• Thread starter Nacho Libre
Not to mention internal competition with Need For Speed which is expected to be released during the holiday season of 2022.

Realistically, I can't see GRID Legends launching any later than Q2 2022, a Q1 release would be ideal though.
Yeah especially with all that competition towards the end of the year.
It's easier to get footage approved when it only has to go to one manufacturer and not 13 😉
This is what i thought :) Lets hope we will get all cars from GRID 2019 with some "updates" (like C8 GTE instead of C7 or somthing)
Am i the only one that finds it somewhat dumb that this game portrays Nathan Mckane as some huge *Bleep*hole? I understand the franchise was "rebooted" but what happened to the Mckane family being humble after the events of the original TOCA Race Driver?

Oh and of COURSE the Ravenwest driver is portrayed as the main antagonist of the game as usual.
Because this is probably the same model from GRID Autosport era. We all know how codies like to reuse old assets ;)
You ain't kiddin'. Look exactly like the car on the cover.... from 25 years ago! :sly:
images (11).jpeg

Well, I hope(seriously) the physics are a bit more sticky/grippy than the sliding stuff in the latest GRID. I liked GAS for its close racing. Same reason why I liked all the past ToCA games. The cars felt better in the older games as well. While even using directional buttons and all.
I just happened upon this game on while scanning Youtube. I don't really care for the story but the racing looks okay but right now this looks something I will catch on sale. That may change but as of right now I'll wait
The EA merger is making its presence felt alright. Why do they insist on every racing game having a cringe story? I fully expect the upcoming DIRT/WRC game to have a story as well :lol:

At least graphics and car selection looks good (don't see a lot of recycled stuff so far). Not sure about the big rig smashing smaller cars though, is that supposed to be the new demolition derby mode or something?

Hoping physics would be closer to Autosport at least.

As always, avoid pre order and wait for reviews/sale before buying.
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My immediate reaction after the trailer was to laugh my arse off at Austin Creed and the Codies girl with their fake excitement.

Then she mentioned physics.

Then I just shrugged my shoulders and went about my day.
Will it be cross-gen? They didn't mention any specific platform, but I don't think they will abandon the past generation just yet. In my case I would rather go for a One X version, since GRID looks gorgeous and plays at a locked 60 fps (GRID in the Series S looks ugly.). Also the car models in DIRT 5 in the optimized Series S look somewhat smeared... (environments are fine, though.)
Will it be cross-gen? They didn't mention any specific platform, but I don't think they will abandon the past generation just yet. In my case I would rather go for a One X version, since GRID looks gorgeous and plays at a locked 60 fps (GRID in the Series S looks ugly.). Also the car models in DIRT 5 in the optimized Series S look somewhat smeared... (environments are fine, though.)
It will be cross-gen, the Xbox press release that @PJTierney posted confirms it for Xbox at least.
Am i the only one that finds it somewhat dumb that this game portrays Nathan Mckane as some huge *Bleep*hole? I understand the franchise was "rebooted" but what happened to the Mckane family being humble after the events of the original TOCA Race Driver?

Oh and of COURSE the Ravenwest driver is portrayed as the main antagonist of the game as usual.
Is the McKane name even related to the original TOCA Race Driver? I always thought it was merely a reference. Even if it is related doesn't really impact any characters from TOCA 1. Nathan isn't Ryan or his brother and what he does as an antagonist shouldn't impact them.

Nathan personality is very typical. The serious mustache twirling ***hole however a typical villain personality is perfectly fine, especially if the story is more focused on the protagonist and Nathan more serves as the final obstacle for you to complete your journey and not some villaon to be invested emotionally. I'm more disappointed that he's the only one with a personality in the trailer
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Reminder that games like TOCA Race Driver featured fictional story too, and a tragic one at that. And GRID was a spiritual successor of TOCA. The idea of implementing story at least among Codemasters were older than people think (like Braking Point in F1 2021).
TOCA Race Driver 1 story was often considered one of the games weakest aspects and distracted from a pretty decent career mode. Which I agree, the whole killing Ryan McKanes father was way too over the top for that kind if game to play with a straight face like a serious story and I swear James Randall was given the role of literal murderer as that was the only way to make you want to root for Ryan McKane by comparison as he was very unlikeable. (I cringed when they played the "Ill settle this my own way" Shonen protagonist card)

Can't really compare it with TOCA Race Driver 2 as 2 went for a simple comedy and not a drama. With silly cheesy stuff like Stellan being revealed as the puppet master getting you and Ceaser to fight each other. Ceasar getting his *** kicked by Kat then piece offering her with boxing gloves cause she broke her hand with that punch. It's silly and cheesy but it didn't try and play off as a serious drama and stuck to its wheel house. Story wasnt great but it was enjoyable to see the cutscenes.

