How the Creator of Gran Turismo Wants Motorsport to Change

  • Thread starter Jordan
No. No it doesn't. While I agree VR is a huge jump between flat screen sim and real life racing, it doesn't "bridge the gap". It's like flat screen sim is maybe 25% of the way to reality, at most, and if VR doubles that, then you are still only halfway to the full experience. (And I'm being generous in that assessment). In real life, the physical aspects, the g-forces, adds soooo much input into your spacial awareness, and the physics that are happening are soooo much more apparent. Maybe our interpretation of the phrase, "bridge the gap" is the only real difference in opinion here, and I agree that VR is a HUGE step forward in realism and immersion, and yes, even in the practice of there being more of a connection between real drivers and sim drivers.
We're talking about Gran Turismo. PSVR2 is the only bridge between SIM racing and actually real world driving.
If GT were on a motion rig, then, that's another bridge. A person sitting on their couch, playing on a PlayStation console and then, becoming a real racer, PSVR2 gives the user the closest experience to real racing.
PSVR2 gives the player more information. More info of gradients, more info of sightlines, crests, undulation of the surface.

ZedNinetySix sees PSVR2 as a novelty. In what Kaz is trying to achieve with moving forward in Motorsport, I see PSVR2 as a tool. That tool, is what helps to bridge the gap between SIM Racing and real racing.

If there is no gap and it's just SIM Racing and real racing, why use the game to aid in getting through to Motorsport?

Edit: Yes @Met Entso that's what I mean with bridging the gap. I'm not expecting the physical seat of the pants. It's as you say, the brain interprets all that information and it allows me to get that sensation of feeling what the car is doing.

The headset and feedback rumbling from the headset, ear phones, controller, the cockpit view, physically tilting my head. That peripheral allows a connection the TV screen can't give.

I'd love to see Kaz take someone off the street, Never driven a car. See if they can stomach the PSVR2. Practice at a world circuit in the game. Using any cars. Go with the R34 and R35 GT3 from the OP photo. Get them straight to a track and see how they go.
Take someone else. Have them use the flat screen and same cars. Straight to the track and see how they go.

Sure, everyone are different, but that's how GT Academy was. Different people with different backgrounds. Have them Practice and see how they go.

I repeat, I feel the PSVR2 would allow a user to get up to speed, in a real race car, quicker than a person using the TV.
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Good to see Kazunori is caring again about everything but the people who buy his products.

Kaz is talking about the future of motorsports, but cant even fix his product. This guy is a complete joke and needs to resign already. GT7 still has no current german cars and what does Kaz? He gives us an ambulance car and other nonsense cars to download🤦‍♂️

I seriously cant understand why the GT community doesnt give this clown the heat he deserves? Kazunori thinks he is an important figure in the Motorsport world, while someone should remind him that he is a game developer in the first place.

I really wish the next GT bombs massively, so Kaz gets something to think about. Not that its likely it will happen, while even the worst GT game GTSport sold very good.

Seems like the majority of GT fans just like to be fooled over and over again by Kazunori.

Your take on Max it's insane. Have you ever spent 60-100 training for an endurance event, paid other drivers to be there and to train for the event, scheduled time away from your super model girlfriend, and your job as a Formula 1 champion only to have the race attacked, and then get screwed over by the organizers unfairly ensuring you have zero chance to win? Because unless you have then you really have no idea what your talking about.

Since when does he have a super model girlfriend?🤣🤡

You sound like a complete🤡 acting like he has to go on a death mission to the war trenches. Max is a bitter, dirty grit. Has always been and will always be. Thats why he will never get respect.
Good to see Kazunori is caring again about everything but the people who buy his products.

Kaz is talking about the future of motorsports, but cant even fix his product. This guy is a complete joke and needs to resign already. GT7 still has no current german cars and what does Kaz? He gives us an ambulance car and other nonsense cars to download🤦‍♂️

I seriously cant understand why the GT community doesnt give this clown the heat he deserves? Kazunori thinks he is an important figure in the Motorsport world, while someone should remind him that he is a game developer in the first place.

I really wish the next GT bombs massively, so Kaz gets something to think about. Not that its likely it will happen, while even the worst GT game GTSport sold very good.

Seems like the majority of GT fans just like to be fooled over and over again by Kazunori.

