Gran Turismo tuning @ for GT PSP and GT 5 Prologue! (10/7/09)

  • Thread starter kesun.421
Hi all, is now updated with "Best Lap Time" field, and also improved CSV file download function.

I think the "Best Lap Time" field will give the tune configurations more meaning. Thanks to RussRobit for the first suggestion. I will add in the search filter for this field later. Next up, user comments!

Damn fine idea kensun! I think this new site of yours is gonna take off in a big way when GT5 comes along.

Car Make, Model and Track list has been updated on Everyone with spare time please take a look and make sure I have the right lists.

Ke now has a commenting feature. Users can see the number of comments made to a tune from the search results. Clicking on the tuneID to edit or view a tune will allow a signed in user to comment on that tune spec.

let me know what you guys think!

Looking good... I'm going to upload a bunch of my tunes over the weekend.... this is going to be a great place and very useful tool for GT5 👍 Great job.
Thanks Blitz! Right now gttuner is definitely short on tunes...

Everyone is welcome to post their tunes on!

I'm off for the weekend, so any new updates will probably be made next Tuesday.

Bug report:

I just added myself as a user, and entered a tune. For some reason it says "not available" under my user name, even though I entered "timneyb" in the username field.

In case this is browser specific: I'm running Firefox 3.5 on Mac OS 10.5.

Great effort by the way. Sure to be a great resource.
Update: Fixed the registration and login error.

Thanks TimenyB.

I have fixed your entry, but the bug might still be there, I will work on that.

Getting better each update Kesun!


Looks like some of your code around the power and wieght is being exported.

The front and rear tires are exporting on the same line.
Experienced same problem as timneyb. Posted a tune for F430 on HSR 700 under STVM-U-Can-Tuna but it shows as "unavailable". Tune posted fine, but no username attached.

Also, username field defaults to my email address and not my selected username.

This is going to be a very useful site. Thanks for creating it. I don't create very many tunes but will contribute what I have. Like most users, I borrow and tweak as needed, but what I post will be original.
Update: I think the problem should be fixed now. RussRobit, I also fixed the bugs you mentioned about CSV file downloading. Please continue to report any bugs.

Hi golfpro518,

I will try to fix the tune posting problem. The last upload I did was in a hotel in NYC, my development environment told me the upload failed but when I checked the website it said it was uploaded fine... I guess I will doulbe check and fix it.

As for the username filed defaulting to your email, it is because of your browser behavior, I didn't do any programming for that filed.

Thanks for the bug reports! I will fix the problems.

Maybe a private tune section where only the tuner can see and not share if they are working on a tune that is on a current competition.
Maybe a private tune section where only the tuner can see and not share if they are working on a tune that is on a current competition.

Doesnt that kind of defeat the purpose of the site though? I mean it is for sharing tunes.. not keeping them private.. Dont really see how keeping stuff private would be useful? I would say if you want to keep it private dont post it :)
Hi guys,

I have to agree with all of you. The site allows you to edit your tunes whenever you want, and to make notes on your tunes, and also download your previous tunes via CSV. I think these features will make it easy enough for anyone to update and backup their tunes whenever they wish. Viewers of your tunes can always refer to your tune using the permanent link in the address bar, and your changes will be shown to them immediately.

FYI, I also added in Google Ads to the site. I debated to myself for a long time before doing this, but in the end games (I still need to buy a psp and gt psp), bandwidth, database and programming tools and books all cost money, so I went with the simplest ads as possible. There are only two in the whole site. One on the homepage, the other in the tune spec viewing page. Hope this doesn't upset many people, the site is still very fast, and I intend to keep it clean and simple.

I also added in an Abouts page, with some information about gttuner and special thanks to early beta testers.

Hi all, has been updated with an about page and also some CSS styling corrections. Next up is to work on voting features for tunes.

Please continue to spread the word and report any bugs or feature requests you might have, thanks!

Read a few reviews about GT PSP, pretty excited! Gonna get myself a PSP and that game soon to complete the PSP section of


Hi all,

I wanted to write up a post showing people how the tune spec pages work in

Basically you can view a tune configuration by clicking on the corresponding TuneID link in the search results table. The search results table defaults to listing all the avaliable tune specs right now.

