Grand Theft Auto 3D Trilogy Remaster Officially Revealed, Coming This Year

As the comments on Reddit say that's a bit misleading, it's a glitch from the originals that doesn't just happen if you wiggle, you have to glitch the crusher.
This blows my mind for a few reasons -

1. How the hell did somebody figure out how to do this? It's not like there is any sort of intuitive process any plausible end goal. The first few steps seem like a fairly reasonable sequence of events that could happen but the rest is just ...what?

2. Equally...what on earth is the game engine doing to allow this to happen? What mechanism is in the code of the game that would allow for a car to grow? Must be some sort of scaling thing possibly related to damage? Or maybe it's part of the mechanic associated with the crusher?
This blows my mind for a few reasons -

1. How the hell did somebody figure out how to do this? It's not like there is any sort of intuitive process any plausible end goal. The first few steps seem like a fairly reasonable sequence of events that could happen but the rest is just ...what?

2. Equally...what on earth is the game engine doing to allow this to happen? What mechanism is in the code of the game that would allow for a car to grow? Must be some sort of scaling thing possibly related to damage? Or maybe it's part of the mechanic associated with the crusher?
I'm not sure. These days most crazy glitches like that are found by datamining the game source code and performing random code executions until something funky happens. In those days, I don't know. Just brute forcing things in-game I suppose.

As for why it actually happens, it's down the camera and how cars turn. Normally when you turn the car shape distorts slightly to give a better appearance that it is actually turning. It was a common technique in early 3D games. It should then reset but with this glitch, it doesn't. It only works with a few cars though, not every one.
I'm not sure. These days most crazy glitches like that are found by datamining the game source code and performing random code executions until something funky happens. In those days, I don't know. Just brute forcing things in-game I suppose.

As for why it actually happens, it's down the camera and how cars turn. Normally when you turn the car shape distorts slightly to give a better appearance that it is actually turning. It was a common technique in early 3D games. It should then reset but with this glitch, it doesn't. It only works with a few cars though, not every one.
That's interesting. Any more information on the second bit? Links?
Well R* just posted on their newswire that they are going to try and 'fix' definitive edition with updates but I think the main damage is already done.

Certainly going to wait a 'bit' before I spend any money on this game set, I can't afford it just now anyway thanks to Xmas coming up and also having emergency repairs on my flat's water system.

I do hope they can fix the games to a more satisfactory state esp Vice City...
Well R* just posted on their newswire that they are going to try and 'fix' definitive edition with updates but I think the main damage is already done.

Certainly going to wait a 'bit' before I spend any money on this game set, I can't afford it just now anyway thanks to Xmas coming up and also having emergency repairs on my flat's water system.

I do hope they can fix the games to a more satisfactory state esp Vice City...
They will, but they should be ashamed they released them in the current state as evidently they didn’t test them. But the rain really is embarrassing. Whoever signed off the release should sacked.
Well R* just posted on their newswire that they are going to try and 'fix' definitive edition with updates but I think the main damage is already done.

Certainly going to wait a 'bit' before I spend any money on this game set, I can't afford it just now anyway thanks to Xmas coming up and also having emergency repairs on my flat's water system.

I do hope they can fix the games to a more satisfactory state esp Vice City...
They also bringing back the original games... kinda... only on PC Rockstar Launcher... only if you buy the Definitive Edition you'll get the classic games too.
They will, but they should be ashamed they released them in the current state as evidently they didn’t test them. But the rain really is embarrassing. Whoever signed off the release should sacked.
I do agree and the company president's comments to certain media sites don't help the situation.

It has become far too common now since Cyberpunk's release for companies to just release the 'unfinished product' and then say we'll fix it via updates, I know pressures are much greater these days and people want their products quickly but as you say at least test/quality check it first.

Be like me in my day job taking telephone calls, if the manager doesn't check my calls from time to time to make sure I'm saying the right things I'd defo get the sack...
They also bringing back the original games... kinda... only on PC Rockstar Launcher... only if you buy the Definitive Edition you'll get the classic games too.
Yeah I was aware of that, I fortunately have the PS4 editions of the PS2 games already in my library so I am not without my fix of the games at least for now.
Well R* just posted on their newswire that they are going to try and 'fix' definitive edition with updates but I think the main damage is already done.

Certainly going to wait a 'bit' before I spend any money on this game set, I can't afford it just now anyway thanks to Xmas coming up and also having emergency repairs on my flat's water system.

I do hope they can fix the games to a more satisfactory state esp Vice City...
The fact that they say these issues are "unexpected" already shows how little they care.

They let GSG build these. Given their history, these issues were to be expected.

They built these from the horrible mobile ports. That made these issues expected.

If they even played these games for a few hours before they launched them, they would have noticed a ton of these issues.