Since when does he have a super model girlfriend?🤣🤡

You sound like a complete🤡 acting like he has to go on a death mission to the war trenches. Max is a bitter, dirty grit. Has always been and will always be. Thats why he will never get respect.
Are you okay?
See, that's the crux of the matter isn't it. Whatever form of motorsport you originate from, be it racing sims, karting or just grass roots racing, matters nothing unless you have financial backing to get you to the next stage. It's never been any different.

And even most forms of grass roots racing is a “rich man’s” sport, when taken seriously.

In my experience being around all kinds of racing throughout my life, there’s two kinds of people that race:

  • Really wealthy types that can afford it
  • Middle class people who go broke from it

Sim racing for me, is a gateway into a world that I’ll never know. It offers me 40% of the real thing at 1/20th of the cost (at the absolute most) of even racing competitively at the sportsman level. Sim racing sounds like a pretty good deal to me.
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And even most forms of grass roots racing is a “rich man’s” sport, when taken seriously.

In my experience being around all kinds of racing throughout my life, there’s two kinds of people that race:

  • Really wealthy types that can afford it
  • Middle class people who go broke from it

Sim racing for me, is a gateway into a world that I’ll never know. It offers me 40% of the real thing at 1/20th of the cost (at the absolute most) of even racing competitively at the sportsman level. Sim racing sounds like a pretty good deal to me.
I drive with the NASA guys occasionally. Your assessment is pretty accurate. However, there’s plenty of people that make a standard middle class income and can afford a reasonable Spec Miata, Spec E30, American Iron, etc. campaign. If it’s your hobby and you enjoy doing it, then there’s no reason spending $1k to $2k per weekend for 10 or so weekend’s a year should be out of the question. I have buddies that spend more than that per year on their offshore fishing habits.

You just gotta know that it’s grassroots amateur racing and no professional team is going to approach you for a drive.

I did 8 HPDE events last year. I cringe thinking of the total impact that did on my yearly budget. I enjoy sim racing as it fills some of the “go fast crackpipe habit” from the comfort and safety of my home.
Your take on Max it's insane. Have you ever spent 60-100 training for an endurance event, paid other drivers to be there and to train for the event, scheduled time away from your super model girlfriend, and your job as a Formula 1 champion only to have the race attacked, and then get screwed over by the organizers unfairly ensuring you have zero chance to win? Because unless you have then you really have no idea what your talking about.
Welcome to GTPlanet.
I have used it many times in GT7 and other games, I get no seat of the pants feeling whatsoever. Spacial awareness is much improved yes, but no additional sensations.

You still cant feel anything underneath you.
Also motion rigs really dont do it any justice, its a neat novelty but not much more than that.
Thing is, even when driving irl much of the feedback is second hand. Except velocity, which can be partially accounted for with additional wheel weight. Never the less, the easy money, to bring sim and actual driving, closer together can be done with much of todays sim gear if only the game companies would spend some time with their respective sdk’s. To the point, we get feedback irl with our feed, hands, and hamstrings/butts, then there are the additional forces of velocity which are more wholesale. For the sake of argument lets focus on the things easily controllable. If! Pedal sets and stick shifts were given instructions regarding engine vibration, traction, and road texture, from the games telemetry(not some sounds hack), as well as some improvements in wheel ffb, people would be much better equipped to hop into a car and respond favorably. People speak of motion rigs, but honestly they just don’t seem as relevant as the oscillations and vibrations coming through the steering column and my feet. Thats where the grip is, and whether you have forgotten about the g forces and are plastered against the drivers side window as your wrist and fingers..and toes save your ass or, are attacking the corner like a pro.. the only thing which matters is the ability to feel that grip. Which at the end of the day is more about vibration and oscillation, than g forces. The light fingers and sure grip of a driver as it were.

Is driving irl vs psvr2 with a rig different? Of course, always will be.. but it doesn’t need to be as different as it presently is and kaz and co. Are in a position where they can bring the worlds closer tomorrow if they choose. Frankly, to pontificate about shaping the future without doing the easy stuff first drives me a little batty.
For a dude with tons of money to spend on cars,Kaz takes on the cost of the motorsport industry and even just racing games is usually on point.
I don't think GT will be at the forefront of that motorsport revolution but i agree that sim racing should be used way more as a step to real racing and back and forth with real drivers going to sims.

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