GT 6 pre-orders very low

  • Thread starter bigspleen
Yes but not everyone is devoted to GT like it's a religion.

HAHA that tickles me. I'm an atheist, your comment made my day. But honestly my view comes from the fact that I'm not a big gammer and only have a passing interest in any other game. So for me I hold on to Sony and PS just for the GT series. But I never order the crazy diecast, replica helmut, harden edition. Just the game and some beers.
HAHA that tickles me. I'm an atheist, your comment made my day. But honestly my view comes from the fact that I'm not a big gammer and only have a passing interest in any other game. So for me I hold on to Sony and PS just for the GT series. But I never order the crazy diecast, replica helmut, harden edition. Just the game and some beers.

Sure but don't be surprised when other people here do look to other games. I've bought every main GT game and probably will buy GT6 at some point so I'm "devoted" in that sense but my excitement for the series has seriously declined over the years. Back in the PS1 and PS2 days I was seriously excited for each GT game, reading any article in any magazine I could to find out more about it. I bought a PS3 in November 2010 and it was no coincidence. These days though, after GT5, I'm not even bothered about getting GT6 on day one. Plenty of other games that I'm more excited about.
Apart from some half baked track editor, a bit of tarting up of the tyre model and some new tracks (Bathurst, Silverstone etc), I still haven't got a clue what this brings or even why I should get it. If it didn't have the name Gran Turismo, I wouldn't even give it the time of day. I hope I'm pleasantly surprised, but what be disappointed if I'm not.
Does this mean I should preorder another, or should I be content with the one that I have? Should I cancel my order now and get something different? If I did that it will be the first GT title I didn't obtain in the last 12 years. I just don't know what to do.

Oh yeah I think I'll wait to get my copy and decide for myself as I've always been the type that likes to formulate my own opinion.
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Although I agree with the OP to a certain extent, but despite how many fans were disappointed with GT5 flaws, the game still sold more than I expected at a slow steady pace it seems, like a marathon, while other games do sell well in a sprint. I'm sure some of this was due to their marketing on GT academy, XXL edition, and more. So they indeed refreshed their product. I'm more than sure they'll use the same business tactics on GT6 as well.

Haven't been on this site for a while and it looks good!
Theres not many other console options to GT. You have a couple but of those you have physics thatre as questionable as GT and ones that have no interior view. You could go buy xbox and forza and pay their subscription for online racing. You get to put your liveries on there and make fantasy swaps. But I avoid MS. Not impressed with their reliability. My younger brother went through 3 of them and gave up. Theres PC options as well, but lots don't have the knowledge to set it up. Then you have to pay subscriptions for those as well. Thats the appeal of a console game. And GT may be behind on liveries and reused sounds, but theyve been the best option if you go by popularity. If they were so bad people would not keep coming back.
GT6 will be the last GT in the series without pay subscriptions anyways, so that "advantage" won't last long. From what I remember of playing online, the number of dropped connections and the general amount of lag was always higher than what I get from playing my other console sims, but as is always the case with the voodoo that is modern internet connections, YMMV.
I never have drop out or lag when playing Battlefield BC 2 on PS3 even on a full room 24 players with people talking, but a lot of lag or DC in GT5 :/
Theres not many other console options to GT. You have a couple but of those you have physics thatre as questionable as GT and ones that have no interior view. You could go buy xbox and forza and pay their subscription for online racing. You get to put your liveries on there and make fantasy swaps. But I avoid MS. Not impressed with their reliability. My younger brother went through 3 of them and gave up. Theres PC options as well, but lots don't have the knowledge to set it up. Then you have to pay subscriptions for those as well. Thats the appeal of a console game. And GT may be behind on liveries and reused sounds, but theyve been the best option if you go by popularity. If they were so bad people would not keep coming back.