I'm afraid they will fix a few of the most blatant issues, and leave the rest untouched, then claim they fixed it. Properly fixing all issues these games have could take years, and I don't see them spending that much time on them.
If they let GSG do the fixes, then they are probably incompetent enough to introduce a ton of new issues while fixing the others.
Most damningly Rockstar obviously gave them no budget and no time to do anything but screw them up; even if they had farmed it off internally to a "real" developer Rockstar Leeds or something. Games that came out in 2002 falling on their face in performance when running on modern game consoles is obscene in itself, but honestly not really that new of a thing as far as HD rerelease go; nor even is basically all of the graphic effects being completely wiped away in the process of porting and no one actually checking afterward.

But they couldn't have given the studio more than a few months to do the job if the solution chosen to do the ports was batch upscaling textures and models with absolutely no checks on the output before them being implemented; which is something that has to be unprecedented in how blatant it was in a released product. Like, did they only commission this release after they started their legal pissing match against the modders who reverse engineered GTA III and Vice City and started doing superior source ports?
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I'm afraid they will fix a few of the most blatant issues, and leave the rest untouched, then claim they fixed it. Properly fixing all issues these games have could take years, and I don't see them spending that much time on them.
Especially when there's a community of modders willing to fix it for free.
Second portion of Digital Foundry's technical analysis slash review focusing on Vice City and San Andreas:

Seems like Vice City comes out looking the best (relatively speaking) when it comes to the remastering efforts of the three games, though that isn't speaking for much when it comes to the general tire fire nature of this collection.

Performance across the board is very bad. As the video states, no current gen version can hold a stable 60 FPS, no console can hold a stable 30 FPS either due to badly implemented frame rate cap and especially frame pacing, and a truly awful showing on Switch.
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A lot of fixes in the latest patch. The revised SA cloud cover looks pretty good.

Its remarkable how quickly they've fixed this number of issues. Makes me think that they didn't beta test this game at all, as a cost saving move. Or, put another way, they released the game in beta (even beta is charitable, it's more like alpha) form and figured that the massive player base would basically find all the issues quickly and that any bad will towards Rockstar would dissipate with each update. That strategy would absolutely tank a new release (ala Cyberpunk) but a game that everyone has already played years ago? Not really a problem.

Why pay beta testers when they can pay you?
I started playing the game after the first patch release - I couldn't find any fault with it at all. (Haven't gone that far into it - just the first few missions in GTA III and Vice City, haven't touched SA yet - on Xbox 1x). I'm totally pleased with it and delighted to get another opportunity to waste a huge chunk of my life all over again, finding secret packages and doing unique stunt jumps etc. Liberty City and Vice city look terrific.
A lot of fixes in the latest patch. The revised SA cloud cover looks pretty good.

Its remarkable how quickly they've fixed this number of issues. Makes me think that they didn't beta test this game at all, as a cost saving move. Or, put another way, they released the game in beta (even beta is charitable, it's more like alpha) form and figured that the massive player base would basically find all the issues quickly and that any bad will towards Rockstar would dissipate with each update. That strategy would absolutely tank a new release (ala Cyberpunk) but a game that everyone has already played years ago? Not really a problem.

Why pay beta testers when they can pay you?
It's worked for Polyphony Digital for over a decade!
Nice to seem them putting an effort into fixing this. Seems to be better than it was at release (although that woudn't be too difficult). If it continues this way, I actually may pick it up at some point.
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Been playing III mostly, and in certain lights it looks terrific. Then other times I see character faces like Joey and Ray and cringe.

I would let this all slide for a stable frame rate. I don’t recall this much stuttering in the original PS2 release.

But most welcome is the mission restarts and modern control layout.
New update has been good, there are more little tweaks needed but so far so good.
I was always going to buy this regardless as i grew up playing gta.
Vice city seems to be a lot better than 3, tommy vercetti looks as though he's lost weight in the latest patch and the driving ai is so much better than 3.
I wish they could somehow bring MJ's tracks back but oh well.
Also noticed a bit off a blur on cars, take a look at the damaged bumper lol


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The blur is caused by a rendering technique. Can be noticed in Gran Turismo Sport, Spyro Reignited Trilogy...
I have some questiones =)

1) Do car parts still teleport to the other side of the car when detached? Like doors, bumpers after being hit by a hammer or something?
2) Did they fix the city day\night modes? The city lights should be off during day and shops should open and close.
3) Did they fix the car rear lights? I can't tell from your photo.
Parts fall off and don't fly anywhere, street lights do go off at night but unsure about the shops.
Car tailights are not on at all, you only see them when you brake.
Still a little glitchy on certain parts of the map.
Well, once they fixed the rain, bar the odd minor bug, i think they have done a good job remastering them. All 3 have been fun.