Greed. Are you happy now? Greedy kids.

No. If they can pamper themselves, go ahead. Actors usually like acting. I'd say greed is if you're doing something for money, or for a posession, not because you just like doing it.

However, if there is something you really want, and you're going to work to attain it, good for you. That's willpower and work ethic. I think greed incorporates a bit of having something just for the sake of looking rich, as opposed to wanting something because you think that something is uber-cool. . .like a 7.1 Soundsystem. If I wanted one for every floor, and every TV and stereo though, I would definitely classify that as greedy.
Some large corporations are definitely greedy. When the company starts making efforts to take out its' competitors, they are definitely greedy in my book.
But look at Trump, he made his apartment out of gold. These celebs are buying lambos and fur coats to maintain images. I know there are a few expections. But aren't these examples of greed?

And how about the US going into the middle east to get oil is that greed? Britains royal family they've like how many houses? While people are living on the streets and in pathetic living conditions? Is this greed?

It's as if greed is the symbol of power. Look at all the people kids and adults admire, P-diddy, 50-cent, snoop dog, and etc. Today's image composes of showing your wealth, this will in turn make people greedier, just to achieve this image. More crime, more poverty just so these people can maintain images that will just make others greedier. It's as if we put these people in front of all others and say" look at them, this is what we should try to be".

It's just a cycle, with the others who don't care for these matrielistic belongings inside as well.

And that is my extremist view on that.:)
I am happy. I don't need much, just good friends.

All I want that could be considered excessive is lots and lots of guitars/amps/effects etc. But thats indulging a strong genuine interest, so is that greedy? I don't care too much about cars/houses etc, those things would be really nice, but wouldn't really affect my true happiness one way or the other, except providing a spike in excitement at the time of purchase.

I don't care about appearing successful in a material sense, my friends don't judge people like that anyway, and I couldn't care less what strangers in the street think.
It's as if greed is the symbol of power. Look at all the people kids and adults admire, P-diddy, 50-cent, snoop dog, and etc. Today's image composes of showing your wealth, this will in turn make people greedier, just to achieve this image. More crime, more poverty just so these people can maintain images that will just make others greedier. It's as if we put these people in front of all others and say" look at them, this is what we should try to be".
Well, first, do you know any adults who admire those you mentioned? :odd: I know pretty much everyone I went to school with did, but I sure hope it's not spreading.
Well, I don't think that because someone spends money it makes them greedy. Greed is hording something, to have a lot of something. If you have 1 lambo, and 1 pagani, and 1 enzo, I think you've just got cash to throw around.