I don't think they know exactly what causes it, it used to be speculated it's because of the disparity between the camera moving and the fact you're not, and your brain gets confused, but for me it can happen just by fast moving cameras in any game and shaking/bobbing. For example the Tomb Raider reboot had a subtle camera shake and that made me feel funny, I'm not the only one either -
Also as the person there points out, MGS GZ and MGS5 both have a camera shake but thankfully that one can be disabled. They're third person games which generally speaking are fine, but add in that camera shake and my brain doesn't like it. Another game that I've mentioned on this board before is Spyro. The fast, spinning cameras on that always made me feel awful, as a kid I didn't make the connection but as an adult I realised.
First person games are by far the worst and I just don't attempt to even play them any more, last one I gave a go was 'The Stanley Parable', which isn't even particularly fast paced but I had to turn it off after half an hour. Oh and a few years ago 'Mirrors Edge', that was awful.
I also remember going on those theme park rides where you're in a motion seat simulating what you're watching on a screen, like a roller coaster or something, I couldn't stomach those either. Which does suggest that either my brain can't be tricked into thinking it's moving, or it's something else.
But anyway, with that in mind I'm 99% sure VR would do the same for me.