Hi all,
I have been updating the database code for gttuner.net so it would make my life easier for expanding the site in the future. You will probably see some small site changes to accompany this, such as when configuring a new tune spec, you should not enter your units of measurement, and the best lap time filed is now three field, one for minute, one for seconds and another for milliseconds. These new fields and changes reflect on the new database table designs... We will have a better, more flexible database and site code after this.
You will see these changes soon...
Yours, Ke
update: gttuner.net back online!
Hi All... just finished updating gttuner.net with new database code... I have some good news and bad news.
Bad news first: Some of your tunes have data missing. Mostly it's the controller type, performance point, tire settings and such. Your gear ratio settings should remain in-tact. I am very sorry for this, but some of the data from the old database could not transfer for many reasons... You can update your tune specs by logging back in to gttuner.net... Please don't hate me!
Another bad news: The website will be down for a few hours, need to resolve an issue with my hosting provider, basically the new code for doing database operations requires some changes to the website configuration only they can do.
The good news: We now have very reliable and flexible database code. This whole operation was to make sure the database will support GT5, GT PSP once they come out (real soon). I am pretty confident now we should have no problem with the new games and looking forward to serving the community better!
Please keep on supporting gttuner.net! (It should come back online in a couple of hours.)
Just uploaded a new build of gttuner.net! Changes are mostly UI related.
New: Game version filtering and input.
New: Spec count in filters.
Please continue to give me any feedback or bug reports.