Graphical Rendering

  • Thread starter GT5_Racer


This is an article i found about GT5 and graphicical rendering.

Take, for example, the standard bearers in graphical realism on console, the literally incomparable Polyphony Digital. E3 played host to a couple of videos from the developer designed to showcase Gran Turismo on PS3 and PSP. The thing is, neither of them was really a true indication of the quality of graphics you'll be seeing on your console. You can argue that they were effectively "mood" pieces, designed to make an impact at a big industry event, but awesome artistic merits aside, the trailers and some of the associated shots were still some way removed from the actual game they are designed to showcase.
Polyphony Digital typically embellish the base gameplay visuals with additional graphical bling for their replay modes (hence the drop from 60FPS to 30FPS in GT5 Prologue), and it's from here that the raw assets are usually derived for their trailer work.
However, what we are seeing in Polyphony's trailers are intricately directed and rendered images where the samples used to create the motion blur are massively increased compared to in-game video, giving an ultra-realistic feeling of movement you won't see in the game. Any visual deficiencies that may be seen in actual gameplay (such as "jumps" in LODs as objects move closer to the viewer) are effortlessly removed. By rendering the video internally at an impossibly high resolution, the maximum LOD models are automatically invoked, high frequency shimmering on texture detail is smoothed away and of course, and any artifacts linked to alpha textures, specular shine and of course "teh jaggies" are disposed of as a matter of course.
The video is "in-game" to the extent that the tracks and car models are likely identical to what is used in the final product, but the increase in graphical fidelity combined with the beautiful camerawork results in a look that is some way beyond what the final product is capable of, short of Polyphony coming up with a technological quantum leap that dwarfs its existing work in GT5 Prologue. In this case, the result is to make an already staggeringly realistic game look right up there with some of the best that CG has to offer.
The E3 2009 debut of Gran Turismo on PSP on video looks somewhat at odds with the genuine screenshots.View this video in HDThe marketing for Gran Turismo PSP seems to have been a bit of a puzzler for Sony. On the one hand, hands-on gameplay reveals a technological marvel that is pushing the handheld platform in ways that has never been seen before. On the other hand, it is bound by the physical limitations of the PSP's 480x272 screen and its fairly limited graphical capabilities. It looks awesome on the PSP's 4.3" screen, but patently not so attractive on a high-resolution monitor in the middle of the most important Sony presentation of the year.
The trailer above appears to hints at GT5-levels of graphical goodness, downscaled and super-imposed onto a rendered PSP screen. What was all the more telling was the fact that at E3, this trailer was followed by a very authentic-looking PSP video for Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, which aside from scripted camera angles and action, was clearly running on the actual game engine. For comparison purposes, a handful of genuine GT PSP shots have been released, which are somewhat different from some of the others which some say are derived from the PSP version's Photo Mode.

So do you think the actual game will look like the E3 trailer?
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In all seriousness, what is your argument? From what I can tell this is a comparison between Sony and Microsoft.
The point is that Polyphony may have rendered the trailers to make it look better, so this means that the gameplay wont look like the trailers. Im asking what people think about this or if you think that the gameplay will look like this.
It will look better, the E3 trailer didn't look that great. GT5P looks better than the trailer.
There may be additional features, but obviously the final game won't have that level of polish, filters, Anti aliasing. I mean look at all the gameplay trailers for prologue that claims to be ''in game'', or even the intro movie, they look better than the game it self. The term ''in game'' is used too loosely.
Well PD´s trailers looking always like action, if you see them you think damn that looks fast and like alot of action in the gameplay the perfect used motion blur and all other stuff. But then when you play the game its the opposite of that what the trailer shown... sad.
I find it good that he postet this article cause it really tells the truth...
To be honest when i seen the 1st GT5P trailers I was like WTF?! I was so hyped about it. And then when i played it ... i was really disapointed , dont get me wrong its a great game no doubt but definately not that what the trailers was like. Well thats my opinion.
Seriously, have past GT games been any indication? The cutscene/intros/trailers for the game always look a "little" bit better than actual gameplay. The replays always looked a little better than the gameplay. But guess what... the gameplay still always looks amazing. Hell I would be happy if GT5 looked half as good as the E3 trailer.
As far as I can tell, the only difference between the trailers we've seen and GT5P is the aliasing. If PD can get rid of those terrible jaggies, then I have no doubt GT5 Full will look as good as the trailers.
As far as I can tell, the only difference between the trailers we've seen and GT5P is the aliasing. If PD can get rid of those terrible jaggies, then I have no doubt GT5 Full will look as good as the trailers.

