Making the base design was not so difficult : the red on chrome and black use basic shapes, and we quickly have a car that look very similar to the real one. But then came the details. Just like the AMG, some parts are blacked out, without being in a "other" category. The hood air intakes are black, and as the rest of the area is chrome, you have to be precise to cover them without overflow on the hood. They use almost 15 decals each. The red part goes into the central tunnel, so I had to cover it with the "align to camera" option and playing with the depth and angle so the red didn't show up where it was not intended to. Add the WeatherTech number plate and 5 fonctionnal decals and the hood gets 54 layers itself.
The A pillar got 3 colours : the chrome goes there to the base of the pillar, and the red is outlined with a thin black line which expand after the roof. The black and red lines which go from the roof to the rear was mostly try/compare with real pic/retry actions. The "grey" part under the side window is actually a chrome zone with a 75% transparency shape on it, so it doesn't shine like the other but still maintain its reflection like the actual car. But the trickiest part was the rear. PMR chose a color scheme that seems very natural to the shapes and edges of the car but which was a pain to recreate. The chrome bottom, then the red line, then the black bumper, then the thin red grille and the trunk... all of them which couldn't show out of the surface to keep the chrome top and black sides...
Extra note : the Huracan has some parts which belong to the "body" on the paint section, but which are not coverable in the decal section, so we end up with some part that can't be coloured to the true shade. This concerns the outer fuel cap section and the second side plate of the rear bumper which always appear chromed. Finally, I played with the depth and angle on the front lip because the red line is only on the edge of the splitter.
Sponsors : easy part, they are very few ! WRONG : only some of them were in the game (Castrol, EDGE, IMSA championship related...) and the others doesn't even exist, or at a very low quality. They didn't exist as SVG neither, so I had to create them, mostly even without a PNG to start from. I tried InkScape for the first time and I struggle with it and SVGOMG until I can get proper results. Now I've shared those which work.
I'm pretty happy with the result.