GT CITROËN '08+Others

  • Thread starter BomBeRkInG
-----Just earned this monster car!!! MAN it took me one whole day with Class S events (Race S-9) and I this car is really fast when I tried it in Arcade mode:sly:

Also, I tried to use it for drifting and it works PERFECTLY smooth drifting and it also has very, very, very fast speed rate even when the race starts.

Im going to get the Ferrari F1 so that me and my brother can race against each other.

But there is this problem.

I go to online and suddenly---Performance Points has reach the limit!---What!? So I go to quick tune and it was over the Performance Points. So, I used N1 Wheels to decrease the speed and tell you what, I got bad racing against my opponents and everytime I turn the GT with N1 wheels...The car slips out! It's so anoyying if you ask me!

Why can't they make a race with over 800 perfomance points? But they would not because they think that if someone with a Ferrari would CERTAINLY WIN...Well, yeah but if that is true then make the Ferrari F1 a car that you cannot use during the race.

I enjoyed my new car but I found out that if you use this online...There is certainly no way to use this car, I cannot find a good race and if I did find a race for my car, I had to change my WHEELS TO N1, WOW!:yuck:

I spented 1,000,000 credits for this unique car but ýou know what else? You cannot change the Power of this car in quick tune! Wow again!

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