Greek people elect fascists to parliament?!

  • Thread starter Juiposa
Funny that both Greece and Germany start with a "G". So does greed, and glutony.

As do grace, gratitude and geniality.

Glad we're still on the pound, but I fear we're moving too far away from the Greek election and spilling over to the eurozone crisis thread.
In a way all American's are from Europe too (except offcourse native American) so maybe the crazy flu here will eventally flow over to you haha. I'd like to say that it'll be all good here but as I see it i think Greece, Portugal, Spain and maybe even France are on the edge off total chaos.
At its current state, Greece with even a fascist regime wouldn't be a large threat in decades military-wise as getting enough money to field a large army would be really difficult for them. On the other hand, far-right regime doesn't necessarily mean it's bad for the country, as proven by the fact that Germany got quickly off the depression in 30's after NSDAP was elected as the largest party.

And a split parliament doesn't mean there couldn't be a working government. We got a somewhat similar situation in Finland after the last year elections with four parties having 20-16% of votes each, which finally led to a majority government of the Conservatives and Social Democrats with three smaller (around 5% of the votes each) parties.
In a way all American's are from Europe too (except offcourse native American) so maybe the crazy flu here will eventally flow over to you haha. I'd like to say that it'll be all good here but as I see it i think Greece, Portugal, Spain and maybe even France are on the edge off total chaos.

The flu flew over from them to Europe. However, the US apparently is more able to cope with a depression than Europe. Partly because Europe isn't a single country, but it still as a single currency (for the most part of it).

Living/working in Portugal I surely don't get a feel of "near chaos" here. Belts tightened up, that's something evident in everyday life. I do know we are far from over with this, and I can see rough times ahead. But overall I'm not worried.

I may be very wrong, of course.
They'll suffocate more by continuing with the austerity measures. I'm sure most Greeks would love to cut free from the Euro zone now. Germany (German banks) are the ones who'll feel the most pain if Greece defaults.
1. Us and Eu cope differently during Crisis : Us prints money to spent, Eu doesn't want to spend a dime

2. This "dept" crisis is only the reprecussions of a failed intervention during the banking crisis.

3. This crisis is even more badly handled than the banking crisis.

4. The darwinismus will hit the banks in the near future, and the stupid politicans who only listen to the economics sharing their believes will bite the dust too.

5. Hun200 : Portugal is in a pretty bad spot too, lesser than Greece or Spain but still has a big problem

6. Voting an extreme party can only result in a oppression of a part of the population in whatever way.

I could continue... but I say the same as in the last years : You screw up, you fired. Like in ... real life. Whether it's banks or countries.

Subventions and financial helps are breaks and morphers of a free market. And it's effect is short term as the dynamic of the market will prevail.

Greece needs to quit the Euro zone (money not the EU!). Have it devaluated drachme back and then it can at least work again.

What we are doing to greece is in no way different (and I said this since the beginning) to what Germany had to endure after the WWI. Which led then to the raise of a fachist party....

See the similarities?

Greece will leave the Euro. It's a economical given, there's no other way.
But this evolution is indeed worring and should be an awakening signal to the EU politics.

But a second time, WWII or similiar will not happen (at least I hope humanity has enough brain to understand and intervene)
5. Hun200 : Portugal is in a pretty bad spot too, lesser than Greece or Spain but still has a big problem

I agree with that. All I said is that we are heading for hard times, but I don't feel I'm in a "near chaos" situation here.

And I also said I could be wrong.
I agree with that. All I said is that we are heading for hard times, but I don't feel I'm in a "near chaos" situation here.

And I also said I could be wrong.

I might have exaggerated about total chaos but I do believe we are facing tough times all over Europe.
http://[domain blocked due to malware]/instances/400x/20514589.jpg

See here.
I noticed, poor people, what a 🤬 up country right now.

Go read why they are in this situation. The "poor" people did this to themselves. If they just had paid their taxes, the problems wouldn't be as big as they are now.
The poor working people of greece are not to blame imo. They work more hours for less money compared to us. And I believe they do not corrupt the system.
The speed with which Israel is building walls on its false borders, makes me wonder if they are preparing for the home coming of JP Morgan.

Anyone looked into what happened to Iceland?
The speed with which Israel is building walls on its false borders, makes me wonder if they are preparing for the home coming of JP Morgan.

Anyone looked into what happened to Iceland?

I'm fairly certain this isn;t the thread for this, stay on the topic of Greece.