Gran Turismo Sport Beta Set to End This Week

  • Thread starter TA462
So, are we admitting that the last above standard GT game was Gran Turismo 4, released in December 2004?

If so, yea, that's a complete joke. Let me use my math skills: that's approximately 13 years.
In your opinion, maybe. You see, it's simple. You don't like the other GT games don't play them. Cant complain about that surely.
Aw man, looks like it ended. Can't connect to the server. =(

EDIT: nope, just connected and received a message about it ending on 16th =(
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Substandard - below the usual, or required standard.

The standard for GT is that the game is meant to be incredibly good.

GT5 and 6 weren't the dumpster fires that some people make them out to be, but they weren't amazing either. They were ok, but they didn't meet the standard. Substandard.

There are 6 mainline games in GT (discounting Sport). 4/6 of them are incredible. That's 66% of all the games that they've released. 2 of them aren't as good to most people. That's 33%.

Explain to me how PD are a joke if their track record clearly states otherwise.

I'll wait.

If that hypothetical is the stick you wish to beat CorvetteConquer with, it's actually pretty damn easy to explain how PD are a joke in such a context since how good games released in 1997, 1999, 2001 and 2004 were is completely irrelevant to PD's supposed image in 2017. Certainly so compared to games released in 2009, 2010 and 2013.
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If that hypothetical is the stick you wish to beat CorvetteConquer with, it's actually pretty damn easy to explain how PD are a joke in such a context since how good games released in 1997, 1999, 2001 and 2004 were is completely irrelevant to PD's supposed image in 2017. Certainly so compared to games released in 2009, 2010 and 2013.

Exactly. Show me what they have done now. Which is to say, games that might be good, but are definitely mediocre, and in a cutthroat industry that has a lot more competitors in it then in 2004 or even 2013, mediocre isn't good enough.
Hopefully I'll get a chance to try out this next beta out. I screwed up big time with my last applications... yes, applications as in, I wrote two of 'em so I'm guessing they rejected it.
Felt like a bit of an outcast on GTP without beta access these last few months. Been tough :)

I think they didn't let me in because I said Prologue was the best GT ;)

Anyway, not bitter at all. Oh no.

Not bitter.
I was a bit skeptical going into it. As a devotee of Assetto Corsa, I felt that I might find it a bit 'simcade-ish'.

Truth is, I did! But, there is much to like, too!

As others have said, the racing is very good. The matching of similar DR/SR worked well. For me, I'm not an overly fast driver, but I like to keep it clean.

The result was that I ended up exactly where I needed to be - and as a result I enjoyed clean, competitive racing.

I found it overall to be fairly forgiving. Much to my surprise, I didn't feel that that undermined the enjoyment.

Will I buy it based on my experience with the beta?

I was a bit skeptical going into it. As a devotee of Assetto Corsa, I felt that I might find it a bit 'simcade-ish'.

Truth is, I did! But, there is much to like, too!

As others have said, the racing is very good. The matching of similar DR/SR worked well. For me, I'm not an overly fast driver, but I like to keep it clean.

The result was that I ended up exactly where I needed to be - and as a result I enjoyed clean, competitive racing.

I found it overall to be fairly forgiving. Much to my surprise, I didn't feel that that undermined the enjoyment.

Will I buy it based on my experience with the beta?


Pretty much similar to the way I feel for the game.
Its not as sim as AC (example).Its way more forgiving/easier to drive.If someone is more of a casual player is going to really enjoy it.If you want a little more "hardcore"-realistic experience then not so much.
The first thing that imo is not working as it should is the driver's rating (especially the SR).Even when I got to S rating,I saw a lot of people cutting corners,hitting others and still getting "positive" ratings in the end of race.
Overall I feel its a fun game.Its not the best (sim racing wise) but its fun.
I just saw a message on the beta that states Race C all this weekend will be a "Fuel Economy Race," where we have to actively adjust the fuel map during the event to prevent running the tank dry. Hopefully this is a new way for me to be more competitive against drivers obviously faster than me.
I've played this beta version offering 3 tracks that i don't even chose, with a very limited number of cars and this during monthes , waking up everyday with the same good feeling that i'll have some very good time driving alone or racing with some others greats players.
A game that can entertain me at this level with so few will for sure be a great game. Gt is Gt , the rest is the rest. I'm a fan ,i know exactly why and i assume it.

Congrats Mr Kaz.
I've played this beta version offering 3 tracks that i don't even chose, with a very limited number of cars and this during monthes , waking up everyday with the same good feeling that i'll have some very good time driving alone or racing with some others greats players.
A game that can entertain me at this level with so few will for sure be a great game. Gt is Gt , the rest is the rest. I'm a fan ,i know exactly why and i assume it.

Congrats Mr Kaz.

And we'll have more than twice as many tracks and almost five times as many racing classes available in the full game, plus anything that gets added through DLC.

And that's just Sport Mode!
While there’s life, there’s hope.

If you have access to the beta, you’ll want to get some final seat time in before July 16. This may not be the end, however: during our interview with Kazunori Yamauchi at E3 2017, he dropped a hint that a second, more feature-rich beta could arrive. Yamauchi put a pin in August — so it may not be a long wait at all. Gamescom takes place at the tail end of next month, too…

Even if a second beta doesn’t appear, GT Sport is still scheduled to release in Fall 2017.
Man, I hope they're having a final beta phase with additional participants!

I think they'll do another beta next month, or thats the rumor anyway. Don't know if it will be open to everyone, or the same beta population though.

I believe a GT Academy-like event, or even Nissan's GT Academy itself, from the end of August til a week from release, advertised in the PS Store and at system level to all PS4 owners could do wonders.
We're all avid sim racing enthusiasts here but I admire your strength to put the games aside and enjoy the sun when the weather is nice. I've failed on that myself most of the time this year. Unless I go abroad on holiday, then suddenly you realize all these games don't matter much. :)

Cheers man!

Ha, Summer's are pretty 'short' here, so I do have to make the most of it. I didn't even get to play on the final weekend due to me hosting the annual Ratebeer Gathering of Alberta. I had to choose between 100+ beers (some quite rare) to drink with friends in the 33c heat we had, or sit in a dark, non-air conditioned room. The beer won!!