Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

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@Tassie_tiger Think of it that way, GT Sport will probably come out after we've had 2 Project CARS games and 3 Forza games, if it's not better than either then it should get additional negative points in my opinion.
If I walk into EB games and purchase PC2 and GTSport, and PC2 is better, it gets my vote.
If GTSport is better, it gets my vote.
If they are comparatively the same regarding my assessment of each game, they are the same.
Essentially end of story. 👍
If I walk into EB games and purchase PC2 and GTSport, and PC2 is better, it gets my vote.
If GTSport is better, it gets my vote.
If they are comparatively the same regarding my assessment of each game, they are the same.
Essentially end of story. 👍

You were so close to an 'END OF" signoff there!
I knew Duke Nukem would get mentioned. It's a total outlier and really doesn't mean much.

More time means better, more polished product.

Now whether or not you've alienated everyone by being so insanely slow and non-communicative in the meantime, that's a whole 'nother thing...
Project Cars and Assetto Corsa were delayed what, 3 or 4 times combined. I believe "polishing" was one of the reasons for the PCars delay. Are they outliers as well?
GT Sport is a bit different and it's development time should be taken in consideration when reviewed...

I don't think so. The game is what it is when it's released.

The major problem with games that take a long time is that they tend to be outdated when they release, because the fundamentals of the game were designed in a time that was different to the one that they find themselves selling in. Some of the TLG mechanics were borderline acceptable on PS2. Having a shonky control scheme is death for a game on PS4. Games that have really protracted development times tend to be their own worst enemy, and don't tend to need any help shooting themselves in the foot.

If GTS is a great game on release, the development time doesn't take any of that away. It's annoying, more so because of the tease routine that Polyphony put us through, but a good game is a good game regardless of how it came about. A review is judging what a game is like to play, not the efficiency of the developers production methods.

Having multiple Forza games out might affect your choice of which console to buy, but again it has nothing to do with how good GTS is. It will be compared to the latest games that are out at the same time, and it doesn't matter if that's FM7 or FM10.
Not sure it can be compared so directly, but agreed that basically PD are slow as ****!

It's annoying, but not everyone has to be super quick eh? You always lose something when you develop in a mad rush...

If I walk into EB games and purchase PC2 and GTSport, and PC2 is better, it gets my vote.
If GTSport is better, it gets my vote.
If they are comparatively the same regarding my assessment of each game, they are the same.
Essentially end of story. 👍

For the consumer maybe, but I think from a critical POV dev time should be taken into consideration. I still think PD have something up their sleeves but If I was to review the game now I'll struggle to find something impressive that merits such a long wait.
@Tassie_tiger Think of it that way, GT Sport will probably come out after we've had 2 Project CARS games and 3 Forza games, if it's not better than either then it should get additional negative points in my opinion.

How is that anything but good news for a racing fan? That means consumers have 5 more games to play. I don't see why this would or should have any bearing on anything consumer related. The only way this would be an issue is if you don't like racing games but like GT, and in that case you only have one option anyway.
I don't think so. The game is what it is when it's released.

The major problem with games that take a long time is that they tend to be outdated when they release, because the fundamentals of the game were designed in a time that was different to the one that they find themselves selling in. Some of the TLG mechanics were borderline acceptable on PS2. Having a shonky control scheme is death for a game on PS4. Games that have really protracted development times tend to be their own worst enemy, and don't tend to need any help shooting themselves in the foot.

If GTS is a great game on release, the development time doesn't take any of that away. It's annoying, more so because of the tease routine that Polyphony put us through, but a good game is a good game regardless of how it came about. A review is judging what a game is like to play, not the efficiency of the developers production methods.

Having multiple Forza games out might affect your choice of which console to buy, but again it has nothing to do with how good GTS is. It will be compared to the latest games that are out at the same time, and it doesn't matter if that's FM7 or FM10.

The dev time becomes justified if it is, but if it isn't a long dev time makes it worse.
Not really. A bad game is a bad game regardless of how long it took.