And then stories were dropped since then and not many people really asked for it to return, especially a serious dramatic story.

Sure they've been here before but there definitely felt like a reason why it was dropped
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The EA merger is making its presence felt alright. Why do they insist on every racing game having a cringe story? I fully expect the upcoming DIRT/WRC game to have a story as well :lol:
The merger was only finalized in February, they are still likely sorting out the new management structure and haven't even started to really influence the creative direction of Codies yet.

But don't let that get in the way of your boogeyman. 👍
I think that the EA money isn't totally a bad thing. If anything, it seems to have helped Codies budget when it comes to production and presentation. I have a hard time seeing the extra cash hurt them, anyways (unless we get news of actual developers leaving).

What I care about is gameplay, and while GRID 2019 is lacking in some spots there, it was still solid, if not somewhat boring. Hopefully the gameplay and general features are improved, but I can get behind a slightly more exciting GRID 2019 with a corny but oddly-charming story.
If there is a story line with a lot of talk in it like in Dirt 3, Dirt 4 I'm definitely not interested. The frustration of having to listen to these people like Ken Block was too much. And there wasn't even a way or a cheat code to switch of that incredibly annoying blabber of all these narrators in Dirt 3 and 4.

If Grid Legends has the same annoying story line I'm:

If there is a story line with a lot of talk in it like in Dirt 3, Dirt 4 I'm definitely not interested.
You must be thinking of Dirt 2 & 3, Dirt 4 did not feature a narrative or Ken Block.
I definitely think it looks interesting, but I don't see myself buying this, if only because I'm arguably very picky when it comes to games. I'd rather buy a few games that I'll play a ton, rather than buy a ton of games that I won't put much time into. As for GRID Legends, I admire the technology used for the story scenes as well as the fact that it's going to feature multi-class racing - and the fact you can customize these multi-class races, too. But otherwise, I feel like Gran Turismo 7 will be a better fit for me, rather than this game.

I certainly wish GRID Legends the best, though - and I do plan to recommend it to a friend of mine who's a bit more of a casual gamer, and is a fan of the Forza Horizon series.

EDIT: It's not that GT7 will be the only racing game on my radar, however. I certainly look forward to the next Need for Speed, too, as that's a series that's different enough that it has space in my personal lineup alongside Gran Turismo. I also eagerly anticipate any news of a new installment in the F-Zero, Mario Kart, and/or WipEout series. And NFS isn't the only EA-published series I'm interested in, either; while I've only played Battlefield 3, I had a lot of fun with it, and I'm hoping the upcoming Battlefield 2042 ends up being just as good as it seems so far. Then, there's the fact that EA has seemingly turned over a new leaf regarding Star Wars games, especially between Fallen Order and Squadrons, so I'm really hoping EA (or if not, another publisher) will come out with the podracing revival that we all need at the moment.
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I think that the EA money isn't totally a bad thing. If anything, it seems to have helped Codies budget when it comes to production and presentation. I have a hard time seeing the extra cash hurt them, anyways (unless we get news of actual developers leaving).

What I care about is gameplay, and while GRID 2019 is lacking in some spots there, it was still solid, if not somewhat boring. Hopefully the gameplay and general features are improved, but I can get behind a slightly more exciting GRID 2019 with a corny but oddly-charming story.
Regarding EA, the impact most of you are seeing at the moment is not necessarily in game development, but in marketing/promotion.

F1’s had an enormous push this year and has been really popular. I’m sure you’ve all seen tons of ads for the game on YouTube, I certainly have.

Anything regarding what features or core design pillars are in place for games you know about, that would have all been planned a very long time ago.

Don’t forget that most staff didn’t even know of any potential takeover until December, and there was a brief period where 2K was the likely buyer.

As for GRID (2019), I liked it. I wouldn’t play it forever like I do DiRT Rally 2.0 but I did complete it (and “that” achievement) and had fun with it.

It was a bit light on content and features but the on-track experience was fun. Sometimes it’s nice to be able to just send a car around corners. If Legends is that + more things to do + the story, sounds good to me.

(FYI: I don’t work on the game. I’m the Rally guy)
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To be honest adding story to GRID is a neat idea.
One of the best core elements of GRID 2019 was (in my opinion) AI drivers with their own personality (over 400 of them) and nemesis system. It really makes racing more personal if you recognize each driver. But in GRID 2019 all drivers where just a names nothing more. In GRID Legends it will change, you will have more personal approach to some of the drivers (at least those in cutscenes) i hope that campaing will be dynamic and there will be some reaction in plot to the player actions like smashing certain opponents etc etc.