You just said it yourself, there are no alternatives on PS3. People come back to GT because it's good enough and the only choice for this specific genre of driving/racing games.
The whole pre-order thing is a mess, the game is meant to be out in just over a month. You have the 15th Anniversary edition which is essencially being sold as a collectors edition with GAME UK stating it comes with APEX 2, but then the GT official site states nothing about that being included, and now you have "collectors editions" popping up but no confirmation of whether they will be coming to the UK.

I honestly only pre-ordered the Anniversary Edition because

1. I wanted an APEX II book
2. Because I was under the impression there was no higher collectors edition.

I've since learned that APEX II book is make believe and that elsewhere there is a proper collectors edition avialable. bahhhh.
You just said it yourself, there are no alternatives on PS3. People come back to GT because it's good enough and the only choice for this specific genre of driving/racing games.
No. I just said there ARE alternatives. But those alternatives aren't too much stronger than GT when looking at the bigger picture.
No. I just said there ARE alternatives. But those alternatives aren't too much stronger than GT when looking at the bigger picture.
Curious, what would be the alternatives? I can't think of any on the PS3 that I like. The only other console racing game that appeals to me is Forza.

I used to like NFS, Porsche Unleased was awesome in its day but they have yet to make a game of that caliber since, I can't stand GTA or any of the newer NFS titles so what other choice would there be.

Of course I am getting GT6 and very likely getting Project Cars when it is released but am always on the look out for a good racer so if there is any out there that are similar to GT or Forza I am all ears.
No. I just said there ARE alternatives. But those alternatives aren't too much stronger than GT when looking at the bigger picture.

What are the alternatives, because I'd like to buy them.

All I can think of that comes close is Shift/Shift 2, and from a simulation perspective the physics in those are even more flawed than GT5. Not to mention the games were buggy as all get out. Fun on PC once you mod them a bit though.

Grid/Grid 2? One small step from Burnout. Hot Pursuit/Most Wanted/etc.? Not even slightly simulation-y.

Ferrari Challenge/Supercar Challenge are decent, but have a seriously limited selection of cars. One is a single make only, the other is the same car list with a few extra supercars tacked on.

Find me a game on PS3 with physics that are at least attempting to be realistic and more than a hundred road cars ranging from the everyday driver to supercars from various brands. I can't think of one.

The only other game I can think of that is directly comparable with GT is Forza, and it's on a different platform. pCARS may do once it comes out in a year or so, but the feature set and car list for that hasn't been finalised so it's hard to say.

I agree with previous posters. GT does as well as it does because there's really nothing else even close.
Yes, what are the alternatives?
I bought GT5 Prologue nearly two years after its release in November 2009 when they lowered the price of the PS3 to $299. There was still a pretty healthy online community especially on weekends.

I had bought Grid for the PC a year earlier and the online sucked. Maybe 3 or 4 rooms, figure 8 demolition derby driving or ill handling muscle car rooms.

After I bought the PS3 I rented Grid, and there was nothing online – nothing.

While waiting for GT5 to come out I bought Shift for the ps3. It looked really good (720p though). There were very few online rooms, and after getting knocked off the track so many times, and discovering that you actually got points for knocking people off the track(how stupid is that), I went back to GT5P and waited for GT5.

Now I wait for GT6. I don’t think there is any viable alternative.
Thats my point! People wonder what alternatives there is to GT, well you have to go for GRID, switch to Xbox with Forza, NFS Shift or you can go PC with sims like RFactor or iRacing. So there you have it. GT against these seemingly stands up pretty well. I wont say its perfect because it isn't. The main point I'm making is people have choices, but the majority choose Gran Turismo.
Thats my point! People wonder what alternatives there is to GT, well you have to go for GRID, switch to Xbox with Forza, NFS Shift or you can go PC with sims like RFactor or iRacing. So there you have it. GT against these seemingly stands up pretty well. I wont say its perfect because it isn't. The main point I'm making is people have choices, but the majority choose Gran Turismo.

