I have seen something like that in some video or images from the VR mode of GTS.
Now I can not find it and I do not remember the source unfortunately
In VR the framerate is everything and Sony don't allow vr games that not meet at least 60 fps. Going under 60fps would create sickness.
Keep in mind that it has to render 2 times the game (a screen for the eye with different perspectives) at at least 60fps and with good resolution.
With the actual hardware they already doing miracles in so many games:tup:
It would also please me to have more opponents, but already try GT in VR is a dream come true
That will be a great problem for those who suffer from motion sickness

However, Pcars 2 will be my main game for VR. Actually i'm enjoy a lot the first game in VR and can't wait for the new one.
I'm playing on PC with the PSVR emulated as Vive with trinus
I just hope to see in 2 some improvements like rain, really bad to see with that 2D effect, better driver animations and the LOD from the cockpit that renders only half of the car and looking behind there are completely missing 3D elements that breaking the immersion.