No, there is a lot more going on than just that. Motion blur, fancy filters to make it look more cinematic, Added props and effects like planes, flares, waving flags. More better smoke, improved AF, Cinematic camera angles, better colour gradation, smoother/less stuttering,damage. A lot of the latest E3 trailer is similar to GT5P, just on steroids.
No, there is a lot more going on than just that. Motion blur, fancy filters to make it look more cinematic, Added props and effects like planes, flares, waving flags. More better smoke, improved AF, Cinematic camera angles, better colour gradation, smoother/less stuttering,damage. A lot of the latest E3 trailer is similar to GT5P, just on steroids.

Well, yeah the camera angles and cinematic filters are a given. It's edited in the same way any movie would be. In terms of the game engine itself, I don't think much has changed though.

But I am calling for motion blur in GT5. It adds a lot to any racing game. Just look at PGR3.
First off GT5p is a very "small" game what I mean about small is it's compressed and downgrade compare to what they've showed in TGS 07, just watch any TGS 07 game play or screen shots and compare it on GT5p retail version. Here's what I've notice.

Cars suspension like the EXO X has been stiffen in GT5p retail compare to it's real counter part and the one from TGS 07 GT5p.

The rims spins realistically on TGS 07(Even GT HD) while in GT5p retail version it just a pop up texture that the rims is spinning fast and it makes the look ugly (try it on a standing still then step on the throttle gently then watch the rims spin in replay mode).

GT5p TGS 07


TGS 07

See the difference? Or the downgrade?

Edit: I'm sure PD won't disappoint us in the graphics section, I'm more concern about more features, cars, and tuning.
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On top of the above discussion, the article points out the wealth of detail even in distant shots, and in the scenery. The E3 trailer is going to be very hard to match. I recall all the caterwauling over Motorstorm, which in most ways was much better than in the 2006 teaser concept trailer, but because some detail was lost in what was for the most part a pretty bad cinema rendering, a few people still complain about it today. But there is one huge caveat to all this: Killzone 2.

KZ2 had such an insanely good early teaser, so optimistic, that SONY got flamed royally for something that was widely considered impossible for the PS3 to do. And yet, in some ways, just like Motorstorm, the game is even better. And what it lacks, hardly anyone even notices. And the same thing with Metal Gear Solid 4.

While most of us will be plenty happy with a GT5 that looks like Prologue with a nice tweak here and there, just keep MGS4, Killzone 2 and Uncharted 2 in mind. We may have our socks blown off yet again this fall.
On top of the above discussion, the article points out the wealth of detail even in distant shots, and in the scenery. The E3 trailer is going to be very hard to match. I recall all the caterwauling over Motorstorm, which in most ways was much better than in the 2006 teaser concept trailer, but because some detail was lost in what was for the most part a pretty bad cinema rendering, a few people still complain about it today. But there is one huge caveat to all this: Killzone 2.

KZ2 had such an insanely good early teaser, so optimistic, that SONY got flamed royally for something that was widely considered impossible for the PS3 to do. And yet, in some ways, just like Motorstorm, the game is even better. And what it lacks, hardly anyone even notices. And the same thing with Metal Gear Solid 4.

While most of us will be plenty happy with a GT5 that looks like Prologue with a nice tweak here and there, just keep MGS4, Killzone 2 and Uncharted 2 in mind. We may have our socks blown off yet again this fall.

Surely your not saying motorstorm looks better than its initial CGI trailer. It's not even close.
Where this article totally fails is in the simple fact that we have all seen what we are at the very least going to get, and have seen it for more than a year, GT5 Prologue !!

Obviously the replays use camera angles and such that we may not get in GT5, but EVERY single game trailer does this, everyone knows about it, why do people (who ever wrote the article) make themselves look dumb by writing this hogwash?

The good thing is that if this is the best "put down" people can come up with for GT5, we have very little to worry about :)
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TBH i think GT5 will probably be a game i won't put back on the shelf for the next 5 years or more.I'm also waiting to hear what has gone on at Gamescom whenever it's on.
The point is that Polyphony may have rendered the trailers to make it look better, so this means that the gameplay wont look like the trailers. Im asking what people think about this or if you think that the gameplay will look like this.

I think most people know this.. I have NEVER seen a game that lives up to the graphical standard of its trailer.

EDIT: lol... that motorstorm trailer is a classic example..
I agree i haven't played a game that looks as good as a trailer, saying that i haven't played other popular games so can't say about them.Zen Pinball looks very good though.
Surely your not saying motorstorm looks better than its initial CGI trailer. It's not even close.

That's for sure. Holy crap that trailer is insanely awesome. Granted, the actual doesn't look anything like that, but holy crap would I give my left one to get THAT exact game. That looked like non-stop fun.
Well, okay, detail was nice in the MotorStorm trailer, but everything else was crap. Physics, badly represented. Framerate, low. Has anyone played Pacific Rim yet? That's on my second tier of games to get. However, MGS4, KZ2, U2. They poo all over that trailer. That's all I have to say.

The good thing is that if this is the best "put down" people can come up with for GT5, we have very little to worry about :)
My sentiments exactly. 👍