Gran Turismo Sport - Scapes Compendium thread and Scapes from Publicity Events

  • Thread starter sirjim73
Yeah front page pics are too "flat" and these pics are too dark, kinda like the opposite end on the contrast spectre. The ISR pics are perfect. Just my opinion
I've looked at one of their images and they've saved it as RGB - which is interesting as the entire first half of the presentation is about why standard RGB isn't up to the task. Mine are CMYK.

Could it be because our screens are not HDR?
CMYK separations are for print/press use. Images may display very differently depending your specific browser ICC profile handling capabilities. They should be avoided for web usage whenever possible. If no other source is available it's safer to first convert them to sRGB.
CMYK separations are for print/press use.
Well the images have come from a PDF document. I'm also not quite sure how or why ISR have got theirs at 4000x2250, when the originals are 1920x1080.
Didn't PD provide proper sRGB/web pictures folder in an E3 media kit? A cmyk pdf is a bit unusual as a delivery mode for such pictures.

Side note: quoting is seemingly broken (Sierra/Safari) with the site update.
@Soundtrack Aahh, I never used that feature. And my Mac is in another room so I can't tell you if it works for me or not right now. Too lazy to go get it :lol:
They just changed the resolution probably and recoded to sRGB through Photoshop.
By the way, do you also have this video with Sarthe? Looks like this should be in the same press-release.

I don't like how they try to simulate HDR in this clip. I'm sorry but SDR doesn't look like that at all :lol: