start putting the licences and leagues into individual documents so that it's quicker to load.

Right now the single document for each path takes quite a bit to load and may not load at all on different devices.

The all-in-one docs take a good bit to load on a computer, and ages on my phone lol. The individual documents solve that though and those will load quickly on phones, tablets or PC.

They will be linked in the spreadsheets in the section for that specific licence or league.

The spreadsheets will operate effectively as a hub from where you can then go into the individual spreadsheets (which will be copy links, so you can edit them to your liking as well, for instance if you want to mark which races you've finished and the position you finished in).

The next post will likely be the launch post! ^_^ It will launch on Friday evening, UK time.
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Are you posting it today?
Yes, I'm posting it tonight. I've been on good pace all day yesterday but I was tweaking things as I went along to clean things up so it's taken longer than I thought. All the content is locked down. The Quick Start guide is done - all that I have left is to add the document links into the spreadsheet. I'm in the process of making the individual documents right now - but I need sleep. It will be posted tonight.

A heads up, I removed Heroics as they weren't fleshed out enough for my liking and I didn't have time to make more, I didn't wanna rush it. So I'll release it as a separate sheet in a couple of weeks and you can import it into the spreadsheet you're using for the career.

Sorry Sir what is this? it looks amazing!
Thank you for the kind words! A custom career where you use the custom race feature to play curated races which are structured with progression. The Quick Start guide which will release alongside the career is a short and concise overview of how everything works.

The main post here also has a brief overview of the career.

Any YouTube video gameplays about this?
Here is an event, uploaded by @GTvsForza.

I appreciate it, hopefully you enjoy it if you decide to give it a go!
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