Before I post up the final points, a few points of my own I'd like to make.
But for those who can't wait, Miata13b and Ares85 are our S2 champions! Ares just had to take the green to secure it (because of class size), and Miata out drove the GT3 field at Suzuka. Ultimately, my gaff at Daytona, of me not following my own rules,
not me at my finest, lost me a chance I had at a title. And 3 stops didn't work last night But, such is racing. I can't complain with 3 victories on the season... even if one was disallowed...
First off, I'd like to apologize to everyone in the GT Challenge class. The car failed hard. I thought having an exotic name brand and a fun car would appeal to people. That didn't happen. The only reason why we ran you guys at Suzuka was because there were points on the line, and both of you were separated by a few points. I hated seeing that we barely had 3 entries for most weeks. Perhaps we should have considered a car change, but that also had problems associated with it.
I'm really disappointed that we lost so many drivers, for one reason or another, during the course of the year. However, the racing we did have was really fantastic! I think we found something with the GT3 specs we ran (even though some things may need a slight AOP for the future). It's a class we'll bring back as some point.
This will be the last full - on series I will be doing for this year. Going from December last year to September straight is a lot to deal with, and for right now, I can't continue to run Thursday night racing. I don't talk about it a lot, but I am in college, and have tried to work a schedule around Thurdsay nights this year, but that did not happen this semester. It actually didn't work last semester, but from that, I learned I can't keep up with the loss of sleep I was getting
(thank you classes that only schedule at one ridiculous time slot in the a.m. ...).
That being said, other nights and time slots are still open. I would like to find the time to host some one off race ideas I have from now until... whenever we start up a new series. I also still plan on racing in Ares85's GT4 series starting next week, and in TNR's Saturday night GT300/GT3 series when I can (hopefully, I can make the grid for Madrid

At the moment, I can't say what we will do next year, as I, and a few others in the series, are looking at the possibility of taking part in the GTP Endurance Series next season. But I'm more than confident we'll find the time to do something.
To wrap up, a special thank you to everyone who made the grid this year! Without you, I'm just a social recluse who spends time driving in virtual circles for no reason. See you guys on the next one!