Graphics vs. Physics vs. Sound

  • Thread starter Zenitchik

What aspect of the GT is most important for you?

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  • Poll closed .
Currently, I think that the physics and graphics are almost at the top of other games and the only think lacking is the sound. The exhaust should sound better and with much more bass. I believe they will work on it and show it to us on GT5. The STIs do not have the sound of a boxer engine, we need to hear the car roar!
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Physics. But weakest part of GT5:Prologue is the sound. Engines are averagely represented at best.

Quite the point. I never get a real feel for anything when I'm revving the engine, it all just seems rather mediocre.
All 3 are very very important!

Shadows with the AA need to be fixed! The jagged shadows on your dash, and on the cars bumper in front of you, and the grid look dirt is just appalling and should not happen! When there are times when the shadows are smooth in the cockpit and backseats etc should be the case all the time!

Sound is a big must! Cars still sound all the same! What ever happen to individual sounding cars? Cause hang on, all cars have their own unique sound right? or am i missing something? And the tyres screeching, like c'mon, for a next gen console/game you would think this would be greatly improved! but it is still the same as the very first gt on ps1!
I've played games on the ps1/sega saturn that have tyres sounding better then that! lol

And well physics, it speaks for itself, of course its a very important thing, Would be nice to have a stall effect too! But overall the physics are half decent in gt5:P obviously it will be a lot better then what it is now don't forget prologue is only a demo, full versions of games always pack more punch. Just hope the issues I've stated are something that is addressed seriously and accordingly
Of course all three are very important - it's so obvious that it's not worth discussing. If the question were to be worded, "Which area needs the most work?", then it becomes much more valid, and I think we all kinda' agree that sound is the weakest area in the GT franchise, and it has nothing to do with the quality of peoples audio setups at home.
Physics are the most important thing to get to a pretty good standard, though I still feel the most important thing to get to an amazing standard is the graphics - it's what I think sets Gran Turismo apart from other sims.
Physics then sound then graphics. I think GT really lacks in the sound department. The turbo's don't sound realistic at all and the wastegates/bov's don't sound natural either. If this is the "real racing simulator" then they should really work on that. Physics are fine. Sounds is bad. Graphics are amazing.

I've played brand new games that had great graphics but the physics were almost the stuff of cartoons, and I hated it. Conversely, I have an 11-year-old game with pretty bad graphics but the physics are awesome, and I love it. Honestly though, gameplay is the most important to me, much more than any of the other three. If GT5 has great graphics, sound and graphics, but the fields are small and the AI is too easy and/or unfair with bumping, and the races are too long or too short, I'll hate it.
balance is perhaps 70 % physics 20 % sound and 10 % graphics. It´s like with audio. Speakers, amplification and source are not equally important :)

^^^This is a much better representation of people's opinion on the value of one over the other.

For me, it's 70% physics, because if the others are perfect, but the physics are crap (0%), it's only 30% good, almost totally ruined (only redeemable as a car gallery for entertainment value).

I'd say graphics was 25% out of the three. PS1 level graphics (I know, it's not gonna happen) would give the game a 25% score hit, though it'd be mostly passable with perfect physics and sound.

And finally, I think sound is only 5% as important as the others. If the sound of cars was a lawn mower, I wouldn't mind with perfect physics and graphics. You can tell I don't subscribe to the "GT sounds are crap" faction.
Graphics - Let go of your wheel, close your ears, enjoy the view

Sound - Let go of your wheel, close your eyes and hear the sound

Physics - Grab your wheel, feel the car, but don't hear it, don't see it.

Hmm I think we need all 3
I know he meant the most important one.. I voted Physics, but we really need all 3 to make it perfect. All or nothing.
Don't know why anyone would pick anything except physics when it comes to GT. The other two are icing on the cake imo. Lots of icing, yum!
