Greek people elect fascists to parliament?!

  • Thread starter Juiposa


SW Ontario
Greece had a parliamentary election the other day, and I checked the results of this election this morning, to shocking results.

Wikipedia Article on the Election

The Greek parliament is effectively spilt now, with no party getting more the 20% of the vote.

But what was the real shocker is the result for a party called the Golden Dawn. The party is a fascist and neo-nazi party (although they deny this.) In this past election they won 21 of the 300 seats in Hellenic Parliament.

Greece's Communist party won 5 more seats as well for a total of 26 in parliament.

This may be nothing to worry about, but I can't help but draw parallels between this and Hitler and his Nazis.

Any way, your thoughts, is this anything to worry about?
There will most likely be new elections as the formation of a new government has failed.
There will most likely be new elections as the formation of a new government has failed.

Read that if there is no formed government by May 17 then an election will be called. :/ I wouldn't want to be living in Greece right now.
You don't want to live in Greece. Period. Been there a couple of times on vacation now, and even before the crisis, as soon as you left a bigger city, it was poverty all around.

And it not just extreme right that's over there, they have extreme left also.
It's hardly surprising really. The Greek population understandably don't want to live with the harsh austerity measures they are being dealt with. None of the major parties are offering anything different, the extreme left and right parties are offering alternatives. That's how fascists and nazis eventually get into power.

The biggest surprise is that the money markets and financial institutions have been shocked by the results. They've been rioting for the last two years! :dunce:
I am just giddy with enthusiasm to watch these changes in Europe take place throughout the coming years. Perhaps another radical, power hungry empire will step forward and cause a ruckus. Then I'll be able to put this libertarianism to good work and tell my government that we can't afford to intervene and should instead let all those retards battle it out themselves.
I am just giddy with enthusiasm to watch these changes in Europe take place throughout the coming years. Perhaps another radical, power hungry empire will step forward and cause a ruckus. Then I'll be able to put this libertarianism to good work and tell my government that we can't afford to intervene and should instead let all those retards battle it out themselves.

Hear, hear. Only sad part is, I'll be up close and personal with the retards. :lol:
I am just giddy with enthusiasm to watch these changes in Europe take place throughout the coming years. Perhaps another radical, power hungry empire will step forward and cause a ruckus. Then I'll be able to put this libertarianism to good work and tell my government that we can't afford to intervene and should instead let all those retards battle it out themselves.

Yes! We can dig up Field Marshall 'Butcher' Haig and then consciencious objectors like me can be shot for cowardice!

Ymlaen y chwyldro!

I'm still waiting for the thirteen colonies to apologise. Or for Texas to secede, whichever comes first.
Apologize for what, for being right? Ya'll should be glad we won that war because if we didn't exist you'd be speaking German.

And his true feelings come out. :lol:

Anyways, I made an FB post that hasn't gotten any attention yet, of course...

"Europe is at it again. On one side we've got Social Democracy rising in France, giving rise to a massive welfare state where everyone will become dependent on the government, and on the completely opposite spectrum the Greeks just elected a Fascist regime into office which will force the people to become dependent on the government. I guess they looked back on WW2 and thought, wow, Fascism, what a great idea let's try that again!"
We've sent you Piers Morgan to show our gratitude.

My people's language has already been oppressed by English speaking invaders. I made the choice to learn German anyway. And some Dutch, just in case. Oh I'm ready. Are you ready?


But yeah, Greece. I blame the Macedons and the Ottomans.
We do have at least one Greek GTPer in AlexGTV. Wonder what he makes of it all.
... the Greeks just elected a Fascist regime into office which will force the people to become dependent on the government. I guess they looked back on WW2 and thought, wow, Fascism, what a great idea let's try that again!"

They haven't elected a fascist government, these fascist only got 7% of the vote and 21 of the 300 seats up for grabs. Though it is still up from 0.3% and 0 seats in tge last election.
Ah, I see now. Either way, a 700% increase in support for fascism is rather startling. The 24% increase in support for Communism really goes to show that Greece has its priorities in order.
So another Persian invasion led by Xerxes is on the order?

In seriousness, this is just a mark of disillusionment rearing it's head.
Why would anybody invade Greece? I don't think raiding gift shops is worth the trouble.
Come on Keef, we all need dinner plates and fridge magnets. And all that precious ancient booty. The ceramic kind.

