Here's a review I did on it.
This car is the definition of aggressive! It just looks fantastic.
And since it's a Premium car it has an interior, which has been designed by the Polyphony Digital team. The car is inspired by a jet fighter...and man did they get that part right! The cockpit is truly scary! Unfortunately it's so small and coupled with the fact that the driver in the car is a midget, you can't really see anything in front of you...Oh, I dunno SUCH AS CORNERS! So I had to drive it in "bumper cam" mode.
This is an Rear-wheel drive car but it handles totally like a 4WD. I think is has to do a lot with the cars weight, it's just sooo heavy. I mean, it's so long that from the hood to the spoiler, the car covers several time-zones!
Because it behaves like a 4WD, it's very forgiving of your mistakes. With a standard MR, a bit too much throttle in a corner will most likely send you in a 'tornado spin'. This however doesn't. You can take almost every corner with the foot all the way down and nothing will go wrong. But this also means there is some understeer; still manageable though.
This car is just pure weak sauce. Couple that with the huge weight, this car is just slow. And this is the reason it's also so controllable in corners, it's just not powerful enough. Take the Zonda R for instance, it's super unforgiving; but it makes up for it in pure raw power!
I like my super sports cars to have very high pitch engines. This one sounds like a turbo-charged truck. It has 7 gears, which makes it really uncomfortable to drive, as you're going up and down the gears every few seconds. So it has 7 gears like an F1 car...but it doesn't have the revs. The red-line was at 9,000.
Really easy to drive. Very forgiving. And looks like a beast. Just don't take up any drag race with it!