The point is that Grid and Shift are not comparable to GT. They're much more comparable to Hot Pursuit and Most Wanted than they are to GT. If you want a realistic driving experience, you do not choose Grid or Shift.

If you want a realistic driving experience on PS3, GT is it. Don't get me wrong, GT has done a lot of things very well in the past to get to where it is. But on PS2 there was at least competitors like Sega GT and Enthusia. On PS3, there is nothing. GT is a monopoly, with a few semi-simulator games like Ferrari Challenge being very careful not to step into GT's space.

Why that should be I'm not entirely sure. For a game with sales like GT I'd have though there would be companies falling over themselves to clone it, like there are with GTA.

GT stands more or less alone, and it's certainly alone on PS3. How much of it's sales are down to that is debatable, but if you want a realistic driving game with a range of cars on PS3 you buy GT or you buy nothing. There is no competition.
I don't think so. PD's problem is that they have not demonstrated any features for GT6 that address these shortcomings.

Solid point... In fact now that I think about it, everything that has been announced about GT6 could have simply been GT5 dlc...
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Sorry for not being exact, but if people are looking for a racing game alternative they are what the competition likes to tout. Whether they're comparable in gameplay modes or physics isn't what I'm elaborating on. Those are the 'competition' to GT. So even the alternative competition has at least as many if not more flaws imo.
I think there is going to be substantial backlack for gt6 sales due to the relatively poor critics response for gt5. Gt5 was extremely traditional and conservative gt title and the general view is that it lacked innovation. While at the core the graphics and physics were good the game lacked a lot of stuff people were expecting from a new console generation gt game. But gt5 still sold well because it was the first modern gt game that was hugely anticipated. Even with all its faults it still managed to be "fresh". For lot of playstation owners the gt series is also one of the few games everybody knows.

Things are different for gt6. It doesn't look revolutionary at all. For the most part for the casual gamer the jump from gt5 to gt6 is similar like you see from fifa 2012 to 2013 or nhl 2012 to 2013 versions. I personally bought ps3 just to play gt5 (and prologue) because I wanted to see how good the console racers are with modern consoles. I'm thinking whether I even get gt6 at all because there seems to be very few reasons to do so...

Gt6 will sell only because it is a gt title. If the game was not called gran turismo it probably wouldn't sell all that much simply because it is not exciting, it is not new and not revolutionary. It feels like a touched up gt5. Going from gt1 to gt2 or from gt3 to gt4 there was always this sense of substantial improvement. People kept buying because the game kept giving people more and better what people wanted.

With gt6 lot of people are waiting to see how the game looks like. I bet lots of people are waiting to see it before buying. This is very dangerous for the sales because gt6 imho looks yet another very conservative and traditional gt title and the early critics response is going to be harsher and more significant this time than it was with gt5. A lot of stuff was forgiven for gt5 for it being the first gt on ps3. Overall on metacritic gt5 has user score of 7.5 while critics have it 84. Essentially the same game is not going to get better scores.

Even the most wanted updates people have been asking seem to have been totally ignored. From casual player perspective one has to ask why should they buy it because the game doesn't seem to be addressing the faults in gt5 at all.

The way I see it the core audience for gt6 is the hardcore gt5 fans and gt series fans. A big group of gt series fgans will probably skip gt6 and get ps4 instead. Hardcore gt5 fans are still weighing the pros and cons of gt6. I think gt6 will sell a lot less than gt5. I think gt6 will be the least sold gt title ever. There just isn't any reason to expect gt6 to do well. What could make gt6 sell well? Gt5 sold well because it was first gt title on that era of consoles, it was hyped and postponed and hyped more for years and years. It had tons and tons of people just waiting for it to come out. It also had lots of firsts for gt title. First truly great looking driving game, online playing, steering wheel support, first for ps3...
It is funny how they are lower then beofore as with GT6 it is the first time I have pre ordered a game.

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