Grand Theft Auto V - Next Gen Thread

Right here:

Interesting and yea the way he drives, I will believe him đź‘Ť 90 minutes in and half way done :ouch: Stupid peak times on day 1.

Did they fix the computer? In the PS3 versions they the police cars have LCPD computers.
Here's the picture I saw
I think he's referring to the long download times for the patch.

For me it was a smooth install. Together with downloading and installing the patch, it took around 45 minutes in total.

I played for about an hour and I'm glad I double dipped (first time ever). The first person view makes it so fun to just cruise around, and the vehicle controls are better than I remembered. It's a pity indeed that they lowered the vehicle speed even furter. Hopefully it will still get patched at some point.

Only downside so far for me are the first person controls when on foot. I find them very twitchy, yet slow (not sure how to clearly describe it). I'll take that though for the immersion it adds and the better view it offers to the more detailed textures. I was hoping to be able to use free aim, but for the moment I'm sticking to assisted aiming.
Online I ripped a NPC out of a Comet with, wheels, canards, and second spoiler. Actually it was blue'ish copy of my green one that say in my garage. That's what stopped me. I was like wait a second. Whipped around and was like HOLY CRAP. My two boys was watching when I found it. Only myself in the room. I thought the Mrs was with me. Oldest said she had left and it directly after I beached the DoDo plane.
So I guess the money cap has been increased a little... good luck to all you stock market users.

What in the world?
You better enjoy that - I have a feeling Rockstar is going to kick some butts soon. That's absolutely ridiculous :lol:
Glad some of you are enjoying the game. I just cant get myself to buy this for next gen. I enjoyed the game on the 360. The fact that heists are STILL not available over year later is just beyond disappointing.
I'm not sure what people think heists will bring. i see more disappointment coming with them then anything. Hope I'm off here. But Cash Cards ......
It's the principle that bothers me. Being promised a feature that never arrived. And being told update after update that it was "coming soon".
From what I have heard it will be on the 360 and PS3 version, so I will just check it out on the 360 since I still have that version.
R* have said that the next DLC will be heists, and they have also confirmed that be available for 'all 4 consoles to enjoy'. This seems to imply that heists will be here before the PC release in late january.
R* have said that the next DLC will be heists, and they have also confirmed that be available for 'all 4 consoles to enjoy'. This seems to imply that heists will be here before the PC release in late january.
Exactly. So when heists actually, finally arrive, I will play them on the 360. In terms of online features there is no reason for myself to buy the X1 version of GTA5. Most of the x1 features for online are already on the 360. Especially once/if heists arrive. Unless they confirmed animals for online, which I don't think so. So unless I am missing something, the 360 online is fairly similar other than more players and upgraded graphics and FPV. Anything else new I am missing about GTA online from 360 to X1?
Do you have to do anything special to transfer progress from the 360 to the Xbox one, or does it do it automatically? I want that exclusive content, especially the Death Proof car.
You select it from the online section of the pause menu and follow the instructions.

Oh so it's not automatic? So if I were to log in with my PSN on the PS4 version, I'd still be able to transfer my PS3 progress to the PC version (in theory)?

Edit: screw that, no body mods
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