Once the tune page is open, it will display the configurations for that tune, along with downloading and commenting options.

What's really useful about this page is that you can copy the URL from your browsers address bar, and post it on any blog/forum for others to view. The full tune spec, including the comments to the tune, will be displayed.

See some examples below:

So if you submit a tune, you can post/email/iChat/msn your tune link for others to view/download/comment.

If you have any questions about how to use, please leave me a post!

Hello Ke Sun,

You're doing a good job for GTPlanet with your tuning database. Any buttons for sending kudos to yourself? :)

If you need any inspiration for improving your stuff please check out where I posted some of my tunes for GT4. This one I'm rather proud of as apparently some of its members quite seem to like it.
Thanks steven! I will take a look. With the release of GT5 and GT PSP, I am kinda nervous since I will need to be quick to make gttuner adapt to the new games, here's 10 bucks betting on my programming skills... lol.

TO ALL: I added in the Kudos voting system for You can now vote for your favorite tune specs. Enjoy!

Please keep the bug reports and feature requests coming guys! Thanks!

Doesnt that kind of defeat the purpose of the site though? I mean it is for sharing tunes.. not keeping them private.. Dont really see how keeping stuff private would be useful? I would say if you want to keep it private dont post it :)

Not really, having a private section is for tunes that are still a work in progress and when the tuner is ready he/she can post it publicly. It just gives the tuner the option. I think that is why there is only a few post on the site. You can always show a public index on what they are working on privately so people can see what cars they are working on, in what track and current track times but without the details of the tunes. This way people can come in and challenge the person and if they loose they may have to publish the tunes details. So maybe a challenge page?
Hi all,

I have been updating the database code for so it would make my life easier for expanding the site in the future. You will probably see some small site changes to accompany this, such as when configuring a new tune spec, you should not enter your units of measurement, and the best lap time filed is now three field, one for minute, one for seconds and another for milliseconds. These new fields and changes reflect on the new database table designs... We will have a better, more flexible database and site code after this.

You will see these changes soon...

Yours, Ke


update: back online!

Hi All... just finished updating with new database code... I have some good news and bad news.

Bad news first: Some of your tunes have data missing. Mostly it's the controller type, performance point, tire settings and such. Your gear ratio settings should remain in-tact. I am very sorry for this, but some of the data from the old database could not transfer for many reasons... You can update your tune specs by logging back in to Please don't hate me!

Another bad news: The website will be down for a few hours, need to resolve an issue with my hosting provider, basically the new code for doing database operations requires some changes to the website configuration only they can do.

The good news: We now have very reliable and flexible database code. This whole operation was to make sure the database will support GT5, GT PSP once they come out (real soon). I am pretty confident now we should have no problem with the new games and looking forward to serving the community better!

Please keep on supporting! (It should come back online in a couple of hours.)




Just uploaded a new build of! Changes are mostly UI related.

New: Game version filtering and input.
New: Spec count in filters.

Please continue to give me any feedback or bug reports.

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Thanks for the great work on this Kesun. I haven't been playing GT5p for a while now, but is a great resource and I very much look forward to using it once the final release of GT5 is out.
Thanks panjandrum.

The next updates will be for the search results table to allow sorting and paging, also next week hopefully I can get GTPSP and start putting that into the website, just got my PSP 3000 yesterday!

I just registered, I'll share some settings when I get a chance I'm at work right now. This would be very useful when GT5 comes out. Hope for the best on, and great job on you kesun.
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Update 9/23/09: The sorting bug has been fixed.

Hi all, thanks for the feedback.

The new search results table has been added. It's still a little buggy in the sorting of columns, but it supports sorting and paging of records. I think it is better than the old table, but you can tell me what you think.

Please keep using and giving feedback, thanks!

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Update: 9/27/09:
----------------------- has reached 90 registered users today, thanks for everyone's support! I will try to add in the GT PSP tuning options by the end of October.


Update 9/25/09:
Webhosting company had a hardware error today, database was offline for a few hours. Used this time to correct some CSS problems, should now look a bit better in Firefox for Mac.


Update 9/24/09:
Fixed a bug in the search results view.

Cleaned code in prep for GT PSP.

Need info on GT PSP Quick Tune options and full car/track list.


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