So who is the Head of Government in Greece then?
Come on Keef, we all need dinner plates and fridge magnets.



Karlos Papoulias.
If these forums had 1930's posts I bet some funny guy would be asking "Why would anybody invade Czechoslovakia?" to general applause and laughter.

And one other would be saying ... "They're so funny in Europe, let's let them destroy themselves while we watch"

Oh and a third would say "Yeah, we already saved their necks in the 1917-1918 World War, let's keep out of it this time".

I get it, you guys are all joking. This is a internet forum, and not a think tank. But I'm sorry if I can't join you all in the joke, this is far too serious and nobody can tell where we are heading now.
As a European, if I can't laugh at my own cronyistic, corrupt politicians, who can I laugh at?

OP should rename the thread though, somewhat misleading. We may as well suggest that France has voted in the communists if this is the case.
As a European, if I can't laugh at my own cronyistic, corrupt politicians, who can I laugh at?

OP should rename the thread though, somewhat misleading. We may as well suggest that France has voted in the communists if this is the case.

Done deal.

Edit: Nevemind, I dont think I can on the mobile app. I will next morning when I next have access to a computer.
I get it, you guys are all joking. This is a internet forum, and not a think tank. But I'm sorry if I can't join you all in the joke, this is far too serious and nobody can tell where we are heading now.

That's because Portugal is almost in the same boat as Greece, except you guys can see how not to do it. Let Greece topple over, and the rest of the PIIGS can be saved.
Then I'll be able to put this libertarianism to good work and tell my government that we can't afford to intervene and should instead let all those retards battle it out themselves.


I get it, you guys are all joking. This is a internet forum, and not a think tank. But I'm sorry if I can't join you all in the joke, this is far too serious and nobody can tell where we are heading now.

I agree, in between all these jokes I think there is something quite a bit more serious.
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As a European, if I can't laugh at my own cronyistic, corrupt politicians, who can I laugh at?

OP should rename the thread though, somewhat misleading. We may as well suggest that France has voted in the communists if this is the case.

Done deal.

Edit: Nevemind, I dont think I can on the mobile app. I will next morning when I next have access to a computer.
Don't. Greece did elect fascists to parliament, while France didn't elect communists, but socialists. Democratic socialists, the kind that let you vote yourself into total welfare, as opposed to communists who make you work for free, or fascists who let you work only as long as you agree with what they tell you.
If these forums had 1930's posts I bet some funny guy would be asking "Why would anybody invade Czechoslovakia?" to general applause and laughter.

And one other would be saying ... "They're so funny in Europe, let's let them destroy themselves while we watch"

Oh and a third would say "Yeah, we already saved their necks in the 1917-1918 World War, let's keep out of it this time".

I get it, you guys are all joking. This is a internet forum, and not a think tank. But I'm sorry if I can't join you all in the joke, this is far too serious and nobody can tell where we are heading now.

"Gallows humor" and "whistling past the graveyard" are appropriate responses to danger, fear and uncertainty. So we ALL need to get used to it, as the underlying problems of globalization, debt and corruption apply to all us Westerners in one degree or another. Like perfect fools, we drank our own Kool-Aid. At least some of you Euros don't have the crushing burden of Empire and perpetual war that we Americans are saddled with. :crazy:

Yes, the roof is falling in. But we needn't go back to living like animals in the wild just yet. I see a form of neo-feudalism as a long pause along the way. :yuck:

Respectfully submitted,
That's because Portugal is almost in the same boat as Greece, except you guys can see how not to do it. Let Greece topple over, and the rest of the PIIGS can be saved.

Well, not exactly. As a portuguese I'm worried with my country and countrymen of course (and with my kids future, to a certain extent). But I'm not overly dramatic about it, Portugal didn't punch much above its weight when all was "rosy", our banking system is probably the most affected because the greedy bastards decided to invest in the Greek's sovereign debt.

Then again, the real worry about a general european crisis is not Greece or Portugal, or Ireland or Italy, or Spain, so tastelessly referred as PIIGS by people mostly from the FUKNG countries (France, UK, Netherlands, Germany).

The real worry is Germany. If Greece goes under and defaults disorderly the german banks are toasted.

Because, you know, it's again a different kind of subprime situation. Irresponsible bankers putting their money where they shouldn't.

Funny that both Greece and Germany start with a "G". So does greed, and glutony.