I am very positive about this entry. I liked GRID 2019 but its biggest flaw was content and boring campaing. The core expirience like driving model, AI and atmosphere of the game were very good in my opinion.
I definitely think it looks interesting, but I don't see myself buying this, if only because I'm arguably very picky when it comes to games. I'd rather buy a few games that I'll play a ton, rather than buy a ton of games that I won't put much time into. As for GRID Legends, I admire the technology used for the story scenes as well as the fact that it's going to feature multi-class racing - and the fact you can customize these multi-class races, too. But otherwise, I feel like Gran Turismo 7 will be a better fit for me, rather than this game.

I certainly wish GRID Legends the best, though - and I do plan to recommend it to a friend of mine who's a bit more of a casual gamer, and is a fan of the Forza Horizon series.

EDIT: It's not that GT7 will be the only racing game on my radar, however. I certainly look forward to the next Need for Speed, too, as that's a series that's different enough that it has space in my personal lineup alongside Gran Turismo. I also eagerly anticipate any news of a new installment in the F-Zero, Mario Kart, and/or WipEout series. And NFS isn't the only EA-published series I'm interested in, either; while I've only played Battlefield 3, I had a lot of fun with it, and I'm hoping the upcoming Battlefield 2042 ends up being just as good as it seems so far. Then, there's the fact that EA has seemingly turned over a new leaf regarding Star Wars games, especially between Fallen Order and Squadrons, so I'm really hoping EA (or if not, another publisher) will come out with the podracing revival that we all need at the moment.
Well, I don't know the criteria about what fits you (for the place of GT7 or GRID), but GT franchise seems to touch motorsport aspects less compared to its peers (I'd think probably GRID Legends' story involve heavy focus on motorsport aspects), GT is primarily concerned about car and knowledge regarding it. Like people can even tease GT for being so blind to racing scene like not including Qualifying, forgetting that the very first game had it (and then GT3 and GT4) but for some reason it was removed.
To be honest adding story to GRID is a neat idea.
One of the best core elements of GRID 2019 was (in my opinion) AI drivers with their own personality (over 400 of them) and nemesis system. It really makes racing more personal if you recognize each driver. But in GRID 2019 all drivers where just a names nothing more. In GRID Legends it will change, you will have more personal approach to some of the drivers (at least those in cutscenes) i hope that campaing will be dynamic and there will be some reaction in plot to the player actions like smashing certain opponents etc etc.

I am very positive about this entry. I liked GRID 2019 but its biggest flaw was content and boring campaing. The core expirience like driving model, AI and atmosphere of the game were very good in my opinion.
I don't know about the part of gameplay faithfully replicating the story elements. Even in genre that expects story involvement more, there are many cases where the gameplay part doesn't match up with the story, like in action, the boss doesn't live up to their role in the story or the hype, gameplay-wise, or even easier compared to the previous ordinary boss.
Some more deets on the Xbox blog:

As for why only 6 cars are in the trailer (since I saw some ask about single-make racing), game's a while aways from launch and everything takes time to get finalised and approved. It's easier to get footage approved when it only has to go to one manufacturer and not 13 😉
Thanks for news.
I Hope there will be an offline custom championship mode in Grid Legends. Of course, this game needs more tracks, more cars and more features than Grid 2019. I liked Grid 2019 : nice graphics, 60 fps on Xbox one x, Originals tracks but missed a better career mode and cars slided too much IMO. If Grid Legends fixes that, brings new features ( championship editor, Better FOV and camera options like PC2), more tracks and cars, a better physics ( less sliding cars), it would be great.
I don't like GT, i have no sensation with it.
The impact is clearly in marketing, as the game was prominently featured in their showcase event. Before EA, Codemaster's kinda (mis)managed the launches of Grid 19, PC3 and that Fast & Furious abomination.
I just played some GRID 2019 last night. I hope they will increase damage model sensitivity. Now it is no difference visual vs full damage because you really need to force it tu break some parts like engine or suspension. I really liked original GRID damage model where you could damage suspension by speeding too much in San Fransisco jumps. It added depth to this track with having to choose trashing your suspension or taking big straight more carefully.
I just played some GRID 2019 last night. I hope they will increase damage model sensitivity. Now it is no difference visual vs full damage because you really need to force it tu break some parts like engine or suspension. I really liked original GRID damage model where you could damage suspension by speeding too much in San Fransisco jumps. It added depth to this track with having to choose trashing your suspension or taking big straight more carefully.
As long as they don't bring back sponsors that require you to not damage your car in a race, I'm ok with that. It was super frustrating in GRID '08 to lose money for no real reason. Even slowing down a tad on longer races would usually result on busted suspension, while the AI would take the Hills at full speed no problem.
Today the initial lineup of Codemaster games (with 2019's GRID, among others) was announced for EA Play, which by extension includes them in Ultimate Gamepass. Hopefully, this will give the game some needed exposure in advance of the launch of GRID Legends.