GT HP Nut's Gallery: In a Foreign Land

Very nice shots #3 and #4 are the best 👍. Happy christmas :)
Thanks! :)
Those GT-R shots are amazing. The letterbox style borders are great!
Thanks for the compliments, SVX! :cheers:
Daaaamn is that last shot sexy! I just love how the way it looks, and almost everything about it!

And the GTR shots are pretty neat as well. Last of that set looks pretty realistic.
Thank you for the comment, Taiga! :)
Your reply tells me that I have achieved my primary aim of the GT-R set!
Nice shots, the X1 shot is fantastic 👍
Thanks for the reply and the appreciation, mazda787! :cheers:
Great shots, GT HP. Need more photos! :D
Thanks MadMoss! :D
More and more shots will be coming in their way in 2013!


Another Update

It's already 3 days too late for this update to be called a 'New Year's Special'. :indiff:
Time passes (too) quickly, I must say.

This set is one of those updates that contain a few photos. I don't prefer updates with a lot of photos anymore, two of the reasons are that they're time-consuming, and the presentation of smaller updates look better IMO. So this set only contains 7 photos, and they're taken almost half a year ago. :crazy:

And I finally bought the BRZ, so there might be an update of it some time later, but I'm still waiting to take some photos.

Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren @ Mt. Aso:

Comment on my photos, and may you have a wonderful and happy New Year! :cheers:
Cool shots, the first 2 are my favourites. 👍 Happy new year! :)
Thanks! :)
Cool set! Love the mood :)!

Thank you. :)


New Update

Yeah, most of you have probably known this, but I'm still going to repeat it, in case some of you haven't heard it.

My PS3 got a YLOD.

It happened last Saturday night, when I was taking photos for the CCCL Competition Week 85. It turned off itself, and I never got a chance to retrieve my saved data. Plus, my GT5 game disc was stuck in it.

The lucky thing, though, was that I've got my GT5 game data saved in a USB, but datas of all the other games are gone.

And now, the PS3 is in my home, and I never got a chance to return it to Sony to fix the problem. So there it will stay, until I've got time to take the heavy thing to Sony and let them fix it.

Any help regarding the problem of getting the game disc out of my PS3 is welcomed.


Aston Martin V12 Vantage @ Deep Forest Raceway:

The 3rd one is used as my 2.0 Week 112 entry as well.


Edited randoms...

Personally, I like the borders that are added to my new edits, but since objective opinions improve one's work, I'm asking for your opinions on it as well. ;)

Comment on my photos!
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Nice shots, I like your editing style more and more! 👍

Any help regarding the problem of getting the game disc out of my PS3 is welcomed.

If you're brave enough to do it, the hairdryer trick might help. That doesn't really fix the problem but should make the PS3 behave normal for long enough to at least get the game disc out and maybe back up your stuff. Just google "PS3 hairdryer fix" for a guide. Again though, it's not permanent at all and will probably last you a few days at most. Oh, and I'm not responsible for stuff going wrong, even though I doubt much more could go wrong at the point of a YLOD ;)
Love how clean and crisp the XJ13 shot looks, you can see each bolt on the Jag so clearly! :eek:

Rest of the stuff is lovely as well, I hope you get your PS3 fixed! Must be a bummer that it's out.
Great set really love the randoms. Sorry to hear about the ps3 hope it gets fixed soon.
Thanks for the kind words. :)
Nice shots, I like your editing style more and more! 👍

If you're brave enough to do it, the hairdryer trick might help. That doesn't really fix the problem but should make the PS3 behave normal for long enough to at least get the game disc out and maybe back up your stuff. Just google "PS3 hairdryer fix" for a guide. Again though, it's not permanent at all and will probably last you a few days at most. Oh, and I'm not responsible for stuff going wrong, even though I doubt much more could go wrong at the point of a YLOD ;)

Overheating doesn't seem to be the problem, as my PS3 isn't anywhere near hot when I touch it. Plus, I don't have the balls to risk it, as anything might do more damage to the PS3. So I didn't do anything to it (except getting all the dust out of it) before sending it to Sony, which I did just yesterday.
I appreciate you all for trying to help though, thanks. 👍
I really love the composition of your RedBull shot :drool:
Thanks. :)
Love how clean and crisp the XJ13 shot looks, you can see each bolt on the Jag so clearly! :eek:

Rest of the stuff is lovely as well, I hope you get your PS3 fixed! Must be a bummer that it's out.
Thanks! :)
Yeah, I don't get to play one of my favourite games, so game demos on my computer will have to do for now, until I get my PS3 back/a new console.