I guess we're seeing why everyone can't review games, because it takes a certain amount of objectivity to stick to just the game.

I disagree to be honest, and reviews of games like TLG I've seen mention the dev time in the review.
I disagree to be honest, and reviews of games like TLG I've seen mention the dev time in the review.

Yeah, with you on that one sems, you have to take it into account, especially when it's legendarily long.

But general slowness shouldn't be seen as so much of a bad thing, I think. The bigger problem for me is the lack of information during the development... makes it seem so much slower.
It's hard making games? That's a pretty good reason. The last game I worked on had a dev time of 7 years and that was with many more people available to work on it than PD have. Also we don't have the pressure of people asking about the next game as we could keep development a secret until the last two years. PD don't have that luxury, 6 months after GT releases people are asking when the next one is.
It's hard making games? That's a pretty good reason. The last game I worked on had a dev time of 7 years and that was with many more people available to work on it than PD have. Also we don't have the pressure of people asking about the next game as we could keep development a secret until the last two years. PD don't have that luxury, 6 months after GT releases people are asking when the next one is.

All very true, but we're talking about some kind of social media interaction. Just a few tweets every once in a while, a screenshot here and there...

It doesn't take much at all.
I guess that there was nothing interesting for us.

Then what was the point of all those teasers from the GT Academy guys who were there? Sounds like it was just a way to 🤬 with those long suffering fans more.
Still no news about the Destination Playstation event?

This event hasn't been one for press/journalistic reporting in a while. It's for "influencers", retailer heads, brand partners and company people to have a look at what's coming.

So unless someone decides to leak stuff, no news. It wouldn't surprise me if beta plans (and consequently a release window) were explained there though.
Not sure it can be compared so directly, but agreed that basically PD are slow as ****!

It's annoying, but not everyone has to be super quick eh? You always lose something when you develop in a mad rush...
And PD doesn't lose anything?

It's a great theory except for PD having abundantly proven that more time doesn't mean a better more polished product.
I'll be the optimist and say the dog days are over. Let there be light. Not a strobe light like other devs use to make them do whatever it is I don't like, but a night light so PD can find their way through the dark. I'll be waiting with a virgin pina colada in one hand and sake in the other.
Re: The subject of reviews and dev times.

I don't think it really needs to be taken into consideration. Sure, most reviews will probably mention it in passing: I feel like you'd be hard-pressed to find a review of The Last Guardian that didn't. But a bit like sales figures, I feel it has very little impact on the game experience itself, which should be the primary focus of the review. Not company politics.

I don't agree with this concept that more dev time tends to result in a better game. It can, if that extra time was spent on polishing. But it could have been spent on any number of items. Maybe a good chunk of the game was scrapped for what the team thought was a better approach, and that didn't pan out. Maybe features X, Y, and Z were added last-minute, and features A, B, and C remain only partially complete when it ships. Maybe one delay turns into two, turns into three, turns into title cancelled.

Shigeru Miyamoto expanded on the quote last year, and with the new explanation, it makes a lot more sense to me: it's about the developer's experience, not the gamer's.
Not sure if this is significant but these Gran Turismo Sport "pre-sale" cards recently popped up at Target here in the States...

I disagree to be honest, and reviews of games like TLG I've seen mention the dev time in the review.

They mention it, but as an explanation of why the game design and mechanics seem so outdated. Because they are outdated, because they were designed ten years ago.

I haven't seen a review that said that explicitly docked points for it being a long dev process. I've seen lots that have docked points for it being a not very good game, largely because of it's outdated design. I suppose you could call that the same thing, but the reality is that the game probably would have gotten exactly the same score if it had been in development a year. There would have been the same comments that it felt outdated, but there would have been no rational explanation to back it up in that case.
I'll be the optimist and say the dog days are over. Let there be light. Not a strobe light like other devs use to make them do whatever it is I don't like, but a night light so PD can find their way through the dark. I'll be waiting with a virgin pina colada in one hand and sake in the other.
Strobe lights or whatever it is you don't like....

Sounds like insult but no insult. iConfusez.