The Aston set looks really good, and so does the last picture, that transition is really good. :drool:

Thanks for the compliment! :)


Another Update

My PS3 is sent to Sony yesterday, and it's only a few hours ago I got the message from my father (the people of Sony have contacted him) that it will cost more than 1000 HKD (~128 USD) to fix it.
So my parents decided to abandon the fat old PS3, and get me a new one. But there are conditions though (tough ones :crazy:), and it'll be at least June when I get my hands on the new console. So I don't know if this is good news at all.
Right now I'll stick to my PC and download game demos from Steam.

Toyota FT-86 II Concept @ Special Stage Route X:

Comment on my photos! :)
Great set no.8 is my favourite. Unlucky that it's going to take a long time to get a new PS3. Try to have as much fun as possible without the PS3.
(Your parents are right ! ;) But that's still a little long :lol: )

Anyway, nice set mate with often a good sense of spedd and clear light. I especially like the third and the fifth :)
Great set no.8 is my favourite. Unlucky that it's going to take a long time to get a new PS3. Try to have as much fun as possible without the PS3.
Thanks. I will try. :)
While I like the angle in number 9, I feel the car is too close to the center.
Thanks for the comments and criticism.
(Your parents are right ! ;) But that's still a little long :lol: )

Anyway, nice set mate with often a good sense of speed and clear light. I especially like the third and the fifth :)
Thanks! :)
The 5 months are not going to be an easy time for me to pass. :ill:
Love the 1st and 8th mate! :drool:
Thbaks for the compliment! :)
Congrats on the new PS3. And for christmas PS4 ? ;). Nice set 👍.
And I am planning to go directly for the PS4 (if it is released in this year).


Another Update

My PS3 is broken, so I am now waiting for the release of PS4. And since rumours have it that the PS4 will be revealed at an event held on Feb 20, I am looking forward to the event.
(But after all, it's only rumours that I've heard, so I better not hold my hopes up too high.)
This set is another one of those mixed sets. Some of the shots are 'completely' edited, and some of them are untouched. One thing worth noting is that I've done slight tweakings to some shots using Aviary, which is (kind of) a first for me.

Arta Garaiya GT300 & Subaru Impreza GT300 @ Tokyo R246:


Comment on my photos! :)
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Beautiful GT300 set, I really love the third one, original and great choice of angle, very reallistic appearance.
And I agree about the F1 shot, really well made.
Really nice GT300 set also really like the F1 shot. 👍
Thanks! :)
I agree for that F1 pic, looks great! ;)👍
Thank you! :)
Beautiful GT300 set, I really love the third one, original and great choice of angle, very reallistic appearance.
And I agree about the F1 shot, really well made.
Thanks for the compliment! :D
Numbers seven and eight are spot on. Sweet composition!

Thanks! :cheers:


Another Update

This time it's all pieces I got from 2 photoshoots (before my PS3 broke, of course). I've got an edited set up my sleeve, but I'm not planning to release it until sometime later.

Again, tweakings are done to these shots using Aviary. I will do this to my shots in the future updates more frequently.


Comment on my photos! :)
Between your last two updates, my favourite has to be this shot.


What I would change in the shot:

Very nice set, no.2 and 3 are amazing. 👍 :)
Thanks! :)
Between your last two updates, my favourite has to be this shot.


What I would change in the shot:


Thanks for the criticism! I will improve once I start shooting photos again! :cheers:


New Update

This set is the edited set I mentioned earlier. I originally planned to release it after a few updates, but since I've entered the 2.0 Competition with one of the shots, I may as well post them here...

Blue Skies
(Part 1)

Oh, and I re-edited one of my edited shots.
I thought there was too much redundant space in that photo, therefore I added a few line of text into it. Please tell me what you think of the photo, especially the type of text, as I may use it again in the future. If it suits you, that is.

The text used is Malgun Gothic.

Please comment on my photos! :)
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Nice set, the third has a very original angle, I like it very much :)
Thank you for the compliment! :)
Nice set I like the angles of 1,3 and 4. 👍

Thanks. :cheers:


Another Update

The test's finally finished, and now I'm have two weeks of holiday! So here I am, updating my gallery. This time I'll return to unedited shots, but I can assure you the 2nd part of the Mustang set is coming.

Nissan Skyline GT-R (R34) @ Suzuka Circuit:
(Part 1)

Comment on my photos! :)
Nice pics really like #1 and #3

Thanks! :)


Another Update

Right now it's still unedited shots, but the remaining photos from the last Mustang set will be featured in the next update.

Nissan Skyline GT-R (R34) @ Suzuka Circuit:
(Part 2)

Comment on my photos! :)

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